"I think there are some things you can look at."

Captain America looked at Tony and smiled, then looked at the woods on one side.

Tony looked over, and his pupils shrank instantly.

"Apocalypse, Dracula!"

The people behind the bushes were Apocalypse and Dracula, two old monsters who had lived for who knows how many years, and there were several pale vampires standing behind them.

Without any hesitation, Tony threw away his crutches, then reached for the bag on his waist, took out a special grenade, and threw it directly.

The next moment, a strong light shone, and the several vampires behind him turned into black ashes in an instant.

However, before Tony could react, a black shadow appeared behind him.

And this person was none other than the ancestor of vampires, Dracula.

As the most perfect vampire, the ancestor of vampires who is immune to sunlight, Dracula will naturally not be affected by Tony's special grenade. Although he doesn't like it, it can't affect his state at all.

He burst out at a terrifying speed, like a ghost, and then directly grabbed Tony's neck from behind and lifted him up.

"Captain, kill Dracula, I will..."


At this moment, Tony was shocked to hear the cold words from Captain America.

Before Tony could react, he waved his shield and knocked the man unconscious.

Then, Captain America, holding the shield, kept changing his figure and finally turned into a woman with blue skin.

Obviously, needless to say, this Captain America is just Mystique in disguise.

"Interesting, the plot begins."

In his room, noticing this situation, Romen also smiled and had no idea of ​​intervening.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't intervene, but that he doesn't want to intervene.

He planned to wait for Tianqi and the others to return to the base, and then directly deal with these guys. There were many superheroes imprisoned there. If he could successfully rescue those superheroes, he thought that his trust in the eyes of the superheroes in this world should be able to go up a bit.

Although this world has entered the Dark Ages, there are still many useful things. At that time, Krakoa can trade with the superheroes of this era.

Apart from other things, flowers with teleportation capabilities such as Krakoa Flower G can be popularized in this world at that time. Although the highest level of authority for the portal of Krakoa Flower is naturally Krakoa. But I think these superheroes in this world should not refuse such things to connect the world.

Without electricity, those convenient means of transportation cannot be used, and the distance between different parts of the world feels very far. Moreover, even in modern society, those means of transportation are far inferior to the Krakoa Flower that opens the portal.

Besides, there are other things to study, even some high-IQ characters like Tony Stark can be brought back, and it is also a good choice to continue to use their intelligence in Krakoa.

It is impossible to recruit Tony Stark from the main universe, but it is not impossible to recruit Tony Stark from this universe. As long as there is no version with infinite gems in the brain, they are actually almost the same, just with different experiences.

Although there may be so-called destiny problems, Krakoa is relatively independent. As long as Tony Stark does not leave Krakoa, it will not have much impact on the main universe.

Although there are many talents in Krakoa, there are still too few real cutting-edge talents.

In addition, things like Wakanda Vibranium can also be obtained through trading.

Wakanda in his main universe has not been exposed yet, let alone trading Vibranium. The shocks circulating in the market are all secretly circulated, and the prices are still extremely high. Directly trading with Wakanda in the dark age directly skips the middleman. Under the condition of fair trading, it will be more reasonable.

Of course, all this needs to be thought about after the problems are solved later.

Whether it is Apocalypse or Dracula, in the eyes of the superheroes in this world, they are quite difficult super villains, but the two are just looking at the existence of the father of the sky, even if there are many means, it is not enough for Romen.

The main thing is that he doesn't know where the other party's lair is, otherwise when these two guys show up, Romen can directly take them down.

At present, Tony can only work hard.

As for why Romen can find Wakanda but can't find Apocalypse's lair.

The main reason is to findWakanda, mainly because of the main universe, deliberately searched for information about Wakanda, and finally in the process of exploration, he met another Professor X's guidance and teleported directly here.

As for Apocalypse's lair, Romen didn't know the location information, and there was no guide like Professor X there, so he just marked the two guys directly and followed them later.

When Apocalypse was about to use his ability to open the portal and leave, he suddenly paused.

"What's wrong?"

Dracula on the side spoke up. He and Apocalypse were equals, and he didn't respect Apocalypse. If there was any feeling, it was mainly because he was afraid of this guy who didn't know how many abilities he had mastered. Of course, Apocalypse was actually the same to him.


Apocalypse shook his head, and then directly opened the portal.

"Quite sharp."

When Romen saw Apocalypse's actions, he also knew that it should be his spiritual power that was detected by Apocalypse.

Although he deliberately eliminated a lot of noise when using his mental power, he was almost discovered in the eyes of Apocalypse, the old man.

Moreover, this old guy seemed to be suspicious of something, and did not teleport directly back to the nest the first time.

After watching Apocalypse teleport to other places, he used special abilities to directly cover three people, and then teleported to the second place again, and then the third.

Obviously, Apocalypse, who felt something was wrong, also moved his position many times, probably thinking that Professor X was observing.

This may be useful against Professor X, but it is not good enough for Romen.

"Professor X, or Phoenix?"

During the teleportation process, Dracula saw Apocalypse's actions and naturally reacted.

"Nothing, we're here."

After confirming that there was no problem, Apocalypse directly opened the portal to his nest.

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