The valley, which was once picturesque and beautiful, is now in ruins. The lush vegetation of the past has disappeared, replaced by the scorched black left by the raging flames.

These black marks are like a hideous painting, ruthlessly covering the entire valley, as if telling the tragic battle that had taken place before.

And on such a dark and abyssal painting, a seemingly tiny human and a bronze giant beast with a raging flame and a hideous face stand opposite each other, forming a heart-pounding contrast.

The human is petite, as if he will fall down if the wind blows, but his eyes are calm and sharp, revealing the confidence of winning, while the bronze giant beast is huge, as majestic as a mountain, exuding a fiery breath, and its face is distorted and deformed, looking extremely ferocious and terrifying.

In this endless dark background, the existence of one man and one beast seemed so out of place, but it also brought a strange sense of balance to the whole picture. They just stood there quietly, no one moved, as if time had frozen at this moment.

At this time, white scales appeared on Luo Men's body, and a pair of fiery golden eyes suddenly showed a bit of compassion.

Luo Men, who had opened the Eight-Headed Abyss and fully entered the state, had already taken the advantage in the fight between the two sides.

The Eight-Headed Abyss gave Luo Men an extremely powerful physique and an extremely large tolerance rate.

There was also a time limit, which gave Luo Men enough reaction time before any danger came.

With the combination of the two, even if the giant dragon in front of him had a powerful destructive power, it could not cause any substantial damage to Luo Men.

"As a giant dragon, but unable to soar in the sky, trapped here, isn't it a kind of sadness."

Looking at the giant dragon in front of him, Luo Men couldn't help but say.

Having a pair of powerful wings but not being able to fly into the sky is indeed a very sad thing.

From the beginning to the end of this battle, the dragon never left its original position, relying entirely on the powerful Word Spirit to deal with Romen.

Obviously, in order to protect this place, this dragon can't play much no matter how strong it is.

It is this guy who has the Junyan that can attack from a distance and the bronze throne that can attack and defend, otherwise this battle would have ended long ago.

Dragons are born to be the most perfect creatures. They can even sleep without eating or drinking, and naturally absorb external energy to replenish their consumption. In particular, the alchemy array under their feet is also a huge help for dragons.

The dragon has lived in this place for an unknown amount of time, just to protect his master.

If it weren't for the race, and if it weren't for the fact that Eri needed the second-generation ancient dragon fetal blood, he might not have come to this place.

But this assumption does not exist.

Therefore, this battle is a life-and-death battle.

After a high-intensity battle, although Romen consumed a lot of energy, the dragon that used Junyan and the bronze throne at high intensity throughout the whole process consumed more energy.

Even if the alchemy array was used to supply energy, the dragon's energy consumption was still in short supply.

Although it is not said that the energy consumption is very high, it is obvious that the strength of both Junyan and the bronze throne has been weakened a lot.

"Die, bastard!"

However, the dragon had no intention of talking. While roaring, the flames that had been suppressed for a long time also swept towards Romen.

If it were someone else, it might be difficult to deal with a large-scale, powerful attack.

But for Romen, whether he rushed over directly with the infinite regeneration ability of the eight-headed body, or directly entered the time deceleration field with time zero, to avoid this attack, it was an optional behavior.

Before, Romen had directly relied on time zero to avoid it, but this time, with the scales covering his body, plus the powerful comprehensive qualities given by the eight-headed body, and the ability of super-speed regeneration, he chose to rush over directly.

The giant dragon, who was controlling the flames with all his heart, thought that Romen would still come from the outside of the flames like before, and he was prepared for defense.

For Time Zero, who was a very rare and powerful word spirit even among pure-blooded dragons, he could not really underestimate Romen.

Moreover, in his perception, there seemed to be no big gap between the current Romen and this third-generation pure-blooded dragon. This situation happened to the hybrid, which reminded him of those of his kind who were slaughtered by the so-called super hybrids.

In the past, he had also belittled those of his kind., thinking that this kind of thing would never happen to him.

In the past, he didn't care about these hybrids, because with the powerful words and the advantages of the formation, he would never lose.

But now it seems that he was a little arrogant.

He has repelled many hybrids in recent years, so he has looked down on them a little, but now it seems that these hybrids are not that simple.

However, there are always extraordinary people in any group. Just like the gap between those dragon kings and them.

"Dragon Breathing Form 4, Dragon's Sorrow!"

"What? Not good!"

Suddenly, a voice from a very close distance sounded, and the pupil of the only remaining eye of the dragon suddenly contracted.

In just a moment, the dragon also felt something was wrong.

The previous choice of Romen also made him misjudge what Romen might do.

However, what he didn't expect was that Romen was not afraid and faced Jun Yan in a short time, which he didn't expect.

You know, when it goes all out, the temperature of the flame it exerts may be comparable to the temperature of the surface of the sun.

However, it did not think of this, and closed its eyelids in a hurry, and used the bronze throne at the same time, but the intensity was definitely not as high as before.

"Is it going to die?"

Seeing the sharp blade with a dark red light, it directly penetrated the protection of the bronze throne, pierced through its remaining eyeball, and went deeper into the position of its brain.

Under the extremely sharp blade, even the body of the bronze throne could not withstand such damage.

At the last moment, it would think of the time when it was free to fly in the sky.

Although it seemed not to care about what Romen said before, how could it really be happy after being trapped on the ground for such a long time.

The dragon originally belonged to the sky.

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