The known evolutionary route of the Mangekyō Sharingan is to fuse the eyes of a pair of brothers.

At least, the only person who evolved the Mangekyō Sharingan into the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, Uchiha Madara, took this route.

As for the Six Paths Sage, the awakening of the Sharingan is the Mangekyō, and there are not many twists and turns to open the Eternal Eye, and even opening the Samsara Eye is not difficult, which is not enough to be used as a case.

More than ten years have passed, and Uchiha Luomen has also left a lot of traces in this world.

As the only one who has opened the Mangekyō Sharingan in the world, the few times he has made a move, Luomen has brought a sense of oppression to the ninja world, which is close to that of Uchiha Madara in the past.

Why is he the only one who has opened the Mangekyō in the world? Because Luomen’s wife Uchiha Zhili also opened the Mangekyō without being known.

That’s right, there is no problem. They are childhood sweethearts, and there are no accidents when they finally get together.

Of course, Luomen is not obsessed with love, but is exploring further strength.

In the worldview of Naruto, in a sense, blood is the most important thing.

For ordinary civilians, it may not be difficult to catch up with bloodline ninjas in the early stage, but it will become more and more difficult in the later stage.

In this era, there are not many strong people who have reached the super shadow level. In addition to Luomen, there is only the third generation of Raikage.

The strength of the third generation of Raikage is very strong, and he is not a weak one among the super shadows, but if he wants to catch up with ninjas with Otsutsuki bloodline such as Senju Hashirama or Uchiha Madara, there is still some gap.

Luomen, who had fought with the third generation of Raikage some time ago, has the most say in this.

The strength of the third generation of Raikage is mainly based on the physical skills of the lightning escape chakra mode.

It has to be said that in the worldview of Naruto, there are only two ways for ordinary people to match or even surpass bloodline ninjas.

Either practice physical skills, provided that the physical skills are talented enough and have a strong enough physical skills inheritance, such as the Lightning Chakra Technique of the Hidden Cloud Village and the Eight Gates of Konoha.

Or through the path of science and technology, representative figures include scientists such as Orochimaru and Obiru.

However, Romen has studied physical skills a little, but his talent in physical skills is definitely not as good as that of a physical skills genius like Might Guy, and the defects of the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu are really a bit big.

As for scientific research, Romen himself has no talent in this area. Even if he studies hard, he has not produced any results. In the end, he still has to return to the route of improving his strength with his heart.

However, Romen himself is not without a way to improve his strength.

When he awakened the Mangekyō, Romen did only reach the level of Kage, but in these years, Romen will not stand still.

Compared with those time-traveling protagonists who have Mangekyō at the age of six, Eternal Eye at the age of eight, and Six Paths at the age of ten, although Romen has a cheat, it is definitely not so outrageous.

He can only rely on himself, although not just himself.

However, compared to those guys who rely on systems, spiritual treasures and the like, Luo Men is still relatively restrained.

For more than ten years, Luo Men has reached the level of Super Shadow by studying the bloodline network and developing the Sharingan.

But without opening the Eternal Eye, Luo Men's upper limit is almost here.

Without using the mirror dimension COPY ability, Luo Men can only reach this level with his own strength.

It has to be said that the hierarchy of this world is still too vague.

Not to mention the special Genin like Future Naruto, the strength gap between normal Genin and Jonin is still within the normal limit, but the gap between Jonin and Kage has begun to have a very obvious gap. Then, the gap between Kage level and Super Shadow is even more outrageous.

Finally, even the gap between Super Shadow and Super Shadow may be much larger than the gap between Genin and Kage level added together.

As for the gap between the Six Paths level, it is also quite huge.

The ordinary Six Paths level may be the level of the sub-father, but the top Six Paths level, that is, the level of Otsutsuki Shibai, may even have touched the level of the multiverse.

Although Romen opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, it is ultimately not as good as the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. Relying on the ability of the self-healing factor, he barely developed the Sage Body, and then was able to replenish the consumption of the Mangekyō Sharingan pupil power, so he did not go blind over the years. He even reached the level of Super Shadow with the promotion of the Sage Eye and the Sage Body.

In the end, such strength was still stuck here because of the upper limit of the bloodline.

In recent years, Romen has also tried to study how to go further.

The simplestThe method is to transform the Mangekyo into the Eternal Mangekyo, which means the bloodline is upgraded, and the upper limit is naturally increased. At that time, it may be directly upgraded to the level of the super shadow peak.

At present, he is preparing to copy a wave of mutant Romen's Omega-level telepathy.

The self-healing factor, that is, the powerful Yang escape power, can awaken the hidden immortal human gene that is dormant in the depths of the gene and is basically impossible to awaken. Then, relying on the powerful Yin escape power, it may be able to drive the sublimation of the Sharingan to the level of the Eternal Eye.

According to Romen's speculation, this is very likely.

The promotion of the Sharingan can obtain powerful Yin escape.

Romen just got the result first and then pursued the cause.

This method, I think only Romen can do it in this world.

Outside the room where Romen is in seclusion, the gentle woman with purple hair looks at the house, and a little worry is revealed on her face.

This person is Uchiha Zhili, another existence in the Uchiha clan who has opened the Mangekyo.

However, compared with the recovery of Luo Men's pupil power, even if she did not use the Mangekyō much, her vision has weakened a little over the years.

In the original time and space, this gentle and strong woman disappeared, but considering the high probability of death, it is still relatively satisfactory now.

This time Luo Men retreated to try to break through the upper limit of the Mangekyō Sharingan. She naturally knew this and came to protect Luo Men. Uchiha Zhili, who has the Mangekyō Sharingan, naturally has such a qualification.

As long as it is not the Raikage of Kumogakure who forcibly offends, even if the Third Hokage comes, she can deal with it. With the opening of the Mangekyō Sharingan, coupled with her excellent qualifications and years of serious practice, Uchiha Zhili believes that she can completely deal with most of the Kage-level existences.

But her only worry is whether Luo Men's path to breakthrough will be so smooth.

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