Following behind Black Panther, Romen also walked with Black Panther to a quiet place.

"I think Mr. Romen should be able to guess why I asked you to come here."

Black Panther looked at Romen and spoke slowly.

"King T'Challa, just speak directly."

Roman didn't want to beat around the bush with Black Panther, so he didn't make any guesses.

Seeing Romen's direct words, Black Panther was stunned for a moment, of course, it only took a moment to react.

"We want you to help us deal with the problem of the center of the earth. For this, all the gains from the center of the earth belong to you, and we can also pay what we can, such as vibranium or other knowledge."

For a strong man like Romen, Black Panther also directly put forward all his bottom lines.

In front of a strong man like Romen who can kill Apocalypse, Black Panther also came to a direct deal.

Romen was not surprised by this.

First of all, the matter of Apocalypse made Black Panther and his group realize that there are many possible dangers in this world, but the number of superheroes is limited.

Simply relying on telepaths to communicate is also limited.

At this time, they also missed the past technological era. Maybe that era had many defects, but there was an extremely powerful advantage, that is, the convenience of communication.

If the problem of electromagnetic pulse can be solved, even if the problem of communication is not mentioned, the number of superheroes will definitely increase a lot. Many superheroes have lost their combat effectiveness due to the loss of technological support, and even directly become insignificant.

Therefore, after Romen helped deal with Apocalypse this time and proved his strong strength, they were also ready to entrust the matter of the center of the earth to Romen.

Obviously, in this world, except for Romen, no one else has the strength to solve such a big problem.

In this case, it is better to hand this problem over to Romen.

I still remember that when we just met, Romen was very curious about what happened in the center of the earth.

Moreover, if they refused, would Roman not be able to explore the inner world by himself? To be honest, they didn't have much information.

Obviously not. In this case, after they found out that Tony Stark was taken away by Apocalypse and everyone returned safely, they felt Roman's kindness and made such a decision.

This was not the idea of ​​Black Panther alone, but a deal agreed by everyone.

Black Panther can provide things like vibranium, but other things like knowledge, although Wakanda also has them, he has no ability to trade them with Roman, and he is not a dictator.

For example, Pepa represented Tony Stark, Susan represented Mr. Fantastic, and so on, and they also directly agreed to this transaction.


Hearing Black Panther's words, Roman was not surprised.

After showing strength and goodwill, this group of people also had a certain degree of trust in themselves. In this case, taking over and letting them deal with the problems of the inner world is also a good thing for them.

As for the fact that Wakanda will lose its current transcendent status after solving the problem, Black Panther does not care.

The power of a king is enough. He doesn't want more, nor does he want to rule the world. If it weren't for the justice of a hero, he actually didn't think about ruling so many places now.

"However, in the end, we want to make a request. When you are going to the center of the earth, can you take us with you?"

Black Panther looked at the man in front of him and made his last request.

To be honest, not only him, but all of their superheroes are very curious about the situation in the center of the earth.

Except for the invisible woman Susan, others have only a vague understanding of what happened in the center of the earth. They are also very curious about what the robot that killed many superheroes is like.

What is the situation of the portal that Strange opened and didn't close in the end, and the portal that continuously transmits electromagnetic pulses.

"There is no problem with this."

Romen looked at the group of people, thought about this problem briefly, and agreed directly.

It's just a small matter of opening a portal. As for the problem of protection, with the invisible woman Susan, there is no need to worry about such a small problem.

However, the superheroes had just reunited, so they could not immediately explore the inner world. Roman did not do such a thing.

It was not until a few days later thatDays later, the time after the consultation with Black Panther came, and then a group of people were ready and gathered in a place in Wakanda.

"Are you ready?"

Looking at the gathered superheroes, Romen also looked at Black Panther and Captain America.

After a few days of adjustment, the superheroes who had been controlled by the Purple Man, such as Captain America and Captain Marvel, also adjusted their status a lot.

They also participated in Romen's plan to go to the center of the earth this time.

They were also very curious about what kind of existence the robots in the center of the earth were and why Apocalypse coveted them so much.

For Apocalypse's goal, those superheroes who had been controlled might be relatively clear.

For example, Tony Stark even used the limited time to look at a lot of data from Apocalypse's mobile phone in Apocalypse's computer, but because Romen came earlier, he didn't see it very well.

However, everyone can also know that Apocalypse's goal is to revive the restorer and control it, which is something they cannot tolerate. Fortunately, Apocalypse has died.

After seeing that everyone was ready, Romen opened the portal directly, and then opened the portal to the inner world.

Romen was basically sure of the location of the inner world, so it was a relatively simple matter to open the portal directly.

Romen took the lead and passed through the portal, and the others followed directly.

Entering the inner world, the first feeling was extremely hot, and the invisible woman Susan, who had experienced it once, also quickly opened the force field to protect everyone from the harsh environment.

"Oh, amazing!"

However, after arriving in the inner world, seeing the giant standing in front of them, each superhero also showed a shocked expression.

Obviously, such a big guy is really quite shocking, not to mention that this big guy also exudes a shocking upper breath.

Even the invisible woman who had seen it once before was still shocked at this moment.

And Romen also observed the big guy in front of him, who was made of special metal all over, this extremely powerful robot.

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