Chapter 11:REGRET

"Yes Son, from now on we will have lunch together at home." said Bara as he took a little rice and chicken curry broth of his favorite.

"What do you want Son?" Bara asked as he took a plate for Chelo.

"Aunt Nita, let's eat .. sit here." said Chelo to Dealova who was standing next to Chelo.

"Sit down Miss Nita." said Bara, staring at Dealova's face, who looked nervous.

Dealova sat without intending to argue that she actually felt nervous waiting for what would happen.

"Hurry and get your food." said Bara, holding his spoon and started eating.

But suddenly there was a loud clapping sound as the sound of someone walking closer to where Bara was.

"Hmm, very good .. when the wife is not at home, the husband hires a baby sitter without the wife's consent and now a pretty good sight, a president with a baby sitter was having lunch together in front of his son..is it true my husband Bara Febriansyah?" asked Georgina who suddenly came up with a word of sarcasm.

Dealova was quite surprised, but not for Bara.

"If you come to lunch, just sit down." said Bara calmly.

"I!! sit with a baby sitter ?? Seriously you Bara!" shouted Georgina staring at Bara full of emotion then turning to look at Dealova.

"You!! What is your name? you eat quickly in the kitchen." Georgina said loudly.

Both of Dealova's hands clenched into fists, eager to rip off Georgina's lips, who were good at acting.

Irritated, Dealova rose from her seat, but Bara's voice held her back.

"You don't need to go anywhere, just sit back and eat." said Bara in a flat voice.

Dealova saw Bara then looked at Chelo who was silent with a face that was devastated and injured.

"Chelo, here honey sit with Aunt." said Dealova intending to hold Chelo in her arms so that his heart was not shaken by everything he heard and saw.

With a bowed face, Chelo got up from his seat and approached Dealova and sat on her lap.

"Aunt feed yes dear?" said Dealova as she started feeding Chelo with all her heart, leaving her job to trap Bara.

In her heart, Georgina smiled with satisfaction seeing Dealova, whose ability was undoubtedly missing for several days, Dealova was able to sit down for lunch with her husband.

Seeing Dealova's sincere concern when feeding Chelo, Bara's heart calmed a little. Regardless of Georgina who was still standing where he was, Bara started his lunch quietly.

Without feeling suspicious or tasting any other taste to his food Bara finished his meal.

Dealova menatap Bara tanpa berkedip saat Bara finished his meal, indeed Dealova has tasted chicken curry before and the taste remains unchanged because Dealova uses milk without sugar and adds curry spices to keep the taste the same.

Not waiting long, Dealova was shocked when Bara's body collapsed to the floor while holding his chest as if he couldn't breathe.

Georgina who was in the living room ran to the dining room when she heard something happened. Narti who is in the kitchen runs to Bara.

"Bara!!!" shouted Georgina approaching Bara who was having difficulty breathing with a flushed face.

"Narti!! immediately call the doctor. Good!! looks like Bara has an allergy." said Georgina.

Dealova, who was still holding Chelo, was just silent and transfixed with trembling legs, Dealova hugged Chelo's tiny body tightly.. Really Dealova didn't think that Bara's allergies were like that.

"Hey you hurry up to lower Chelo, help me lift Bara to the room." Georgina shouted to Dealova when she saw Bara who had passed out.

Still shaking, Dealova put Chelo down and helped Georgina lift Bara and put his on the bed.

Not long after, Doctor Bagus came and examined Bara's condition.

Dealova stood by the door speechless but regretful. Feelings of dread began to overtake her surely Bara and Georgina would not let go.

The shadow of the iron bars appeared in her eyes.

Feeling afraid to shackle her, Dealova did not move at all when her cellphone rang repeatedly from Johan.

After Doctor Bagus examined Bara, Dokter Bagus injected an injection of Epinephrine, because Doctor Bagus knows the history of Bara about his severe allergy, which is already anaphylactive shock.

"How is Bara, Gus?" Georgina asked Doctor Bagus Bara's friend.

"It's okay, it looks like Bara ate the food she was allergic to." replied Doctor Bagus, looking at Bara, who was still unconscious.

"Okay Gina, because Bara is fine I'll go home." said Doctor Bagus, looking at Dealova and giving a smile.

After Doctor Bagus left Bara's room, Georgina shouted loudly for Narti.


Narti, who was carrying Chelo, came hurrying.

Seeing Narti carrying Chelo, Dealova took over Chelo and carried her.

"Yes I am Mrs. Gina." said Narti with a face full of fear.

"What food did you give Bara until she got allergic again?" Georgina asked with an angry face.

"I only cooked chicken curry, Madame." said Narti with tears that were already flowing profusely.

"How many years have you been with Bara, cook you don't know what food Bara shouldn't eat!" Georgina said without being polite to the older person.

"I know Madame." said Narti with a trembling body.

"You better pack your things now and leave this house." said Georgina heartlessly, Georgina had an idea from the problem that she could expel Narti so that Dealova could be free to carry out her duties to create a scandal in her household.

"I'm sorry Madame, I really don't know anything." said Narti apologetically while kneeling at Georgina's feet.

"Aunt Narti? what is Aunt Narti doing?" said Dealova while pulling Narti's wrist to wake up.

"Mrs. Georgina, what Aunt Narti said is true, Aunt Narti really doesn't know anything." said Dealova intending to confess in front of Georgina that it was she who deliberately gave Bara milk to food.

"Then who if not Narti?" asked Georgina angrily because Dealova had ruined her plans.

Dealova lowered Chelo, then looked deeply into Georgina's face, with a resigned heart Dealova took a deep breath.

"Who does it is..." Dealova not finished speaking yet, Bara's deep voice was heard in Dealova's ear.

"No need to continue this matter anymore, I'm fine, Narti and you Miss Nita take Chelo to the room." said Bara with his breath starting to normal.

"Bara !! This can't be left alone, I'm going to report this to the police." said Georgina with angry anger because in front of Dealova she was belittled by Bara.

"That's it Gina, don't make something you will regret, go to your room ... I want to rest." said Bara in a cold voice.

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