"I am the end of Asgard!"

Raising the Twilight Sword in his hand, Surtur roared and used the Twilight Sword to emit terrifying shock waves and terrifying flames. The huge Asgard was destroyed by Surtur and turned into a sea of ​​fire, and then shattered and fell into the void.

With a huge body, holding the artifact with amazing destructive power, the Twilight Sword, and destroying Asgard, the momentum it showed was quite shocking.

However, as Asgard gradually disappeared under Surtur's destruction, Surtur's figure also shrank along with it. It seems that after Surtur completed the task of Ragnarok, it was also the time for him to lose all the bonus power.

"Even the Father of Heaven is just a puppet of the mastermind behind the scenes?"

Looking at the huge flame giant, Romen suddenly felt a little more urgent.

Putting aside the increase in his power from the Infinity Stones in this universe, his own strength is only at the level of the Father of Heaven.

If you look at it this way, what should you do if you don't have the Infinity Stones one day, or leave the main universe, and only have the most basic strength?

In this way, you need to speed up the progress of improving your strength.

And even if you don't leave the main universe, the mirror dimension is not in the main universe. As the mirror dimension slowly recovers, it will sooner or later be exposed to the eyes of those strong people.

At that time, those people will not attack him, but directly attack the mirror dimension, which will be a headache for him. In any case, the mirror dimension is his foundation, and it is also the fundamental reason why he can project the universe even if he is not at the multiverse level.

The current situation of the mirror dimension is still very safe.

But Romen doesn't think that the mirror dimension can always hide in the dark without being discovered.

In addition to improving himself, it is to improve the mirror dimension.

Because of the Eternal Fire, the mirror dimension is recovering very quickly. If Surtur can be studied carefully, in addition to further refining the Eternal Fire, it may also be possible to further strengthen the Eternal Fire, which can also be regarded as indirectly strengthening the mirror dimension.

Looking at the huge Asgard, which was destroyed bit by bit in the destructive flames, Surtur's figure gradually shrank until it was only about 3 or 4 meters high.

Obviously, after losing the additional power, Surtur, who only had his own power, was an ordinary sub-father.

An ordinary sub-father had no place to stay after the destruction of Asgard. If nothing unexpected happened, Surtur would also be dead.

But Romo seized the opportunity and directly used the power of the space gem to fish out Surtur, who was about to fall into the void, and then hypnotized him with a mind, making him unconscious, and then put him directly into the space he had temporarily opened up, and then took him out for research later.

As for why it was not put into the mirror dimension, it was mainly to prevent Surtur from breaking off contact with the mastermind. It would be bad if someone discovered the mirror dimension.

Moreover, in this universe, with two infinite gems, as long as the mastermind did not suddenly jump in front of him and then directly attack, he would have absolute autonomy in any cleaning.

In his own universe, the infinite gems can do whatever they want in a sense.

After catching Surtur, Romen felt the location of Asgard Feichuang and then teleported directly there.

In his perception, Thanos seemed to have landed on Asgard's spaceship.

This should be considered as part of the contract he established with Odin, and this is a problem he needs to deal with.

At present, Asgard, even if he has initially awakened his own power of Thor, or the Hulk, has no ability to deal with Thanos.

Although Thanos's combat performance does not look very good, as an alien from the Eternals, Thanos has reached the level of a strong man with a talent simply relying on the strength of his body. An extremely strong and powerful body, even in the Father's level, is an extremely powerful existence.

Not to mention at this moment, Thanos, who has mastered the Power Stone, can not only increase his strength, but also emit energy waves, greatly improving his combat level.


"We were attacked, I repeat, we were attacked!"

"The engine was destroyed, and we suffered heavy casualties!"

"Request nearby ships to reinforce immediately! We are 22 miles away from Asgard!"

The voice from the inside of the spacecraft came from the front.

"Only Asgardian men, women, and children are on board, and there are only a few guards! We are not a warship, I repeat, we are not a warship!"

Later, the spaceship carrying the Asgardians in space also continuously sent three broadcasts to the space.

In front of Asgard's Feichuang, a huge spaceship was approaching Asgard's Feichuang while launching attacks.

The Asgard spaceship, which was not small, was like a toy in front of another spaceship.

This behemoth has a very loud name in the universe, called Temple II. Its owner is also very famous in the universe. He is called the Mad Titan Thanos, and another name is Thanos.

Looking at Thor in front of him, Thanos looked at him calmly and said in an unquestionable voice: "Where is the Cosmic Cube? "

Thor, holding Gungnir, and Loki, holding the Ice Spear, also looked at the little giant in front of them with a serious look in their eyes.

Loki, who had seen Thanos once and received the Mind Scepter from Thanos, can be said to be the one who knows Thanos' strength best. Although Loki's strength has improved a lot now, he still has no confidence in facing Thanos.

"Cosmic Cube?"

Loki was also stunned for a moment. The Cosmic Cube was indeed fine in Asgard before, but after Odin returned to Asgard once, Loki never saw the Cosmic Cube again.

However, he also got the Ice Box, and since then he has been working hard to study the Ice Box and improve his strength, not caring about the situation of the Cosmic Cube.

Not only Loki, Thor's brain was a little out of order for a while.

Thor was also a little cautious. He hadn't rushed out yet. Looking at Thanos in front of him, he also suppressed his anger and said: "The Cosmic Cube may be buried in Asgard. "

Hearing Thor's words, Thanos narrowed his eyes and looked at Loki.

With the four black generals, Thanos was very intimidating. At this moment, Loki also had some fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

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