This time, when he returned to Krakoa on Earth, compared with the last time, Romen's condition was quite perfect. Even the energy in his body was not consumed much, and he basically recovered in the blink of an eye.

The power of this natural space gem is just like the incomparable increase in Romen's spiritual power after mastering the mind gem. After obtaining the space gem, Romen's mastery of space power has also been further improved.

In the simplest terms, the original difficulty of prying space is 100, and under the increase of the space gem, it is directly reduced to 1. Not only that, this is an all-round increase, the distance of space movement, the consumption of using space ability, etc., have all been greatly increased.

If Romen leaves Odin's treasure house with his own power, he will become the same as before.

However, after the increase of the space gem, it is as simple as eating and drinking water, without any pressure.

Of course, although he has the space gem, Romen will not really go in and out of Odin's treasure house casually.

Although there are actually quite a few treasures in Odin's treasure house, there is no need to make enemies with Odin. Moreover, he did not think that Odin would not move his treasure house after he got the Space Gem.

The Infinity Gem, after meeting the right person, can play a role that can be imagined infinitely.

With the power of the Space Gem, Romen can do many things, such as building a channel between himself and the mirror dimension. With the help of this channel, he can directly move other things to the mirror dimension, and the energy consumed will be less.

In other words, Romen also has his own portable storage space.

In the past, when he wanted to store things, he would directly transmit them back to Krakoa. Now he can put them directly in the mirror dimension, and the safety level is directly maximized.

Moreover, with the power of the Space Gem, the mirror dimension will be closer to the current world.

The only regret is that if the Space Gem had not left this universe, it would have lost its effectiveness directly. If Romen puts the Space Gem in the mirror dimension, then the mirror dimension may be able to achieve energy freedom. At that time, Romen in different time and space can travel between different time and space.

But unfortunately, the Space Gem cannot leave this universe.

"Wait, I seem to have another energy source."

Looking at the blazing flames in the room, Romen's eyes lit up.

The Eternal Fire is also an extremely powerful energy source. In terms of pure strength, it is infinitely close to a single universe. When Surter gets the Eternal Fire, his strength will soar directly. Surter, who is infinitely close to a single universe, is an invincible existence in Asgard where Odin died.

Putting the Eternal Fire in the mirror dimension and leaving this universe, Surter can't get it no matter how powerful he is. This may really stop Ragnarok. In this case, even if Hela takes over Asgard, it is not Ragnarok, and it is indirectly considered to have solved Ragnarok.

Of course, after thinking about it, Romen put away this idea.

Although the Eternal Fire was taken away by him, he dared not guarantee that Surter might get an energy source similar to the Eternal Fire from somewhere, and then directly create Ragnarok and destroy Asgard.

Because Ragnarok has a shadow beyond the gods behind it, this is also an inevitable fate.

If you want to completely cut off the Ragnarok, you must have enough strength to cut off this line of destiny with absolute strength. Otherwise, if this line of destiny is not broken, then the direction pointed by the line of destiny is the inevitable future of Asgard.

This is not something that can be solved by taking away a ball of eternal fire. This is the power of destiny, which is a kind of inevitability.

It's like the protagonist will upgrade by killing monsters and become the strongest in the world. Unless there is an absolutely powerful force to change everything, everything is inevitable. For example, the young Emperor Huang Tian faced the situation of Brother Di Gu.

In short, instead of fantasizing about solving the Ragnarok of Asgard, it is better to imagine how to retain the living power of Asgard in the future. This may be easier.

After mastering the Cosmic Cube, in the current universe, Romen's self-preservation ability should be regarded as the most outstanding.

Not to mention other things, just in terms of strength, Romen is also his greatest confidence.

If you want to do it, do it. Romen also directly placed the Eternal Fire in the core area of ​​the mirror dimension, and refined and controlled the Eternal Fire with the power of the entire dimension.

"Not bad, it will be fine after a few more days."

Eternal FireHaving been separated from Surtur for too long, coupled with Odin's restrictions, it is to some extent an ownerless thing. In addition, after leaving this universe, it is like rootless water, which needs an attachment.

Therefore, even if the power of the mirror dimension is not as good as the Eternal Fire at present, under Romen's control, the degree of refining of the mirror dimension is also very fast.

However, the speed is very fast, but it cannot be completed in a short time.

However, after the Eternal Fire entered the mirror dimension, the mirror dimension was like a swimming pool without a pump, and it had a new powerful pump, and then the almost dry swimming pool, almost to the bottom of the horizontal line, was also rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the past, the energy of the mirror dimension had a certain recovery speed due to the efforts of Romen in various time and space, but it was quite limited. However, after initially possessing the Eternal Fire, it suddenly increased visibly to the naked eye.

"Now it seems that the mirror dimension is missing an energy core."

Feeling the state of the mirror dimension, Romen also felt that it was indeed a good choice for him to ask Odin for the Eternal Fire.

After a rough estimate, it will take at least a month to complete the initial refining of the Eternal Fire, and the follow-up will be a long-term adjustment.

However, even if it is a preliminary refining, the benefit to the mirror dimension is also extremely huge.

After a quick look at the situation and confirming that there is no problem, Romen no longer cares about the changes in the mirror dimension.

Here, something interesting seems to have happened in the Avengers, and Romen is ready to go and see the show.

To be honest, since the retirement of Ancient One and the improvement of his strength, Romen feels that he has relaxed a lot.

After a self-reflection, Romen is ready to go and see the situation first. What happened this time is quite interesting.

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