"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Nara Genichi looked at Luo Men's arrangement in his hand, and then beads of sweat began to flow from his forehead.

"Why, is it not possible?"

Luo Men looked at Nara Genichi and spoke calmly.

Hearing Luo Men's words, Nara Genichi also fell into deep thought.

The arrangement Luo Men gave him was mainly to let him arrange people to deal with those daimyo and nobles, so that all these people disappeared.

Whether it is a daimyo or a noble, they are ordinary people, and there are not many problems in dealing with them.

However, the biggest problem with these people is not a problem of strength, but a problem of status.

Existing in this world for unknown years, the so-called daimyo and nobles can be described as deeply rooted in the rule of this world.

So much so that when the existence of ninjas who mastered extraordinary powers was born, they never thought of overthrowing the rule of daimyo and nobles.

The reality is a chaotic war based on the family system, which is the so-called Warring States period. After Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha grew to their peak, the Warring States Period ended and the Ninja Village Era began, and the status of the daimyo remained unchanged.

Even countries like the Fire Country, Rock Country, Lightning Country, Wind Country, and Water Country, because they each established a strong enough ninja village, destroyed or swallowed up many countries, and became the powerful countries today.

Without the help of ninjas, powerful countries like the Five Great Countries would have been just small countries during the Warring States Period.

However, although the ninjas mastered the powerful extraordinary violence, they maintained the old ideas of the past. No wonder the Ninja Village system appeared later.

Even smart people like Nara Genichi could not understand Romen's approach, which can also be seen from this.

"My Lord, why are you targeting the daimyo? This will make us the target of public criticism."

Nara Genichi looked at Romen worriedly and spoke with some worry.

"This ninja world only needs one head of state. The daimyo or other scumbags should all be swept into the trash can of history."

When Luo Men heard what Nara Genichi said, he didn't say too much nonsense, nor did he explain to Nara Genichi. He just spoke lightly.

Nara Genichi looked at Luo Men and felt Luo Men's firm will that could not be disobeyed. After a brief thought, his smart head turned around and left, ready to carry out the task arranged by Luo Men.

As a smart man, Nara Genichi knew the consequences of carrying out this task, but he knew one thing more, that is, Luo Men's fists were the best in the ninja world.

And fists are the most powerful voice in the ninja world.

Although he didn't quite understand why Luo Men did this, he was very clear that although there would be backlash from doing this, Luo Men's strength allowed him to fully withstand this backlash.

Even the impact brought by the death of these daimyo or nobles was not as much trouble as the Iwagakure Village or the Kumogakure Village brought to Luo Men.

Ordinary people, no matter how high their status is, do not have extraordinary powers. The forces they control may have extraordinary powers like ninjas, such as the Fire Temple, but the strongest enemy is only at the level of jonin. For Konoha controlled by Luo Men, it is just a drizzle.

Later, when the daimyo and various nobles disappear, smart people like Nara Genichi will gradually realize that after these lechas are cleared, the ninja world will not get worse, and may even get better.

In the past ninja village era, many ninja village tasks were to clear out bandits, but a large number of these people were brought to that point by the so-called daimyo or nobles. And those people could not handle it, so they began to entrust ninjas to deal with it. After committing evil, there was no retribution. This was a very abnormal period.

However, after Luo Men unified the ninja world, he did not allow these rats to exist in the empire he controlled.

After dealing with these Le Se, Luo Men will directly integrate all the countries and villages in the entire Ninja World to establish a huge unified empire.

With the vision of his previous life, Luo Men naturally knew that only great unification was the real way to peace.

In other words, there is actually no absolute way to achieve peace.

The nature of human beings determines that it is impossible to usher in true peace.

Perhaps, among humans, people like Hashirama Senju can be born, who are kind by nature, but such people are ultimately a minority.

In the end, if you want the Ninja World to enter true peace, it is neither difficult nor easy in the Ninja World with extraordinary power.Things like Infinite Tsukuyomi are definitely not the right path.

Relying on one's own powerful strength to suppress the entire ninja world can barely be considered a path. However, the only disadvantage of this path is that after the creator dies, the peace created will easily be broken.

Needless to say, the representative figure is naturally Senju Hashirama.

And the path that Luo Men wants to take is actually this path, but he will not be as short-lived as Senju Hashirama, and it is not impossible for him to get real immortality in the ninja world. In this case, how long he can live, how long the peace of the ninja world can be maintained, this is his philosophy.

As for what to do after he dies, in one sentence, it can be described as, after I die, I don't care about the floods?

Of course, Luo Men is not worried that he will die so easily, unless he encounters force majeure.

After Luo Men arranged the task of removing the tumor, Nara Genichi also quickly started to act.

Although Nara Genichi did not really want to do this, as a diehard fan of Luo Men, he had no choice at all. In addition, after doing this, he didn't have much to worry about, because Luo Men would take care of it.

In this case, Nara Genichi didn't hold back much, and the process of cleaning up the cancer was also very well prepared.

After his men had simply lurked and completed the tasks distributed throughout the ninja world, they also launched a decapitation operation at the same time.

After Nara Genichi's precise plan, after this wave of operations, these daimyo and nobles, except for those with decent reputations, were basically all humanely destroyed.

Those who were not humanely destroyed were also directly controlled and waited for Luo Men's subsequent exile.

After cleaning up these lechers and sending his own people to take over the political power of various countries, Luo Men basically completed the steps of unification, and the subsequent goal was naturally to establish his own unified empire.

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