Letting Ultron go is not because Romen is really kindhearted, nor is it because he is incapable of directly dealing with Ultron.

Leaving Ultron behind can bring more value than dealing with Ultron.

Although Ultron will continue to improve his research on the Sentinel robots, no matter how many mutant gene cells he gets, even if he gets Mystique's cells, his upper limit is roughly the level of Apocalypse.

The most important point is the mind. Intelligent life also has mental power, but according to Romen's judgment, the upper limit of this mental power is not high.

In other words, unless there is something special, Ultron is almost defenseless in front of Romen, who has the Mind Scepter. Even if something similar to Magneto's helmet is developed through technological means, it cannot withstand the absolutely violent mental power.

In addition, there is no absolute contradiction between Romen and Ultron.

On the contrary, Ultron can barely develop into a collaborator. In the future, with the disclosure of the mutant kingdom, the environment encountered by mutants will only become more severe. Ultron should have developed almost to the same level by then, and can also attract some firepower and share some pressure.

Apart from other aspects of robots, as long as the technology is up to standard and the productivity is sufficient, the speed of development will only get faster and faster. This is also the reason why the omnic crisis is one of the four disasters.

The four disasters are omnics, undead, swarms, and players. They all have very similar characteristics, that is, they are fearless and have a large number of them.

As for the conflict between humans and Ultron, Romen honestly doesn't care.

Even if Ultron and humans fight each other and the world is destroyed, Romen won't care.

However, at that time, if there is a chance, Romen won't mind directly ruling mutants, humans, and even omnics.

Krakoa is a relatively independent and complete area. Even if the earth is destroyed, it is not a problem for Krakoa to survive in space with everyone.

To be honest, mutants think they are human beings, at most they have some superpowers, but humans don't think so.

For example, Romen has detected the guy next.

According to the information given by Ultron, Roman came to a laboratory. It seems that he always has a special fate with the laboratory.

Zander Rice, also known as Dr. Rice, is an ordinary human. His father was in charge of the X-weapon project and was killed by the escaped Wolverine. A few years later, Zander Rice became a doctor and got a lot of information about the X-weapon project from his father's colleagues. He then restarted the X-weapon project.

The female clone of the future Wolverine, or the daughter X-23, that is, Laura, came from his hands.

Now it seems that in addition to doing experiments on Wolverine's gene cells, Dr. Rice has also done gene cell experiments on other mutants, such as Magneto's clones.

Although Roman was a little regretful about not finding Magneto, he was not particularly surprised.

The black-robed man was the product of Magneto's gene cell experiment, which was not a very surprising thing.

As a prominent figure of mutants, Magneto is very powerful, but he has been captured alive. Once captured, it is inevitable that blood samples will be taken for experimental samples.

And because he is a powerful individual, he gets more attention and covetousness. It is normal that Magneto's experimental samples are widely circulated.

For now, let's deal with Dr. Rice first, and then deal with the problem of the man in black robes later.

As for Thrax, we can put it aside for the time being, but Romen will modify the guy's subconscious later.

Although it is impossible to directly change the ideas of hostile mutants, such a change is too great and will attract too many people's attention. But as long as their hostility towards mutants is lowered a little, it will be fine.

These people are actually not a threat. For Romen, there are actually very few real threats, such as Ancient One, Odin, or players like Thanos.

Of course, even if Romen currently has the Mind Scepter, he still has to be cautious about such enemies.

The power of the Mind Stone is indeed very strong, but in the end it is just an external object.

Roman can use its power to improve himself, but he cannot rely on the power of the Mind Stone. Moreover, except for some special Infinity Stones, most of the power of the Infinity Stones is limited to the current universe.

Moreover, this Mind Scepter comes from Thanos and has Thanos' hidden means.

Roman will still have to get the Mind Stone and make a more suitable container to hold the Mind Stone.

"It seems that the most suitable weapon is still Wolverine's genetic cells."At this time, in the laboratory, a middle-aged man looked at a baby girl in a crib, and his eyes also showed a different brilliance.

This baby girl is his 23rd experiment, so the code name is X-23.

According to Dr. Rice's comprehensive test, this child is almost the most perfect successor to Wolverine's genes. When he grows up a little and is implanted with adamantium alloy, he is fully expected to catch up with Wolverine's peak state.

What kind of existence is Wolverine in peak state? It is a real killing weapon, without any defects on his body. One person is equivalent to hundreds of experienced warriors. It is too brutal.

And such an existence is Rice's goal.

Wolverine once killed his father, so he has to create an existence comparable to or even beyond Wolverine.

It is a pity that the once arrogant Wolverine has long lost his spirit. Now he is just a driver, relying on a good car to earn a not-so-good salary and take care of the bald man who is beginning to suffer from Alzheimer's disease.

In fact, as once-famous figures, both Professor X and Wolverine were once the focus of everyone's attention.

However, with the observation day after day and year after year, it was found that these two people were indeed disabled, and now they were just paying a little attention to confirm the situation.

If it weren't for the fear of the power that the two might burst out in desperate situations, some people might have some crooked thoughts. It is precisely because of the fear of the power of these two powerful mutants that no one wants to force them. Since they settled in Mexico, they settled there. Anyway, mutants are no longer a threat.

As for Rice himself, he had long lost the idea of ​​revenge against such a Wolverine, or in other words, facing such a Wolverine's revenge, he didn't think there would be much pleasure.

"Speaking of which, it has been a while since I paid attention to Wolverine and Professor X. It's time to send someone to check again."

Thinking in his heart, Rice turned around and suddenly noticed that there was a teenager next to him, looking at the girl in the crib with a curious look.

"Who are you?"

While calling out, Dr. Rice had already pressed the alarm button.

Needless to say, the person in front of him must be a powerful mutant. He doesn't know what specific abilities he has, but it is definitely not something he can deal with.

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