Arriving at the cafeteria, Roman also took the two of them to familiarize themselves with the eating process, then found a seat in the cafeteria and sat down to eat together.

There is no commercial development on Krakoa at present, and it is currently in the stage of big pot meals. Roman has noticed this and has started to prepare the currency system on Krakoa in the future through Skynet.

In the future Krakoa, there will be a lot of mutants. It is definitely not enough to rely on big pot meals, and the taste of big pot meals may not be suitable for everyone. A trade market will still be established in the future.

However, there is no rush to establish a currency system for the time being. It is mainly digital currency. This can be implemented after there are more people and the country is officially established.

Sitting at the dining table, Roman also checked the abilities of the two girls in front of him.

[Lorna (Energy Level: 3.0): Magnetic Field Control (LV4)]

[Clarice (Energy Level: 2.7): Space Gate (LV4)]

As expected, both of them are Level 4 mutants, but because their strength development is relatively low, their energy levels are not high. Clarice, who has a relatively low level of ability control, has a clear gap with Lorna.

According to Romen's judgment, both of them should have Omega potential. The LV4 level is the innate strength, but it is possible to reach a higher level through acquired development.

Moreover, even Omega mutants are not without strengths and weaknesses.

However, even the weakest Omega mutant is a strong enough to be seen.

Not to mention the mutants with auxiliary functions, the weakest of other Omega mutants must be planetary-level combat power, which is the so-called sub-god father level.

However, in the entire Krakoa, the existence with Omega potential, in addition to Lucy and Professor X, is the two girls in front of him. Even Lisa might be a little worse.

From this point of view, there are not many Alpha mutants with Omega potential. Of course, it is not ruled out that Romen made a mistake. Although he can read people's information, it does not mean that he can read all the information of Krakoa mutants. He dare not guarantee whether there will be any fish that slip through the net.

During the meal, Romen and the two girls who looked like little hedgehogs gradually became familiar with each other. It is easy to get closer when talking at the dinner table.

"Lorna, do you know who your biological father is?"

"I don't know."

Lorna didn't know who her father was because she had never seen him since she became conscious.

However, seeing Romen's eyes, she also asked tentatively: "Do you know who my biological father is?"

"You said before that your ability is magnetic field control, and there is a very famous mutant with the same ability."

Roman looked at Lorna. Although he was basically sure that Lorna's biological father was Lao Wan, he couldn't say it directly because he didn't have any prophetic ability, which was not in line with common sense. Even though his existence was unreasonable, he didn't want to do anything strange, which would be very strange.

There are only a few famous mutants, and Lorna has naturally heard about those with similar abilities as hers from Victor. Victor even found a video of Magneto to teach her, but she had never thought about it before.


Lorna asked tentatively, with some lack of confidence in her eyes.

Although her ability is the same as Magneto's, her expressiveness is different.

At present, she can only control smaller metals, while Magneto is a man who twists the Golden Gate Bridge like a twist. The gap is really huge.

"Don't underestimate your potential. Magneto also came from a weak position. Professor X has the most say in this regard."

Even without telepathy, Romen can know many of Lorna's thoughts through the slight emotional fluctuations revealed by Lorna, and he also enlightens Lorna.

"Yes, Lorna, you are already very good."

Clarice nodded to Luo Nan while eating. Her face full of collagen, even if her image of eating was not very elegant, had a unique sense of arrogance.

Noticing Roman's gaze, Clarice blushed and lowered her head and stopped talking, but Roman could see that she was looking at him quietly, which made him laugh.

"Professor, this way."

At this time, Roman noticed a bald old man and waved his hand.

The person who came was Charles. Charles looked very peaceful at this time, and he was no longer in a wheelchair.

Noticing Roman's greeting, Charles also came over with his own plate.

"Who are these two?"

As he approached, Charles noticed two young men.The girl also asked.

Roman may not need to introduce to the two girls. From the curious eyes of the two girls, it can be seen that they are obviously not unfamiliar with Charles, Professor X.

It's just like the feeling that a character who originally existed only in legends finally appeared in front of them.

If the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants, Magneto, has some scenes such as destroying the Golden Gate Bridge, which are still vaguely circulated in the dark places on the Internet. Then Professor X, the leader of the X-Men, has no famous scenes except for his reputation.

However, as a telepath, Charles' battlefield is mainly spiritual. In terms of large scenes, he is naturally much more inconspicuous than those who can control or release abilities.

"Child, what's your name? I feel that you are very similar to an old friend of mine."

Suddenly, Charles looked at Lorna and showed a bit of thought.

Although Lorna did not show her ability, a unique feeling still made Charles feel something indescribable.

Hearing Charles' words, Lorna was also a little surprised.

Turning to look at Romen on the side, she was a little more suspicious. Could it be that I am really the daughter of Magneto? Otherwise, why are there so many coincidences?

However, if I am the daughter of Magneto, why haven't I seen my father?

Many doubts arose in Lorna's mind. Although Charles on the opposite side noticed Lorna's chaotic thoughts, after learning to control his own abilities, Charles would not rashly explore other people's memories. Therefore, he was a little confused about Lorna's emotional changes.

"She doesn't know who her father is, but her ability is magnetic field control."

Looking at Lorna who didn't speak, Romen looked at Charles and said.

Hearing Romen's words, Charles suddenly realized that he also saw a lot of his old friends in Lorna.

Although he didn't see Magneto, who didn't know whether he was dead or alive, it was also a blessing to be able to see his children.

However, Charles didn't say much when he noticed that Luna was not in good condition. Everyone ate first without saying much.

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