The tense and exciting life of Roman in the world of one person has come to an end for the time being, and Roman is also observing the current Krakoa.

Krakoa's current situation can be said to be thriving.

Every day, a large number of mutants come to Krakoa through the transmission network established by the Krakoa Flower.

Since Professor X returned to normal, he has also studied the Krakoa Flower, a specialty of Krakoa, with the assistance of other suitable mutant scientists.

There are three derivative drugs of the Krakoa Flower.

Pill L: It can extend human life by five years. For humans, the pursuit of life is always extremely strong. In ancient times, there were many emperors and generals who wanted to pursue longevity and look for longevity medicine. Although it can only extend life by five years, it is very real compared to the illusory longevity medicine.

Pill I: Super antibiotics available to humans can cure 99% of human diseases. Needless to say, the effect is really strong.

Pill M: It can cure human mental illness, which is very important. People who have never had a mental illness will not know how difficult it is to cure, which makes this drug even more powerful.

In addition to the drugs developed through the Krakoa Flower, the Krakoa Flower itself also has many subspecies with various magical functions.

Flower G: A portal can be generated where the flower is planted, directly connected to Krakoa. With the existence of flower G, after Romen took the trouble to find suitable nodes around the world to plant, he also established a large enough transmission network, which made it much easier for him to transfer mutants.

Flower H: A habitat is formed where the flower is planted. This area will become part of Krakoa, but this flower is relatively rare. At present, only two flowers have been made. One is used for experiments on another island, and the other is kept for research on how to derive more flower H, and it is also prepared to be planted in the future depending on the situation.

Finally, there is a variant of flower H, a non-natural experimental product, flower N, which also generates a habitat and is also in the Krakoa ecological environment, but it will not be sensed by Krakoa's consciousness, similar to a tumor in the human body.

Therefore, after the flower N was researched, it was directly sealed up as a sample and will not be manufactured again.

In other words, there are five useful derivatives of the flower of Krakoa alone.

Of course, there are not necessarily only six derivatives of Krakoa. These six products are mainly derived from the situation in the X Royal Universe and the ideas given by Roman. They are not the potential of the flower of Krakoa, which is only a little bit.

In the research of Professor X, a professional, Krakoa still has great potential.

Speaking of which, Professor X does not want to put more thoughts on managing mutants and leading mutants after realizing that his and Magneto's paths are wrong and recalling the mistakes he has made.

Professor X believes that Roman, a young man, can manage this large territory and lead mutants to a brighter future. Therefore, he, an old man of the old era, should not get involved so much.

Professor X, at the moment, only wants to be a relatively pure researcher and an educator, so he also becomes the dean of the newly established X Academy to teach students. Of course, if he is needed, he will also step forward.

In this regard, Roman has no opinion. Professor X is a smart man. Although he has outstanding talents in all aspects, his overly kind character also makes him too restrained in doing things.

Although he has experienced a lot and his personality has changed, some essential aspects have not changed, so Roman did not force Professor X to lead everyone.

In essence, Krakoa does not have a perfect system at the moment, but the fact is that it is a one-man show headed by Roman.

Whether it is Krakoa or other mutants, they are all connected by Roman as a link, and with Roman's strong strength, everyone has a safe life, so everyone is convinced enough of Roman.

As for establishing a whole and thoroughly declaring this to the whole world, Roman is not allowed to proceed for the time being.

Ancient One is not dead yet. If he does things so openly, the other party might come to him directly.

It has not been a long time since the Ultron incident. That's right, Ultron is dead.

Although Ultron dare not put the Mind Stone into Vision's body because of Romen's strong control over the Mind Stone, the created Vision,Still strong enough to be the last straw that broke the camel's back of Ultron.

Because of Romen's foresight, he created an intelligent life called Skynet, and he still has enough control over the network. .

Otherwise, it would not be so easy to find so many captured and self-hidden mutants and bring them back to Krakoa.

Although the construction of Krakoa is not long, with the joint efforts of everyone, Krakoa has changed a lot.

The biggest change is roughly the population change of Krako, from the initial number of only a few dozen people to now exceeding the upper limit of 10,000. Some small African countries may not have so many people.

However, after the easiest person to find is found, the subsequent search for other mutants should be slower and slower, and the population should be around 500,000. The progress of searching for mutants will decrease a lot.

After suffering a lot of persecution, the current number of mutants should be only about a few million. This number looks a lot, but it is not particularly large among the billions of humans scattered all over the world.

"Well, have you found another mutant to focus on?"

Above the big tree in the center of Krakoa, Romen suddenly felt his bracelet vibrate.

He pressed the bracelet, and a three-dimensional projection screen appeared. Romen also saw the information from Skynet, and his eyes became more interested.

When Romen set up Skynet, he also asked Skynet to pay attention to other mutants with Omega potential, as well as some mutants that appeared in the original book, the most important of which was Magneto.

According to the current search, Magneto has not been found yet, but it is certain that Magneto is definitely not dead.

However, in the mutant intelligence transmitted by Skynet this time, although Magneto was not there, there was a person who was closely related to Magneto, which also aroused his interest.

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