After breaking the awkward atmosphere, the feeling afterwards was more relaxed and happy.

When there are children, the overall atmosphere is generally not particularly bad. Nezuko, who has shrunk to the state of a child, has served as a good atmosphere adjuster.

During this period, Luomen also observed Tanjiro's movements. What surprised him was that Tanjiro and Kasumi-sharu Tokito Muichiro, according to the trajectory of fate, became connected because of the 10-style of fate, and then Tanjiro found the ancient sword handed down from the Warring States Period from the 10-style of fate.

Sure enough, fate has inertia. Although Luomen's involvement has changed Tanjiro's fate a lot, some things still return to the original trajectory and are not missed because of Luomen.

"The hot springs here are very good. Do you want to come together?"

Kanae thought of something and suddenly looked at Luomen and spoke.


When Shinobu Kocho heard her sister's words, her eyes widened and she stopped Kanae with a blushing face.

In response, Luo Men smiled and said, "You are tired from the journey, so you might as well go take a hot spring bath. There may be a big battle tonight, and there may not be much time left."

"Really not coming together?"

Looking at Luo Men, Kanae smiled and said.

On the side, Shinobu Kocho's face was a little rosy, but a little shyness and expectation could be seen in her eyes.

"No, next..."

Looking at the two sisters in front of him, Luo Men was ready to refuse.

But suddenly he thought of one thing. If he said that he would be together again next time, wouldn't it be like setting a flag.

Generally, people who say this will not end up very well. Although Luo Men doesn't believe in such things, there is no need to offend.

Even if the relationship between the two sisters and himself has not been completely explained, it is basically just a layer of window paper.

During this period, there was no trace of monogamy. The two sisters of Butterfly plus Nezuko were just three people, at most like the three wives of Sound Pillar Uzui Tengen, which was not particularly outrageous.

Moreover, the woman had already made the invitation this time, so as a man, he would not be shy.

"Does Shinobu really not mind?"

Kanae looked at Luomen who suddenly changed his words, and was a little surprised, but she looked at Shinobu Kocho who was blushing beside her, and said: "I don't think Shinobu would mind."

Shinobu Kocho blushed, but did not say anything to refuse, obviously acquiesced.

At this time, Luomen did not confront Shinobu Kocho and say anything.

Next, he could feast his eyes, so he would not take advantage of the argument, and naturally took advantage first.

At the moment, no one was using the hot spring, and with the status of the three pillars, the arrangement should not be too simple.

After a while, all four of them came to the location of the hot spring.

That's right, bring Nezuko with you. Although this is an open-air hot spring, because of the terrain and the dense forests around, there is actually no direct sunlight, so Nezuko was brought with you.

Then soak in the hot spring, you can see some body outlines in the hazy mist, and the looming beauty makes people's heartbeats accelerate. Although the size of the hot spring is not large, if you look closely, you will feel

However, looking at Nezuko swimming in the hot spring, coupled with the comfortable hot spring soak, everyone's tense nerves are relieved a lot.

Quietly soaking in the hot spring, which is not a large hot spring, in fact, as long as you look carefully, even if you are on both sides, it is not particularly difficult to see the details clearly.

Roman did not observe anything specifically, because it is easy to suppress his distracting thoughts.

There may be another big battle tonight, so it is impossible to mess around now, but being honest is also a new milestone.

With the first time, the second and third times will be far away?

"Kanae, how is your body now?"

Roman looked at Kanae and broke the silence.

The woman who always had a gentle smile on her face also smiled and said, "It's no big deal. I won't hold you back this time."

Looking at the still gentle smile on Kanae's face, Luo Men knew that the other party had a tough character. Even if there was a problem, she would not tell him and add to his troubles.

To use the breathing method, you have to breathe. In the battle two years ago, Douma's blood demon technique directly filled the air with ice crystals. When the breathing method was used at a high intensity, it would naturally directly damage the lungs.

The importance of lungs to a person is needless to say. Similarly, lung injuries are the most difficult to heal. At least in this era, there is basically no solution without becoming a ghost.

"What are you going to do?"

When Kocho Shinobu saw Luo Men suddenly stand up and walk over, she also crossed her arms and looked alert.

Ignoring Kocho Shinobu,Shinobu Kocho, Luo Men sat directly between the two sisters. Shinobu Kocho was stunned for a moment. Her stiff body showed that she was very nervous.

"Don't worry, I won't eat you."

After saying this to Shinobu Kocho, Luo Men looked at Kanae and said, "Don't be as stubborn as last time, believe me!"

Last time, if Kanae hadn't been stubborn, the battle with Douma would have lasted too long, and she would have inhaled too much ice crystal air, and the injuries she received would not necessarily have been so serious. If Luo Men hadn't been holding her back, Kanae might have died soon after the battle, just like the history caused by Luo Men.

This seemingly gentle and kind woman is actually very tough and strong in her bones. She is roughly the type of woman who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside.

Hearing what Luo Men said, Kanae smiled and said, "Okay."

She knew that the young man in front of her was already the strongest member of the Demon Slayer Corps. He could kill the lower strings easily and had forced Muzan to retreat. Although he had not killed the upper strings, no one would think that Luo Men could not kill the upper strings.

"Wait for me to marry you."

"Who promised to marry you?"

Shinobu Kocho suddenly spoke up. It was too early to talk about marriage before she even confessed. Although she could accept marrying this bastard with her sister, it was too perfunctory to say it in this way.

"Then I won't marry you?"


All of a sudden, Shinobu Kocho also pounced on Luo Men with her teeth and claws.

She reached out and pressed down Shinobu Kocho's head. The woman, who was only a little over 1.5 meters tall, could not catch Luo Men, but the jumping snow rabbit was full of energy and scenery.

"Where are you looking at?"

Noticing Roman's gaze, Shinobu Kocho shrank back again, her eyes filled with shame and anger.

"Very beautiful, so how about marrying me?"

Roman didn't play any tricks, as he had cultivated his feelings for the past three years, so he was more direct and gave a straight shot.


The girl, who was shrinking under the water, responded muffledly with a sound as soft as a mosquito.


Just then, Nezuko swam over quickly and splashed a lot of water on Shinobu Kocho.

Then, it became a water fight game, and it became joyful all of a sudden.

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