Relying on the power of the Mind Stone, Romen can be said to have observed the conversation between Strange and Hela throughout the whole process.

He thought about how Hela would return to Asgard, but what he didn't expect was that Strange sent Hela directly back to Asgard. Although it seems to be the edge of Asgard, it can be regarded as sending Hela home.

The royal family of the Aesir has a very deep connection with the land of Asgard.

Like Odin, and like Hela, on the land of Asgard, their power will continue to grow, even if there is consumption, it can be quickly replenished.

Of course, the upper limit of this kind of power growth should still be at the level of the Father. Like Odin's power, the future power of Thor, in a sense, are all manifestations of Asgard's power.

After Hela returned to Asgard, the divine power all over her body began to grow in a special way, and endless energy poured in from all directions of Asgard.

Even though she had been separated from this land for thousands of years, the mysterious connection was still very close.

"I'm back again."

After passing through the portal, Hela stepped on the land of Asgard. The divine power in her body began to flow faster, which made her feel more real and smiled again.

Even though this woman had her hair disheveled at this time, she looked like a queen just standing there.

On the other side of the portal, after seeing Hela walk over, Strange closed the portal without any hesitation.

As for the fact that Hela walked halfway and closed the door to try to kill her, he had never thought about it.

Doing so may be effective for some ordinary extraordinary strongmen.

But for a strong man of talent level like Hela, it will definitely have no effect.

The biggest change in entering the Father level is that one's own power has undergone special changes and mastered the power of rules.

Damage from cutting a small space may not necessarily hurt Hela.

In addition, the time he spent closing the portal was enough for Hela to react. Such a strong person cannot be considered with common sense.

If Hela retreated to Earth before the portal was closed, it would be too dangerous.

Let Odin deal with the problem left by the old Odin. Although Odin is dead, the son should pay for the father's debt. I think the god of thunder should have a way to deal with it, right...

After thinking about it, Strange was relieved after sending away Hela, the goddess of death.

Such a time bomb placed on the earth is different from that of Captain Marvel and the King of Krakoa. The two are more or less native humans on Earth and have no major character flaws.

But Hela's character flaws are so big that Odin can't correct them. He directly sealed her up, and some clues can be seen.

But now, it's none of his business. It's all Odin's family affairs.

As for whether Hela will take action against the earth after taking control of Asgard in the future, he is not worried at all.

Even if Hela returns to Asgard and successfully seizes the throne, the first thing she has to face is not conquering other places, but facing the upcoming Ragnarok in Asgard.

Asgard's Ragnarok, Strange himself was curious and took a good look through the power of the Time Stone.

It can only be said that no matter what happens in Asgard, it will not change Asgard's fate of Ragnarok. It can be said that there is no hope at all.

For this reason, he checked countless times, but no matter what happens, Asgard's Ragnarok is something that is bound to happen.

Because he knows that Asgard will be destroyed, even if Hela, the scourge, is sent there now, he will not have many special ideas.

Asgard will be destroyed sooner or later because of Ragnarok, and there will be no worse ending. Maybe sending Hela back will not see any different changes.

Strange did not continue to pay attention to Asgard's thoughts. The affairs of Kamar-Taj are very busy, and as the Supreme Sorcerer, he is even busier.

If Hela's threat is too great this time, he will have to withdraw to solve this matter. He may still be dealing with the problem of the dimensional demons.

Originally, when Ancient One retired, those dimensional demons were already ready to move.

And now, Odin's death has made those dimensional demons want to enter the earth and revel.

Although the earthlings do not admit it, the earth has actually been under the protection of Odin in the past. In addition, with the existence of Kamar-Taj, the earth can be free from all parties.The influence and invasion of dimensions.

The death of Odin affects not only Asgard, but also the Earth and other nine realms, which will face the most dangerous moment in history.

Odin's strength and deterrence are indeed unparalleled, but the premise is that Odin is not dead, but now Odin is dead.

And it's not just these dimensional demons. Strange seems to see that there seems to be a greater danger in the future, but he doesn't know what will happen specifically, and he can't see the specific situation clearly. This can only be dealt with later.

After a brief look, Strange turned around decisively and teleported back to Kamar-Taj.


After Strange left, Romen's figure slowly appeared in this area, stretched out his hand and grasped it, and a black and green square object appeared in his hand.

This is the space that sealed Hela before. Because it lost Odin's power supply and was forcibly destroyed by Hela, a lot of energy was lost.

However, through the power of the space gem, Romen can directly extract this sealed space.

In Roman's perception, such a sealed space can be said to be a perfect combination of the power of the Aesir and the Rune. Although it is not so complete due to Hela's destruction, it is still a good reference material, which is of great help to him in further mastering the advanced application of Rune.

Whether it is the dead Odin or the departed Hela, they may not have thought that this sealed space would be taken away by Roman.

Because under normal circumstances, this sealed space should pass away with time.

However, in front of Roman, who has mastered the space gem, although this sealed space is hidden very deeply, it was still found by Roman, and then Roman directly used his own power to solidify such a space, so there is plenty of time for research.

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