APTX4869, from the Conan world, is a magical drug developed by Miyano Shiho (codename Shirley, i.e. Haibara Ai) based on the achievements of her parents.

The effect of APTX4869 is roughly to reverse time, but its experimental product is toxic and can kill people invisibly.

The medicine in this syringe is naturally the toxic effect of APTX4869 that has been further improved and developed, and it has the effect of reversing youth for ten to twenty years.

The timeline in the Conan world is chaotic. The time of the main body of the Marvel main world is not long, but the Roman in the Conan world has been through a long time.

The Illuminati created by Roman in the Conan world is also extremely powerful and has strong financial resources. It is for this reason that with the full support of Roman, after helping Haibara Ai to take revenge, Haibara Ai also devoted herself to researching APTX4869 for Roman, and made many improvements before improving it to the syringe version.

However, due to the special nature of the drug, a person can only be injected once in his life.

However, this is enough for Romen.

The potions given to the two this time are drugs that can reverse twenty years of youth.

If Professor X's twenty years are reversed, then Professor X can return to the end of his peak, and then he can also return to the stage where his abilities will not be out of control.

The same is true for Logan, who can return to the peak stage and eliminate the negative effects of those genetically modified foods. At that time, relying on his own strong self-healing ability, he can completely suppress the negative effects brought by the adamantium alloy.

Whether it is Charles or Logan, after the potion is injected into the body, a heat flow surges all over the body, and then the whole body has a burning pain.

However, whether it is Charles or Logan, they believe that Romen will not specifically use this method to harm them, so they also rely on their own willpower to endure this pain.

Although Romen did not say it, after the improvement of APTX4869, although the side effects have been eliminated, the pain after use will be more than ten times stronger than the original version, which can only be said to be a problem.

I believe that many people would not mind a little pain in order to regain their youth.

It didn't take long for Romen to see that the two people had changed a lot.

Charles's cloudy eyes became clearer. Charles, who was originally a kind old man in his twilight years, also had a sense of wisdom, and the wrinkles on his face were much less. He looked younger, as if he was more than twenty years old.

As for Logan on the other side, the change may be even greater than that of Professor X. Although he still had the same image, his aura was suddenly different. The image of the originally decadent middle-aged old man quickly gained a strong spirit, and Romen could clearly feel the vigorous vitality. Logan's wrinkled old face also looked like he had returned to his prime, but the big beard affected his image more.

After Romen's telepathic ability evolved, and after Romen's own development, he developed a method similar to the detection technique.

In Romen's detection, the changes of the two were quite large.

[Charles Xavier (Energy Level: 3.9>4.7): Telepathy (LV4)]

[Logan Howlett (Energy Level: 2.9>3.9): Self-healing Factor (LV3), Beast Sense (LV3), Bone Claws·Adamantium Bone Strengthening (LV4)]

This energy level is mainly in line with the level of mutants, mainly showing comprehensive strength, and is also applicable to various superheroes and super villains. The upper limit of the energy level is currently 5, which is the threshold of Omega-level mutants and Father-level strongmen. Because this ability is derived from Roman's ability, the upper limit is also limited by Roman.

It can be seen that both Charles and Logan, because of the medicine given by Roman, have restored some youth and their own strength has also been greatly restored.

However, because Charles is older, he has not completely recovered to his former peak, that is, the level of energy level 4.9.

And because of the self-healing primer, Logan quickly returned to the peak of strength after recovering his youth. It is roughly the level of strong level 3 and weak level 4. The main reason is the existence of the adamantium skeleton, which has greatly increased Logan's strength limit.

However, according to Romen's investigation, it can be seen that the seemingly indestructible adamantium is only at the level of level 4, not truly indestructible.

But think about it, even the indestructible vibranium will be damaged under Thanos' attack, and the adamantium with the same indestructible support will also be damaged.Alloys also have their own upper limits.

However, both metals should be at the level of Strong Level 4, and both have high upper limits.

"What is this?"

Feeling his unprecedented good condition, Logan couldn't help looking at Romen and asked his own question.

Although Charles on the side didn't say anything, he also showed a look of exploration. The changes brought by this potion are really too strong. After regaining youth, the mind is extremely clear and the ability is under control. I haven't felt it for a long time.

Romen smiled and didn't answer.

Bringing things from other worlds consumes the energy of the mirror dimension, which is still a lot, so this method will not be used too much in a short period of time. The potion he took from Conan's world is only five tubes, which is a non-renewable resource to some extent. Instead of just evading it, it's better not to say it directly.

Seeing Romen's smile, but not answering, the two didn't think of pursuing it. It was enough for them to get the benefits, and there was no need to pursue the source of this thing too much.

However, after using the potion given by Romen, even Logan's attitude became much friendlier.

"Okay, for the rest of the time, you can get familiar with it. You can check more specific information through this tablet."

The two were assigned houses, and their houses were adjacent to each other so that they could communicate with each other.

Then, Romen left a tablet and gave the space to the two.

By the way, the tablet was connected to the artificial intelligence named Skynet by Romen, which was the artificial intelligence that Romen split without Ultron knowing. Both of them were not stupid. It was much more convenient and faster to understand through Skynet than what Romen said, so Romen did not waste his breath.

I think the two of them have experienced such a change, and I think they need to communicate well.

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