"So, Nick Fury is going to create a powerful super Skrull for the Avengers, and then add Captain Marvel and the others to get rid of those super Skrulls?"

After looking at the real-time intelligence provided by Skynet, Romen really felt powerless to complain.

Romen knew this plot, but that was a decision he would make when Captain Marvel was nowhere to be found and had no choice.

But this time, Captain Marvel himself is here, and he still does it, which is somewhat magical.

Those who are not of my kind must have different hearts. Although it is a bit too absolute, it is not without reason.

Of course, this time this Skrull woman named Jia is indeed on the side of Nick Fury, but who can be sure that such actions will really be okay?

"A level 4 energy conflict broke out at an abandoned nuclear power plant in Russia."

After a while, Romen received the latest intelligence from Skynet.

The nuclear radiation in the abandoned nuclear power plant is an absolutely irresistible terrorist threat to humans. But for the Skrulls, there is no effect.

Therefore, most of the Skrulls have built bases in places like abandoned nuclear power plants. Under normal circumstances, no one would enter abandoned nuclear power plants with extremely serious nuclear radiation, so this kind of human restricted area is very suitable for the survival of the Skrulls.

As for the energy conflict of level 4 intensity, it is roughly equivalent to the level of strength that a level 4 mutant can show after bursting out his strength with all his strength.

Of course, the so-called level is just a representation of the strength of a range.

However, it can be seen that this so-called super Skrull can only reach this level if it is cultivated after birth. Although he has many superpowers, he is still more than a little worse than Captain Marvel.

After thinking about it, he directly used the amplification of the Mind Stone and then observed the situation directly.

Compared with going there to watch directly, he just lacked a little sense of participation.

"Hmm? The breath of the dimensional demon?"

After seeing a woman who looked like Dragon Mother, constantly changing and fighting with a green-skinned muscular man, he suddenly looked at the Skrull who showed his own form.

The breath of the other dimension, under the amplification of the Mind Gem, can be said to be quite clear under Romen's perception.

Although Romen himself is considered the lord of the mirror dimension, after reaching the level of the Father of Heaven, he is barely qualified to be called the dimensional demon god. However, compared with other dimensions with various tendencies, the mirror dimension without any power attributes is actually not very impressive.

And the Skrull named Gravik is the leader of those radical Skrulls. Although he has become a super Skrull, Romen did not pay much attention to him.

However, the very obscure but obvious high-dimensional breath on him also made him a little interested.

According to the legends and myths of the Skrulls, there is also a supreme god named Clayburn.

The Skrulls are actually experimental products transformed by the Celestial God Group, just like mutants and Eternals.

However, the Skrulls with superpowers are divided into two parts, one of which is the mutant mutants, that is, the Skrulls with the ability to transform. The other part is the Eternal Skrulls, who have no ability to transform but possess great power, similar to the Eternals. The Titans to which Thanos belongs are also Eternals.

The two types of Skrulls naturally started a civil war as expected.

In the end, Clayburn, the Eternal Skrull, survived, but it is unknown what he paid.

However, later on, Clayburn married a female leader of the mutant Skrulls, Slegult, and later both of them became the supreme gods of the Skrulls.

However, later on, Clayburn compiled a Bible for the Skrulls and made a prophecy, indicating that the Skrull planet will be destroyed in the future, but will find a new home called Earth.

Obviously, millions of Skrulls gathered on Earth, not simply to want a place to settle.

The radical Skrulls led by Gravik must have many followers of Clayburn.

After a slight perception, the opponent only had a very weak will attached to Gravik, but under Romen's perception, this will also began to become active, and then very obscurely opened up an energy channel, injecting a powerful force into Gravik.

Under the catalysis of this energy, Romen could feel that in the battle with the woman with the appearance of the Dragon Mother, the aura on his body also began to subtly improve.

However, according to Romen's judgment, even under the catalytic improvement of this ability, this family called GravikMan, the upper limit that can be improved should be the level of the peak of level 4.

As for higher levels, there may be a chance to reach the sub-father, but it is highly unlikely. As for the father level, it is definitely impossible.

According to perception, the master behind this power, that is, the father level, wants to upgrade this Gravik to the sub-father, not to mention the father level, this energy channel cannot support such a powerful energy channel.

At present, the movement is relatively small. If it is a little bigger, maybe Strange, the Supreme Sorcerer, can detect it. Although Strange's strength is not particularly strong at present, there is still no problem in dealing with this dimensional problem on Earth.

"It seems that this problem will be solved soon."

As Gravik's power continued to increase and began to increase and suppress Jiaya, Romen saw that Aunt Marvel also had the intention to take action, and naturally knew that this battle should be over.

No matter what Clayburn thought, after Aunt Marvel took action, Gravik definitely had no chance of turning the tables.

But speaking of it, in the Marvel world, the Earth is always popular, and no one knows why.


While observing the battle, Romen suddenly noticed some changes in the mirror dimension, and then instantly realized what was going on.

"Is it finally online?"

After feeling it, it was the projection reincarnation that was launched a long time ago, and it was finally successfully connected.

"So it's this world, why hasn't it awakened..."

After sensing the situation, Romen suddenly showed a look of realization.

If it's this world, it's not surprising.

After watching the Marvelous Aunt take over the battle over there, knowing that there was no suspense, Romen also directly shifted his attention to this newly appeared Romen.

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