"Let me see how far this super Skrull's genes can go."

Ultron quickly extracted Gravik's genes and began the testing phase.

Because the integration of genes and machines has already reached a near-perfect level in past practices, the most important thing now is to see how far the super Skrull's genes can go.

Ultron, for the birth of a perfect body, puts all his hopes on it.

After passing a series of program tests, even with a robot body, Ultron's emotions can still be seen with the naked eye.

Obviously, the result should be more to Ultron's liking.

"Although there is a certain upper limit, it should be due to acquired cultivation. However, due to the influence of some special forces, it seems to be better than I expected."

Looking at the test results, Ultron's scarlet mechanical eyes kept flashing, and it can be seen that his emotional fluctuations are quite intense.

However, although Ultron has emotional fluctuations as an intelligent life, the robot's body will not be greatly affected by emotional fluctuations.

When his emotions fluctuated, Ultron immediately started to complete his new body after verifying the effect of Gravik's genes.

In order to ensure the strength of his new body, special metals such as adamantium and vibranium were used, as well as a lot of biological tissues.

In terms of the combination of organisms and metals, the Steelix genes originally possessed by the Sentinel Robot Research Institute can achieve a perfect balance between organic and inorganic.

As for the energy problem, the Black Emperor Xiao's genes have solved it. After combining the Black Emperor Xiao's genes, the whole body is an alternative storage device that can store energy.

In the past, the abilities of multiple genes could not be used at the same time, but after obtaining Gravik's genes, this is no longer a problem. The inclusiveness of the Super Skrull genes allows his body to use at least six genes at the same time.

Although the number is not particularly large, it is enough to use. Six abilities can be switched temporarily, which is enough to face most enemies.

Moreover, in the future, it is possible to obtain genes better than the Super Skrull.

"Mutants? Even if they are mutants, so what?"

Looking at the process of transforming the body, Ultron thought of Romen again.

His new body has also made great optimizations in terms of protecting mental power.

Robots have no minds, but this intelligent life has. Therefore, after referring to Magneto's helmet, he also made relevant modifications to this body. Although mental power can basically not be used at that time, it doesn't matter whether there is mental power or not unless there is absolutely something wrong.

Moreover, in front of the man who has mastered the Mind Scepter, there is basically no mental power that can fight against it. In this case, it is better to go all the way and do a good job of protection.

As long as he can defeat that man and master the Mind Scepter, other mental powers will no longer be a problem.

Of course, after learning the lesson, Ultron will naturally not go to Romen for trouble immediately.

Ultron naturally followed the battle between Romen and Captain Marvel. Romen's strength was terrifying, so it didn't want to provoke Romen so early.

However, it could take revenge on its creator, Tony Stark, at that time.

By the way, in addition to Tony Stark, there is also the rebellious son, Vision.

But think about it carefully, if it weren't for the birth of Vision, he would not have missed the chance to get that vibranium body, he would not have found the factory of the Sentinel robot, and he could get a better body now.

"Tony Stark, Vision, wait for me!"

Ultron spoke while continuing to transform his new body.

It didn't take a long time, because the preparations had been done long ago, and the subsequent transformation work would not take a long time.

"The first step to success, completed!"

Looking at his metal body in front of him, Ultron also walked towards that body and started to prepare for data transfer directly.

This time, in order to prevent the same thing as Vision from happening again, he was fully prepared.

As early as when this body was created, a large part of his data had been input into it. The subsequent transmission of data was the most core part, and it took a very short time.

The truth that dreams come easily at night was taught to us by those superheroes.He.

With his back against the new body, and then connected by a thick data line, Ultron's core data began to transfer.

Not only data transmission, in addition to the thick data line, there are also many cables plugged into the new body. With the start of data transmission, a huge amount of electricity began to be input into this body, and at the same time, many functions of this body were gradually activated.

It didn't take a long time for a pair of scarlet mechanical eyes to go out, and another pair of scarlet mechanical eyes also lit up together.

"POWER, unparalleled power."

Feeling the power of the new body, without any accidents, Ultron's emotions were also quite intense. Perhaps it was the genes of many creatures, he seemed to be able to feel the existence of so-called emotions, but he did not reject it. As long as he needed, he could abandon the influence of emotions at any time.

"I feel that I am now extremely powerful!"

Standing up, Ultron stretched out his hand to grab the head of the previous body behind him, and squeezed it flat with a light pinch, and the green luster spread all over the mechanical arm.

Although Ultron's previous body was not made of vibranium or adamantium, it was also the top special alloy, so its strength was naturally beyond words.

However, it did not last long under the grip of Ultron's new body.

"The Hulk's power is indeed strong."

Looking at the slowly receding green luster on the metal arm, Ultron smiled and spoke.

At this time, the new body gave him many abilities, and his anthropomorphic expression was more freely expressed.

"Then, it's time for me to take revenge, but before that, I need more helpers."

Carelessly throwing away the old body in his hand, Ultron also thought of building more robots.

Mastering the genes of the Super Skrulls, she can build more powerful robots. With quality and quantity, he can't think of how he can lose.

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