
Roman, who was studying and exploring the path of a single universe, suddenly felt a magical place between the multiverses.

After a brief exploration of this place, Roman also knew what this place was.

TVA is also called the Time Variance Administration. The organization is committed to supervising, adjusting, and ultimately balancing a large number of timelines in the multiverse containing infinite variables.

In film and television works, the significance of TVA's existence is to maintain the sacred timeline. As for what is the sacred timeline, it is naturally the timeline of Marvel's 616 universe, that is, the timeline of the movie universe.

TVA's ability to control the timeline is very strong, but it is not omnipotent, and there are some places that cannot be touched.

The tentacles of the TVA organization may not have touched this universe, otherwise the universe where Roman is located has produced so many deviations because of him, and TVA must have appeared on the scene to solve it long ago.

Of course, there is another possibility that the current timeline is the timeline when Loki becomes the god of stories, and then he will be allowed to play freely.

Although he had not found any trace of TVA before, he was still somewhat confused when he suddenly sensed the existence of TVA.

After a brief thought, Luo Men did not immediately set out for TVA.

Because the black technology mastered by TVA, such as superpowers and magic, could not be used in TVA. Luo Men was not sure whether some abilities of other time and space could be used in TVA. If not, he would be a lamb to be slaughtered in TVA.

In addition to the suspected TVA, Luo Men also vaguely felt the dimension similar to the mirror dimension, which might be the dimensional space of those dimensional demons.

In theory, TVA should be more hidden than these dimensional spaces, otherwise it would have been invaded by various dimensional demons. But now it is so easy to expose to his perception, there is no problem, Luo Men does not believe it.

After putting aside the matter about TVA for the time being, Luo Men also recalled the result of his practice this time.

The main purpose of Roman's cultivation is to comprehend the rules of the Infinity Stones to improve his understanding of the rules, and then to improve the energy capacity in his body while improving the quality of energy.

The Rule Room has Infinity Stones as a reference. Although Infinity Stones are only effective in this universe, this is also a very good reference.

To improve his own energy, he goes to the Dark Age Universe and refers to the Restorer.

The Restorer has a strong energy, although it is mostly dark energy, but it also has a good reference effect.

A single universe strongman comparable to the multiverse strongman, without any cover, allows himself to explore at will. In this case, the difficulty of entering the single universe is also greatly reduced.

"Is the World Tree moving?"

After absorbing the understanding of his cultivation this time, Roman suddenly felt that he was touched by something. Through this feeling, he also locked the source of the touch, which came from the World Tree.

Without thinking at all, Roman also knew that there was a high probability that something went wrong in Asgard, and it was very likely that the Ragnarok of Asgard had begun.

As for why Roman was so sure. Naturally, it was because his only connection with the World Tree was the contract he made with Odin.

Romen actually wanted to have more contact with the World Tree, but the power of this contract was not enough for him to do so.

According to Romen's current judgment, although the power of the World Tree is only in the Nine Realms, the World Tree is connected to more than just the Nine Realms of one universe, that is to say, the World Tree is actually a multiverse.

The Runes from the World Tree are still of great help to Romen at present. However, Romen thought that if he could personally touch the World Tree, he might have a higher understanding of the Runes.

Because no matter what the reason, the Runes that Romen had were recorded after Odin's understanding, not the original version of the World Tree. And how strong Odin was at that time, the content recorded must be relatively limited.

If there is a chance, Romen is still ready to see the World Tree in person.

However, Romen feels that the sudden appearance of TVA in his perception, coupled with the sudden appearance of Ragnarok in Asgard, may have some connection.

‘So, is it the guidance of Loki, the god of stories?

Roman thought about it uncertainly, and then directly teleported to Asgard through the Space Stone.

Arriving in Asgard, Roman looked at theOn the continent, the huge fire giant that was destroying was also stunned for a moment.

Although he had never seen this fire giant, Romen could recognize his identity in an instant. Surtur was the guy who destroyed Asgard in the prophecy of Ragnarok.

If it was just Surtur's appearance, Romen would not be very surprised.

But Romen remembered very clearly that he had made a deal with Odin and took away the eternal fire from Odin's treasure house. Even so, there was no way to stop Surtur from regaining his peak power and destroying Asgard?

Romen also realized a little about this power that determines fate.

Without the important item of the eternal fire, can Surtur still restore his peak power and continue Ragnarok?

Looking at the continent of Asgard, a woman in black and green clothes wanted to stop Surtur from destroying Asgard, but under Surtur's terrifying power, this very powerful woman could not stop the destruction of Asgard at all.

After a brief thought, Romen quickly found the source of Surtur's restored power.

Thor and Loki, yes, these two brothers.

After seeing that there was no chance to defeat Hela, Thor and Loki directly used a special fire that they got by accident to revive Surtur, and then took people away.

"What a bad taste."

Romen felt Surtur's state and roughly determined that Surtur's power was declining in a very subtle way.

Obviously, the power of this fire cannot replace the existence of the eternal fire, and can only allow Surtur to obtain peak power for a short time.

However, it seems that in the eyes of the mastermind behind the scenes, this is enough, and Surtur only needs to complete the mission of destroying Asgard.

Watching the process of Surtur destroying Asgard, Romen also roughly understood what Ragnarok was like.

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