"I said, let him go!"

As Wanda's voice became more gloomy, Roman also felt a little pressure.

I can only say that she is a woman who is as good as a cheater.

However, the Roman standing in front of her may not be less cheating than her.

With the mirror dimension, Roman, who will be able to sit in the mirror world of the heavens and the universe in the future, will be more cheating.

Moreover, even if this woman is unreasonable, she cannot ignore the basic law. The improvement of strength also takes time, and there must be a catalyst of sufficient weight.

As long as Roman does not kill Pietro, everything is under Roman's control.

"If you keep talking nonsense, I can't guarantee whether he can survive."

Let go of his hand, but Pietro is still floating in the air, and even has a bit of uncomfortable expression on his face.

Wanda can naturally clearly feel that Pietro is bound by the powerful telekinesis, so no matter how angry she is in her heart, it is suppressed at this moment.

"What do you want me to do to let Pietro go?"

"Don't worry."

After seeing Wanda calm down a little, Romen loosened his restraints on Pietro. Anyway, since his spirit was suppressed by Romen, he was not afraid of him running away.

If he pushed too hard, Wanda would burst out, which would be a troublesome thing.

[Wanda (energy level: 3.2>3.4): Probability modification (LV4), chaos magic (???)]

[Pietro (energy level: 3.0): Super speed (LV4)]

After checking the strength of the two, Romen couldn't help but sigh. Wanda's talent was really unique. Just by being aroused by anger, her strength was greatly improved. This kind of burst was almost comparable to that of the Hulk, and it was permanent.

However, Romen felt that this kind of burst ability would eventually weaken after reaching a certain level. Moreover, such an explosion will inevitably have a certain price. Perhaps Wanda, who has a tragic ending in the entire multiverse, is one of the prices.

However, judging from Wanda's situation, in addition to chaos magic, the probability modification ability she possesses is most likely derived from the X gene. In other words, this version of Wanda and Pietro is most likely the children of Magneto, and they themselves are also mutants.

While observing, Romen found that Pietro's face was no less similar to Magneto, mainly because Magneto was too old and the difference from his youth was a bit big.

However, even so, Magneto kept looking at Quicksilver and Wanda, and an inexplicable sense of intimacy made him a little strange. Especially when looking at Pietro, he could see many shadows of his youth.

Even on Wanda, he saw many traces related to a woman who had left a deep memory in his memory. The woman seemed to be called Natalia, a woman full of mystery.

If Magneto was young, he might not care about these details at all. At that time, he only cared about power and the future of mutants.

But now, he is old, and occasionally he will feel lonely, so when facing such a situation, he also has more hope in his heart.

However, Magneto did not speak immediately. After all, there was no particularly deep affection between him and Romen, and he could not ask for mercy.

Moreover, he did not know whether this was his own imagination, so in such a situation, Magneto remained silent.

Another point is that the two brothers and sisters did not cause casualties to the action team, and Pietro was not injured. Everything can be saved.

Finally, and most importantly, Romen did not show hostility to the two.

"What do you want to do?"

Wanda faced Romen with a vicious look and stared at Romen.

But because of her beautiful face, she did not look very intimidating.

"Isn't that what you want?"

Wanda was silent after hearing Romen's words.

"Call Pietro out, we'll leave right away."

Staring at Roman's eyes, Wanda's face also showed a serious look.

Hearing Wanda's words, Roman felt that the other party seemed a little too naive.

Now your important figures have been captured by me, and you don't have enough chips in your hand. In this case, such words are too pale.

Roman didn't speak, but silence is better than words.

As early as when the battle between the two sides started, Roman had quickly used his ability to send all the unconscious members of the action team directly back to Krakoa. Without Krakoa's permission, the portal could not enter Krakoa at all.The only person present at the scene, besides Romen and Wanda, was Magneto.

"Make your request, let go of Pietro!"

The Scarlet Witch looked unhappy at this time, but she was prepared for a big loss.

Originally, I thought he was just here to deal with the old and weak Magneto, but I didn't expect that there would be a teenager of unknown origin, and the destructive power displayed by this teenager was terrifying. He even caught Pietro who was moving at high speed. It was too outrageous.

Pietro was her twin brother and her only relative, so Wanda naturally wanted to do her best to save him.

It would definitely not work if she relied on pure force, so the only thing left was to admit defeat.

Although he was very dissatisfied, there was no way.

To be honest, Romen really didn't expect any request.

What weird request? Romen is not a weird male protagonist, so he would naturally not do that kind of thing.

Seeing Magneto's gaze, Romen also had an idea.

Noticing Roman's gaze, Wanda looked at Magneto, and was a little confused. Even Magneto was a little confused.

Although the three people didn't know the blood relationship between them, Roman knew it, so there was room for operation. It might be a good choice to let the three recognize each other. Oh, there is also Lorna. .

In addition, Roman also hopes to attract the two siblings to Krakoa, which is a bit difficult for the time being.

The two siblings who took over a branch of Hydra actually have a lot of power.

This time there are only two people together, mainly because the enemy they face is too strong. Ordinary warriors will have no effect at all, but will suffer a lot of losses.

After thinking about it, it is still a bit too ostentatious to point it out directly.

Therefore, Roman thought about it and changed his mind.

"I want a group of extraordinary humans, whether they are mutants, enhanced humans, or mutants. I don't care if they are superheroes, super villains, Hydra people, or SHIELD people. I only want 100 of them. By the way, those in this laboratory don't count."

Wanda's eyes changed when she heard Romen's words.

But after thinking about it, she felt that her brother was more important, so she said without any hesitation: "Okay."

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