"Wu Gensheng, you are really good at running!"

A heavy voice came from the distant jungle, and a group of men with muscular bodies and bronze bodies like cast brass came out of the forest, staring at Wu Gensheng fiercely and shouting.

Seeing this group of strong men in the village, Luo Men's brows also frowned.

He was about to give his third move, but when this group of people came, it was really not the right time, which was simply a spoiler.

"Little brat, who are you? Wu Gensheng is not your business."

Suddenly, one of the 18 strong men noticed Luo Men and started to mock him.

Hearing the other party's disrespectful voice, Luo Men's eyes also became cold.

He didn't talk to the sturdy man, but glanced at Wu Gensheng and said, "You're lucky. Remember this third move first. Get out of here."

The bald man aroused his anger, but he didn't want to hit Wu Gensheng. In addition, he didn't have much bad feelings towards Wu Gensheng. He also thought that Wu Gensheng might have a certain relationship with Zhang Chulan in the future. After considering many aspects, he was ready to let Wu Gensheng go.

However, even if Luo Men let Wu Gensheng go, Wu Gensheng's current injuries might not last long if he couldn't find good medical personnel. Of course, with Wu Gensheng's ability, the chance of survival is not small.

"Okay, thank you, Taoist."

Hearing Luo Men's voice, Wu Gensheng's eyes lit up, and he looked at the 18 sturdy men with some disdain, and he also showed some gratitude.

After that, the shameless and sloppy middle-aged old man disappeared from everyone's sight in a flash, regardless of the serious injuries in his body and whether the full-strength burst speed would aggravate the internal injuries.


The bald man looked at Luo Men and glared at him. The impatient strong men were ready to chase him.

"You eighteen, no passage."

Floating in front of the eighteen bald men, Luo Men's face was very cold.

Some time ago, the Shaolin Temple, which was in the stage of closing the mountain, heard that a group of disciples returned to secular life. But now it seems that it is not ordinary disciples who return to secular life, but the eighteen bronze men who return to secular life and go down the mountain to find trouble with Wu Gensheng, wanting to intervene in the seizure of the eight strange skills.

Speaking of monks, Luo Men's senses are really ordinary.

There are many real monks in Buddhism, such as Master Liao Kong, and only a small number of monks are qualified monks, but most of them are petty people.

For example, during the years of the Anti-Japanese War, there were basically no traitors in Taoism, and there were quite a few traitors in Shaolin alone. Although there were also disciples who returned to secular life and had certain achievements as generals, most of the Shaolin monks were still hiding in the mountains and closing the mountains.

Taoists go down the mountain to save the world in troubled times, and practice in seclusion in prosperous times. Buddhists close the mountain to avoid the world in troubled times, and open the mountain to welcome incense in prosperous times. The Three Pure Ones only need mud to build, but Buddhists want a body worth ten thousand gold. They kneel in front of the Buddha for three thousand years, but they have not seen the Buddha's heart pity. It is not that the world has blocked the Buddha's eyes, but that they have not offered incense money. Taoist priests are generally immortal and skinny. Buddhas are plump, fat and big-eared.

Just compare Shaolin and Longhu Mountain to know.

Except for the young generation who were suppressed and not allowed to go down the mountain, almost all of them were dispatched in Longhu Mountain, and the people were broken. Even an assassin organization like Tangmen is loyal and unparalleled.

As for Shaolin, except for a small number of real monks and eminent monks with a certain level of awareness, a large number of people hid in the mountains to avoid the world, and there were many traitors.

Now the appearance of the Thirty-Six Thieves and the Eight Wonders has caused the Seventeen who did not send out the Eighteen Bronze Men from the Mountain Gate during the Anti-Japanese War to return to secular life. Is there any trick inside?

Luo Men has no opinion on Buddhism, but he looks down on most monks.

To be honest, the Lu and Wang families intervened to snatch the Eight Wonders, but while they are good at civil wars, they have never been vague in foreign wars before.

And this group of monks are submissive in foreign wars, but they fight hard in civil wars, right?

"What do you mean?"

The leading strong man frowned and glanced at the strong man next to him, then spoke in a low voice, looking at Luo Men and asking.

"Since the mountain is closed, then close it cleanly, don't just do sneaky things."


Hearing Luo Men's words, the strong man who provoked at the beginning couldn't help but was immediately held down by the leading strong man.

Luo Men looked at the group of monks, and then said calmly: "I don't care what your style is, but you interrupted my action, so you have to bear the third move he should bear!"

After carefully looking at Luo Men for a long time, the leading strong man suddenly bowed and said: "Since the exiled immortal said so, we brothers should learn from him and learn from him.. "

Obviously, although they had never seen Luo Men, it was not surprising that he was recognized by his appearance, age, and popularity.


Watching the eighteen strong men change their positions, they could vaguely see the Qi between the eighteen people connected together, and a bronze luster appeared on everyone's body.

"Eighteen Bronze Men Formation?"

Looking at the formation formed by this group of people, which can share damage, physical strength and many other effects, Luo Men also sneered.

The name of the Eighteen Bronze Men Lane is well-known in the world.

Facing the eighteen bronze men who are going all out, Luo Men showed his slender and white palm, which is like a white jade work of art.

[All-out palm!]

As Luo Men's Qi fluctuated, his white jade-like palm suddenly swung out, bringing out an extremely condensed palm print.

"Om Mani Padme Hum! "

After the joint attack, the Eighteen Bronze Men, who were the most powerful in Shaolin Temple, naturally sensed the danger of Luo Men's attack at the first time, and they joined forces with all their strength to resist Luo Men's attack.

After reciting the six-character mantra, the copper luster on the Eighteen Bronze Men became more and more dazzling, and Luo Men carefully observed the horizontal training method practiced by the Eighteen Bronze Men.

Since Shaolin is closed, it is not easy to see the Buddhist martial arts. At present, the Eighteen Bronze Men use Shaolin's top horizontal training kung fu, and Luo Men is somewhat interested.

But after observing it for a while, Luo Men gave up directly.

These Eighteen Bronze Men, in terms of individual ability, are basically first-class strong men, and they can almost be comparable to the top strong men when they join forces. But in the final analysis, they are still a group of first-class warriors. Even if there is the existence of the Eighteen Bronze Men Formation, which allows everyone's strength to be improved to a certain extent, it is still far from the real top strong men.

And Luo Men's full strength With one palm, he has completely entered the ranks of the top. This group of people can't withstand this blow.

Turning around, Luo Men left without looking back. He said that one move is one move, and he doesn't care what happens next.


However, Luo Men didn't walk a few steps before he heard the eighteen bronze men spurting blood at the same time in tacit understanding. This group of people is indeed very tacit in this regard.

According to Luo Men's judgment, this group of bronze men should be useless, but it just suits his mind.

Of course, if Shaolin Temple can give away precious pills such as Da Huan Dan, this group of people may be able to eliminate their injuries and have a chance to go further. However, Luo Men is pessimistic about this.

Not to mention whether Shaolin has so many Da Huan Dan, even if there is, it will not be wasted on these people. Da Huan Dan is much more valuable than a bronze man.

Bronze men can be trained, but after using Da Huan Dan, it is very difficult to find materials to refine it. It is a non-renewable resource to a certain extent.

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