"Brain in a vat?"

Looking at Ultron, Tony Stark couldn't help but speak.

"No, of course not. I'm not a bad guy. Humans have full control over their bodies, but in the second world, they can get everything. I think no one can refuse the second world."

Looking at Ultron, Tony was also a little confused and didn't quite understand Ultron's purpose.

"All disputes and conflicts in the human world are ultimately caused by the uneven distribution of resources."

"From ancient times to the present, whether it is wars between countries or fights between individuals, the essence is the competition for limited resources. These resources include but are not limited to land, wealth, power, knowledge, etc. The scarcity of resources forces people to compete for more shares in order to meet their own survival and development needs."

"In modern society, this resource competition has become particularly fierce. With population growth and technological progress, natural resources on the earth are becoming increasingly scarce, while human beings' pursuit of material and spiritual enjoyment is increasing. This has led to the outbreak of various resource wars, such as the competition for energy such as oil and minerals, regional conflicts caused by water shortages, and capital games in financial markets. ”

“In addition, the unequal distribution of resources is also one of the important reasons for social conflicts. Some people have a lot of resources, while others are in poverty and disadvantaged positions. This gap can easily arouse social dissatisfaction and even lead to class confrontation and violent conflicts. Therefore, achieving fair and reasonable distribution of resources has become the key to solving social problems and maintaining social stability. ”

“And I will give everything equality. In the second world, all human beings can be satisfied. Everything in reality, the lack of labor, everything can be replaced by robots, and humans will get real freedom, and there will be no war. ”

Hearing what Ultron said, fine beads of sweat were all over Tony Stark's forehead. He knew that if Ultron could really create the so-called second world and then promote it. After all labor that requires manpower can be replaced by robots, it is possible that Ultron's goal can really be achieved.

"There are twelve months in a year, fifty-two weeks, and each week runs from Monday to Sunday."

"In this vast world, there is a part of human beings whose lives are divided by time. From Monday to Sunday, everyone has different expectations and desires. Some people may eagerly look forward to the arrival of Saturday, because that means the rest day of the week has finally arrived."

"And some people can only enjoy two days off a week, or even more cruelly, only one day off. There are also some people who may face more severe work pressure, with almost no rest time every month, trapped in the 996 's working mode. Longing for rest, but trapped in labor, this is the current situation of human beings. "

"And I will give them an unprecedented lifestyle. No longer just two days off or one day off a week, no, I will give them a more generous gift-seven days off!"

"Let every human being have enough time to freely dispose of and pursue what they really want in their hearts. In this vast world, everyone can be the master of their own life, enjoy their own wonderful life, enjoy their own life freely, and no longer be busy with life, work, etc. "

Hearing Ultron's words, Tony Stark's sweat finally couldn't be controlled and soaked through his shirt. Even though there was a built-in air conditioner in the battle suit, he was still sweating.

After all, he is a capitalist who can freely dispose of his own time, wealth, etc.

But he also knows that this world is more about ordinary people who are dominated in various ways.

If everything Ultron said can become a fact, the existing pattern of human beings will inevitably be broken, and Ultron will also receive countless human support.

Capitalists, politicians and even various superiors are only a minority in this world.

He knew that there was a proverb in the ancient country of the East, that is, he who wins the hearts of the people wins the world.

And Ultron's method, in a sense, will inevitably win the hearts of the vast majority of people. At that time, the obstruction of a small number of humans will be meaningless.

At that time, even if Captain Marvel can solve Ultron, the people will inevitably protect Ultron. Because the people know that Ultron is now on their side.

Although Ultron had the idea of ​​destroying the world before, such news was only known to a few people. After knowing Ultron's idea, the majority of people supported him.The people of Ultron are definitely greater than the opponents.

Overt plot, upright and irresistible.

"No, we must not let it achieve its goal."

Looking at Ultron, Tony Stark also made up his mind decisively.

He wanted to stop Ultron, not because there was something wrong with Ultron's move, nor because of his identity as a capitalist, which made him reluctant to give up his current wealth and status.

Rather, the fate of mankind cannot be in the hands of a robot, especially this guy, who once had the idea of ​​destroying the world.

If everything is handed over to robots, and this world is also ruled by robots, then the survival of humans in the second world, even if they can return to the real world, more people will inevitably want to immerse themselves in a better second world, then what is the difference between humans and being kept in captivity?

"Why, your me, is it not good? Isn't this heaven?"

Looking at Tony Stark, Ultron also smiled.

When he does not aim to destroy mankind, but stands from the perspective of the vast majority of mankind and thinks for them. Then, these humans will eventually stand behind it.

"What you said is fine, but the fate of mankind should not be handed over to a non-human creature with unknown intentions."

After a moment of silence, Tony Stark looked at Ultron with a firm face and spoke.

Captain America over there was actually shaken when he heard the beautiful future described by Ultron.

Captain America, who has a noble character, is a good man who truly stands on the side of the general public.

But after hearing what Tony Stark said, he also reacted. If he told everything to Ultron, it would indeed be too dangerous.

"Then who can we entrust it to? You? Or, those so-called politicians? Capitalists?"

For a moment, Tony Stark was silent. It would be better to hand it over to Ultron directly than to these guys.

He really didn't think about this question carefully.

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