"What a great conspiracy. Compared with the previous one, it has improved a lot."

Of course, Luo Men knew about Ultron's big move at the first time.

However, Luo Men did not want to comment on Ultron's actions.

He wanted to form a trend and eliminate the root of resistance from the source by holding the public opinion hostage.

Ultron's move may not be easy to deal with other people, such as those well-known villains. But it is really useful to deal with the justice-minded superheroes such as the Avengers.

To some extent, this is a gentleman can deceive others.

However, these superheroes are easy to deal with, and there are many who are not easy to deal with.

Ultron's move is not only to change ordinary people, but also to challenge the superiors who occupy 90% of the resources but only 1% of the human population.

In fact, after discovering the news spread by Ultron, the organizational strength of all parties also blocked the spread of information at the first time.

First, the networks between countries are isolated, and then the information dissemination of various domestic platforms is restricted. Any relevant news is not allowed to be spread. Anyone who dares to violate it will be banned from the account at the lightest, and Zhongze will be directly detained.

Don’t say whether it is overbearing or not, this method is very common.

It’s like the Jews have secretly controlled most of the power, media and everything else in the Lighthouse Country.

In that world where there is no supernatural power, under the control of the Jews, everything that the Lighthouse people can see is packaged by the Jews. All this, until the emergence of TITOK, allowed the Lighthouse people to have real freedom of speech. However, the control of the Jews over the Lighthouse Country has allowed the birth of such an outrageous thing as the "Anti-Semitism Awareness Act", which shows how powerful the superiors are.

What does the "Anti-Semitism Awareness Act" say? Specifically, in the Lighthouse Country, all anti-Semitic behavior is not allowed by law.

In short, the seemingly free Lighthouse Country is not as free as in various legends.

Even in a free country like the Lighthouse Country, the people in power can do this, let alone other countries.

Because the relevant information was blocked at the first time, even if Ultron is an intelligent life, it cannot be truly omnipotent on the Internet under the joint obstruction of many forces.

In this world full of black technology, only Tony Stark has artificial intelligence on the surface, but there are intelligent lives like Dr. Zola in the dark, and it is not impossible for those big forces to master artificial intelligence.

Maybe artificial intelligence is at an absolute disadvantage when facing Ultron. But with the advantage of the venue and the joint attack of many artificial intelligences, it is impossible for Ultron to achieve his goal and completely control public opinion.

However, some small countries that have initially popularized the Internet but are not strong are more or less affected by the information spread by Ultron.

Although most people in these areas are poor and ignorant, they also have their own outlook on life and know who is good and who is bad. After comparing the situation with each other and feeling that there is no room for the environment to go down, most people naturally choose to welcome the king's teacher.

Because many robots were prepared in advance, Ultron also mastered many small countries at the first time.

But with its current capabilities, it can only do this step.

In the process of taking over these areas, Ultron also felt that the hidden water in this world was much deeper than he imagined.

For example, in a small country in Southeast Asia, it originally thought that sending out a hundred new versions of Sentinel robots would be enough to liberate the country.

But what was unexpected was that there was an extraordinary strong man in this country, called a wizard, with extremely strange means, even if the Sentinel robots were very strong, they almost knelt down.

The weirdest wizard almost attacked his original will directly. He was almost beaten up by Captain Marvel when he was trying to escape. If his body was not strong enough and his abilities were not enough, the perfect body he had finally obtained might have been directly dismantled.

But even so, he was still shocked and became more careful.

Put away the contempt for those small countries, and then directly abandon those big countries, especially those with a long history.

Ultron did not even send robots to the surrounding areas of the Ancient Elephant Kingdom, Pharaoh Kingdom, and Dragon Kingdom.

Although the peak combat power of humans is probably Captain Marvel, some weak ones whose power does not come from genes but from so-called extraordinary people who practice cultivation seem to be even stronger in some strange places.Beyond his imagination.

Before it is clear, it will not easily advance.

However, even if it is limited to a certain scope, Ultron has mastered several small countries in a very short period of time, and the number of humans under his command has instantly exceeded 300 million.

Although the number of 300 million may be just a fraction of the population of Dragon Country or Ancient Elephant Country, this number of people is not a number that can be ignored. You must know that the free Lighthouse Country has a population of only 330 million.

Moreover, in addition to the 300 million people who have been controlled by Ultron, there are countless potential supporters under Ultron's ideas.

"By integrating the genes of the Super Skrulls, can you use so many abilities at the same time, and even fight with Big Mom Marvel?"

In addition to paying attention to the situation on Tony Stark's side, Romen also noticed the Ultron body fighting with Captain Marvel.

Of course, the so-called main body is just the Ultron who is currently in a dominant position. Perhaps the previous crisis of death has made Ultron more aware of the crisis. Then, in addition to a core, Ultron's ideology also has many sub-cores, which can be regarded as a combination of cluster consciousness.

Like occupying the body of Vision, this Ultron is a sub-personality. While it is powerful, if the main body Ultron falls, it can also be directly and seamlessly connected to become the main body Ultron.

It can be seen that Ultron has also grown a lot in many aspects and is not so arrogant.

"If it is the six-infinity gem Ultron, it may be stronger, but not as mature as this Ultron. But this Ultron should not have the opportunity to become the six-infinity gem Ultron."

Rubbing the two bracelets inlaid with infinity gems on his body, Romen couldn't help thinking.

He who has mastered two infinity gems, in a sense, has enough survival guarantees in this world.

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