From the sky, Thor fell to the surface of the planet, which looked like a garbage dump. Thor, who was already seriously injured, was in a worse state.

"Where is this?"

He looked down and saw that the wound on his abdomen was still slowly recovering. Then Thor looked around and threw away the garbage on his body with a frown.

Looking at the sky, Thor also found that the gray sky here seemed to be constantly being dumped with garbage, but he didn't know where the garbage came from.

Suddenly, Thor saw a huge monster suddenly appearing in the sky, and he quickly avoided it and walked aside. He didn't want to be hit on the head, which would be too disgusting.

He was hit to the ground by the huge garbage, and the smoke and dust stirred up swept all over him. Then Thor also noticed that there seemed to be a city behind him.

Before Thor thought about it, he saw several aircraft flying in the distance, and his eyes showed doubts.

The aircraft landed not far from Thor, and several humanoid creatures wearing masks and strange clothes came down from it, and naturally noticed Thor.

"Are you a fighter? Or food?"

"I'm just passing by."

Hearing the other party's words, Thor frowned and spoke.

"That's food, kneel down."

The other leader also pushed Thor and said with ill intentions.

Thor stretched out his hand to summon Mjolnir, but suddenly he remembered that Mjolnir had been broken, and Gungnir was also in Loki's hand, and he had no weapons in his hands at this time.

Thinking about it, he raised his hands.

Seeing this, a scavenger over there also came to Thor's side with a gun in his hand.

Thor was seriously injured and bleeding, so they didn't worry too much.

But what they didn't expect was that even if Thor was seriously injured, the power he could exert was not what they could imagine.

When this scavenger came in front of Thor, Thor grabbed him and threw him dozens of meters away, and it was unknown whether he would survive.

Then, when Thor was about to use his divine power to fight, the leader of the scavengers raised his gun and fired a nerve paralysis capture net, covering Thor directly.

Thor, of course, fell to the ground with his body shaking as if he was electrocuted. As the god of thunder, and the god of thunder who had awakened his divine power, Thor was naturally not afraid of thunder and lightning, but the device on this net was not an electric shock weapon, but a nerve paralysis weapon, so even if Thor was the god of thunder, he would still be paralyzed under this net.

And the group of scavengers were not martial arts, and when they saw Thor fall to the ground, they swarmed up and attacked Thor in various ways. Although the offensiveness was not great, it was extremely insulting.

But at this moment, another aircraft suddenly landed on the side, and the way it landed was extremely wild, and it was obvious that the driver should also be quite wild.

The scavengers who were beating Thor stopped their actions one by one, and then looked over in full alert.

And from this new aircraft, a tough girl with a bottle of wine and white camouflage on her face came out, and then she looked in the direction of Thor and said to the scavengers: "He is mine."

As she said that, the woman also threw away the bottle and prepared to walk down.

Then, looking at the imposing woman, halfway through, she fell down and fell directly into a pile of garbage.

Seeing the woman like this, the scavengers looked at it, and then turned around and beat Thor in a group.

"Wait! He is mine. If you want to get me, you have to get past me first."

"But he is in our hands."

The scavenger leader looked at the woman and answered with disdain in his eyes.

"Okay, then I will get past you."

"Another food."

Seeing the scavengers on the opposite side raising their weapons, the woman also started to bump her fists, and the wrist guard on her wrist lit up for a while, and then dimmed again. The woman suddenly got angry and started to bump violently.

The scavengers over there saw this scene and came over with their weapons raised. They didn't think such a woman could have much fighting power.

Then, as the woman's wrist guard lit up, the aircraft behind her also made corresponding movements, and at the same time stretched out two huge mechanical arms, and each of the mechanical arms had an energy transmitter at the front end.

Seeing this, the expression of the scavenger leader began to change.

Then, as expected, this group of scavengers was directly killed, without even a slag.

Thor looked at the woman and smiled and said, "Thank you."

Then, the woman threw out a round, button-like thing, which fell directly on Thor's neck, and thenAfter that, the woman pressed the remote control in her hand, and Thor fell to the ground again as if he was electrocuted. It was still a nerve paralysis device, but this one was smaller and more powerful, and could be controlled manually.

Looking at Thor who fell to the ground, the woman who was once a Valkyrie and was known as Valkyrie, also stepped forward expressionlessly, grabbed Thor's cloak, and walked towards the direction of the aircraft. Thor, who looked like a strong man, was dragged away from the scene by the woman without any effort.

Although the fate in front of him changed, some established fates did not change.


At the same time, after a long transmission, the sharp blade with a faint green light flew directly to a huge spaceship in the universe.

During the transmission process, because Loki left in advance, the transmission light of this rainbow bridge also shifted its original position. Finally, with this sharp blade, it passed through the universe and came to a starry sky, and then flew directly to the huge spaceship.

This spaceship is called Temple II.

Of course, it's just a name, maybe there's nothing wrong with it, but behind this name, there's the famous Mad Titan, Thanos, in the universe.

And this blade with Hela's power easily penetrated the defense of Temple II, and then flew directly to the core area of ​​Temple II.

"No, be careful."

Ebony Maw felt the danger and quickly activated telekinesis to control the green light, but was horrified to find that it had no effect.

Thanos looked at the blade flying towards him, and seized the opportunity to reach out and grab the blade. With his terrifying physical strength, he directly grabbed the blade full of corrosive power.

Seeing the familiar energy on the sword, Thanos narrowed his eyes.

Thanos was familiar with the appearance of the Rainbow Bridge and the unique power of Asgard.

But what he didn't expect was that after Odin's death, Asgard actually had a father-level existence.

Looking in the direction of Asgard, Thanos didn't know what he was thinking. He looked in the direction of Ebony Maw and said, "It's okay, keep going."

Seeing Thanos' powerful figure, Ebony Maw bowed his head respectfully without saying much, but he thought in his heart that the purpose of this trip seemed to be Nidavi where the dwarves were, and this sword seemed to come from Asgard. He had to think a lot, but he didn't dare to reveal anything.

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