Zhang Zhiwei was the last one, so after Zhang Zhiwei got on the ship, the ship to the island country officially set off from a port in Shanghai soon.

Normally, it is not a simple matter to find a ship that crosses the sea in this era.

But the current network of the Sanyi Sect is really huge. Just a little idea, many people want to send a ship.

But in the end, a sea merchant with a good reputation was chosen, and then his merchant ship was borrowed to go to the island country.

Of course, in the current situation, it is impossible to reach the mainland of the island country, but stopping at a nearby island and going to the island country at that time is not a big deal for young masters with various means.

This time when going to the island country, the information about the base of the local alien organization was provided by the Tang Sect.

As an assassin organization that has been passed down for nearly a thousand years, getting information from the aliens of the island country is their real specialty.

What about ninja organizations, samurai families, onmyoji shrines, etc., as long as there is information about the forces of the invaders, the masters of the Tang Sect have dug it out from the mouths of those island countries.

It’s just that the Tang Sect suffered tragic sacrifices during the Anti-Japanese War, and they didn’t have enough strength to cross the island country to seek revenge.

Until this time, Luo Men organized a plan to cross the island country in the name of the Trinity Sect, and the Tang Sect also sent the most respected disciple at the moment, Tang Miaoxing, with a lot of information obtained at the cost of blood, to guide everyone.

"This time we are going to the island country, with the following main goals. Although most of the elite aliens of the island country have been deployed to the Central Plains, there are still some left in their nests. There are several old monsters living in seclusion in these places, and I hope to leave it to Lord Luo to solve.

Tang Miaoxing spread out an extremely detailed map on the conference table in the cabin and began to explain the information and the next plan to the people present.

The young Tang Miaoxing spoke clearly about the plan, pointing to the signs on the map and explaining it to everyone in a logical manner.

"Wait, I can also try those old monsters."

Suddenly, Zhang Zhiwei suddenly spoke up and interrupted Tang Miaoxing's words.

This made Tang Miaoxing stunned for a moment, looking at Zhang Zhiwei strangely, and then looked at Luo, um.

Luo Men noticed Zhang Zhiwei's gaze and nodded to Tang Miaoxing, saying: "His strength is enough, give him a few. "

Tang Miaoxing nodded when he heard Luo Men's words, and others such as Lu Jin, Lu Ci, and Wang Ai also had some ideas.

This time, their goal is not to clear out the small fish, but to face a strong enemy with enough weight, see the scenery of the island country, and hone themselves.

"Give them an old guy as well. "

Luo Men also noticed this scene, but considering that although this group of people also came from powerful forces and their strength exceeded that of other peers, a single person was definitely not qualified, so Luo Men directly asked Tang Miaoxing to assign a target to these people with some intentions on their faces.

They are all young talents, but there are differences between people. They work together on one, while Zhang Zhiwei is responsible for several people, and Luo Men is responsible for the rest.

After the personnel allocation, it is the action plan, and everyone is responsible for their own.

What Luo Men finds more interesting is that there are two targets, one in Hiroshima and the other in Nagasaki.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki both belong to the southern region of the island country, and in the future he knows, these two places will enjoy and witness the ultimate weapon of mankind, blooming in human cities, and the terrible consequences brought about.

Thinking about it, Luo Men also looked at the positions of the others, and the distance was In other words, if the targets of other people are not particularly close to this area, he should not worry too much. After the little boy and the fat man landed, other people would be affected.

Everyone is more or less a member of the sincere anti-Japanese movement, and Luo Men does not want anyone to have any problems because of this kind of thing.

This ship was not used to do business with the island country before, but to do business in Southeast Asia. However, this time, because of the Sanyi Gate, the ship was directly lent and went straight to the island country.

At present, it is in the late stage of the war, and the situation at sea is still relatively bad, with various battles coming and going. The island country’s army may have declined to a certain extent due to the shortage of supplies. However, the island country’s navy, even if the whole country is tightening its clothes and cutting back on food and saving money to support the navy, the combat effectiveness of the island country’s navy is still very strong.

At present, no one dares to sail in this sea area easily, and they will be affected if they are not careful.

However, after Luo Men learned the Tongtian Talisman, he canTo do many unusual things, the most basic thing is to use the power of the talisman to make the ship invisible in a physical sense, so that there is no need to worry about being discovered by the island nation's navy, and then suddenly receiving a shell.

In a few days, the ship stopped on an island in the waters near the island nation. Next, everyone will use their own methods to enter the island nation to complete their tasks and eradicate the alien world of the island nation.

"Everyone remember your mission goals, and you can communicate through the communication talisman of Lord Luo Men."

Tang Miaoxing said, looking at the rune on the back of his hand, and his heart felt quite magical.

Not only Tang Miaoxing, but everyone else has a rune on the back of their hands, and this is Luo Men's handwriting.

Everyone knows that the Sanyi Sect has obtained the Tongtian Talisman, and with Luo Men's existence, no one is dissatisfied with it. But they didn't expect that this Tongtian Talisman can be used in this way.

Seeing the eyes of Lu Ci beside him, Lu Jin couldn't help but say, "Don't look at me. I know the Tongtian Talisman, but I don't know this."

Lv Ci didn't know what to say about this. Others can use the Eight Wonders without worrying about it, but he can't learn the Eight Wonders. Not only can he inherit it through blood, but he dare not announce it to the public.

However, this communication talisman is not a talisman that the Tongtian Talisman has, but it was developed by Luo Men himself. Based on Luo Men's own strength, it can make calls at a relatively long distance, which is a bit similar to the feeling of Xiaolingtong, but it needs to consume Qi to maintain it.

In this era, this method is indeed very convenient. However, due to the current ability of Luo Men, the number of this communication talisman that can be made is relatively limited. Of course, it is enough now.

This is mainly to allow everyone to ask for help through the communication talisman when encountering an enemy that cannot be defeated, so as not to lose people in vain. Moreover, Luo Men can also locate everyone's position with these communication talismans, even if they are dead, the body is easier to find.

After the final mobilization, everyone started to show their talents.

"Zhang Zhiwei, don't die."

Then, Luo Men saw Senior Brother Lu shouting at Zhang Zhiwei, and a smile appeared on his face.

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