Lucy had not been to many places, but Romen had taken her to a big city like New York.

Therefore, after walking out of the building where the portal was placed, she could naturally recognize that this was New York.

But she did not expect that such a prosperous big city would become like this.

The city with high-rise buildings scattered everywhere was now only a ruin, which gave people a strong sense of shock.

"Brother, there seems to be something in that direction."

In Romen's arms, Lucy suddenly looked in a direction and spoke with some doubt.

Hearing Lucy's words, Romen was also a little surprised.

This was the first time he heard Lucy say this.

After thinking for a while, Romen did not hesitate and flew in the direction Lucy said.

"It seems to be here."

However, Lucy did not speak until a place in the ocean.

Hearing Lucy's voice, Romen also looked around and saw only the boundless ocean, and did not see anything else.

Just when Luo Men was still a little confused, Luo Men suddenly saw a blue light emerge, and a huge crystal ball emerged from the ocean.

Seeing this crystal ball, Luo Men was stunned for a moment, he didn't know what it was.

"It is guiding me."

However, Lu Qi nodded firmly when she saw the crystal ball, and then struggled to leave Luo Men's arms.

Luo Men thought about it and asked Lu Qi to touch the crystal ball.

The crystal ball, which was originally only the size of a palm, seemed to sense something after touching Lu Qi, and then it quickly began to expand. After a while, it became a big ball with a diameter of about one meter.

Seeing this, Lu Qi also turned over and climbed directly above the crystal ball, showing excitement.

At the moment when Lu Qi touched the crystal ball, Luo Men also felt that Lu Qi's own X gene, at the same time as touching the crystal ball, also entered a highly active state.

In this state, Romen also clearly felt that Lucy's level was also rapidly improving. After a while, she had reached the limit of level 4 in terms of ability development, which was the level of Professor X and Magneto.

Seeing this scene, Romen was somewhat surprised.

In such a short period of time, Lucy's ability development reached the standard all of a sudden, which was really a bit unexpected. Looking at the posture just now, Romen thought that Lucy was going to directly enter the level of Omega mutants.

But just thinking about it, this is a bit unlikely.

From Alpha mutants to Omega mutants, that is, between level 4 and level 5, there is a huge gap. It is not easy to break through this level in a short time.

However, Romen felt that under the impetus of an unknown force, Lucy seemed to be moving forward in an orderly manner.

For a moment, Romen narrowed his eyes.

In the Marvel Universe, most of the power comes at a price.

Just like the magicians in Kamar-Taj, using magic is also borrowing power, and they also need to pay a certain price.

In this dangerous world, the power of some powerful dimensional demon gods will appear at any time. Romen really can't guarantee that there is anything wrong with this crystal ball.

"Brother, Xiaolan gave me something called destiny magic, and I can help my brother in the future."

Lucy looked at Romen and smiled.

"Can you tell me about this destiny magic?"


Hearing Romen's words, Lucy also told Romen without hiding.

After a while, Romen absorbed what Lucy said and was able to roughly know that there should be no problem with this destiny magic.

It is not a magic that borrows power like Kamar-Taj, but more similar to the chaos magic of Scarlet Witch.

Like chaos magic, destiny magic also comes from a strong man.

But the source behind chaos magic comes from Sithon, a powerful multiverse strongman, the god of black magic and the god of Hades. However, Scarlet Witch's own special qualifications, using chaos magic with special chemical reactions, can do things that even Xisong can't do.

And now Lucy's own qualifications are also similarly related to this so-called destiny magic.

The only difference between the two is that the source behind the destiny magic, the unknown god, let's call it that for the time being, seems to have been missing for a long time.

All of the above comes from the crystal ball that Lucy calls Xiaolan.

This crystal ball is called the Destiny Crystal Ball, and the name sounds likeKnow what it is.

Because of the accidental death of the previous owner, the crystal ball of fate drifted in the turbulence of time and space, and it was unknown how much time and space it had crossed, and finally fell into the deep ocean on this earth.

After losing its owner and the source of power, the crystal ball of fate will sleep here forever until it dies.

However, because Romen brought Lucy with him, the crystal ball of fate felt extremely compatible, and then there was the subsequent guidance of Lucy and the subsequent scene.

Lucy, who was extremely compatible with the magic of fate, began to change magically the moment she touched the crystal ball of fate, and then Lucy herself began to transform under the influence of the magic of fate instilled by the crystal ball of fate.

After confirmation, Romen also knew that although Lucy's power was affected by the crystal ball of fate and the magic of fate it transmitted, there was no one behind it. The main body was still Lucy's own power, and there was no existence like Sison.

Romen, who possessed the mind gem, could also confirm this.

After judging this point, Romen was also happy about Lucy's experience.

Lucy's ability is very special, and the only regret is that she lacks the ability to fight. As for the magic of fate, as the name suggests, it is related to fate. As a system of magic, it naturally has more and more means.

In the hands of Lucy, who is extremely suitable for the magic of fate, it may be able to exert extremely magical power.

It may be like the Scarlet Witch to the chaos magic. The only difference is whether there is a big boss behind it, but there is no better.

Romen feels that little Lucy is increasingly feeling like a girl of destiny. It's just a trip across the universe. Unexpectedly, she came to an adventure directly, and her future limit has been greatly improved.

"Maybe, it's also a good choice to let Lucy go to Kamar-Taj to learn."

Looking at Lucy lying on the crystal ball, Romen suddenly thought of it.

Lucy, who has mastered the magic of fate, may also have a high talent in the magic system. Although it is not impossible to rely on self-study, if you want a better learning environment, you still have to go to the professional Kamar-Taj, a professional mage academy.

Of course, this is just a thought, and Romen plans to wait and see.

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