Chapter 20:JOHAN'S Sacrifice (1)

"I'm sorry Jo, I'm sorry..I didn't mean to be angry with you, I was mad at them Jo." said Dealova cupping Johan's face, who looked sad.

"Yes I forgive you Love, but you are right Love, I am the root of all the problems that exist in you, I promise I'll finish, now tell me everything Love." said Johan, hugging Dealova's back tightly.

Without a single story left, Dealova told Johan everything, even up to the last story where Alvino wanted to be with her in one day which made her angry.

"I'm sorry Love, because I finally got you involved with those people, now you calm down." said Johan hugging Dealova with feeling.

"No Jo, you are completely innocent. Please forgive what I said earlier?" Dealova's words kissed Johan on the lips, making Johan's heart love Dealova even more.

"I'm going to see Mr Bara now." said Johan calmly.

"Not Jo, if you go there Mr. arrogant will know that I was there just acting and it will add to my fault for him." said Dealova who didn't want Johan to tell him everything.

"Then what should we do?" Johan asked, who actually wanted to go to Bara's house and finish everything.

"We'll wait for tomorrow morning, what will Bara do." said Dealova who was very dizzy with her way of life which always had bad luck.

"Okay, now you are resting, okay? I will go out for a while to find food for you." said Johan attentively.

"Thanks Jo, you are very kind." said Dealova, staring at Johan's face, which was getting more and more handsome in her eyes.

"You don't look at me like that. Love, I can fall in love with you later." said Johan a little nervous as he stood up from his place.

"Didn't you already fall in love with me Jo?" muttered Dealova quietly.

"What did you say Love?" asked Johan, who heard Dealova's murmuring a little.

"It's okay Jo, come back quickly ... my stomach is hungry." said Dealova with a smile.

Johan glanced at Dealova while scratching his nape, curious about what Dealova had to say.

Outside the house, Johan takes a deep breath on his motorbike, thinking about his problem with Bara and Dealova.

"What should I do to help you Love, I won't let you face all of this alone, there is me who will always take care of you even though my life is at stake." murmured Johan with a sad heart running his motorbike to buy food for Dealova.


In the morning Johan woke up early. All night he could not sleep soundly, his mind only focused on the Dealova problem, even though his body was very tired after working at his night club which was very crowded with visitors.

Sometimes in his heart Johan wants to quit his job as a gigolo and wants to continue his business exclusively for cafes, but it is very difficult to let go of his men who do not want to stop or separate from him.

"Maybe it's time I quit all of this." murmured Johan as he pushed his blanket out of the room to the kitchen to get a drink.

"Morning Jo." said Dealova who was already in the kitchen preparing breakfast for Johan.

"Morning too, Love." Said Johan smiling as he opened the refrigerator to get a soft drink.

"Eiitt ... no, from now on you have to cut down on soft drinks, I have prepared warm milk for you." said Dealova as she took the fizzy drink from Johan's hand and put it back in the refrigerator.

Johan's heart was even more touched and miserable by Dealova's attention.

"Love?" called Johan in a trembling voice.

"Yes Jo?" said Dealova, staring at Johan's brown eyes.

"I..I want to say something, I ...." Johan did not continue the conversation because Dealova's cellphone rang.

"Wait, Jo, looks like Chelo called me." said Dealova when she saw Narti's name on her cellphone.

Johan's courage receded again when he found out how much Dealova cared for Chelo.

"Hello, Yes Aunt Narti." said Dealova after receiving Narti's call.

"Miss Nita, Chelo is sick Miss ... high fever, very hot body ... keeps calling Miss Nita's name." said Narti, sounding very panicked.

"Mr. Bara where is Auntie?" Asked Dealova, feeling increasingly unhappy, his child was sick and didn't even know.

"Mr. Bara from yesterday afternoon did not go out of the room, miss." Narti replied trembling a little.

"Okay, I'll be right there..please prepare everything and wait for me at the side door of the house." said Dealova already panicked with Chelo's condition.

"What's up Love, is there something that happened to the boy?" Johan asked, worried when he saw Dealova's pale face.

"I'm going to Mr Arogan's house to take Chelo to the doctor, he has a fever while his crazy father hasn't left the room yesterday, he doesn't care about his son." Dealova replied irritably.

"I'll take you Love?" said Johan not wanting anything to happen to Dealova.

"Thank you, dear." said Dealova then kissed Johan's lips briefly.

Johan's heart flowered again with the call of Dear Dealova and another kiss that felt on his lips when Dealova kissed him.

"You're welcome, Love." said Johan a little nervous and embarrassed.

"We're leaving now Jo, before Chelo anything wrong." said Dealova taking her jacket.

"Come on Jo, ." said Dealova after being on the motorbike by hugging Johan's waist tightly.

Johan's heart was beating beautifully, the moment every second with Dealova began to be recorded beautifully in Johan's mind.

Arriving at the side door of Bara's house, Narti and Chelo were waiting for her.

"Dear Chelo, let's go to the doctor." said Dealova after getting off the motorbike and hugging Chelo.

Chelo nodded weakly.

"Alright Aunt Narti, I will take Chelo to the doctor, usually Chelo if sick goes to whose doctor?" Asked Dealova on the motorbike, carrying a limp Chelo.

"Doctor Bagus is usually Nona, his house is not far from here, on Jalan Tidar no 22." said Narti.

"Okay, tell Mr. Bara that I took Chelo to Doctor Bagus." said Dealova then patted Johan on the shoulder to leave immediately.

Arriving at Doctor Bagus's office, Dealova brought her into the practice room and took the queue number, while Johan waited outside.

When Doctor Bagus recognized Chelo, he immediately approached Dealova.

"Miss Nita? What's up with Chelo?" asked Doctor Bagus as he took over Chelo and led him into his office.

"High fever Doctor." Dealova replied, following Doctor Bagus into the room.

"Let me check first." said Doctor Bagus to check the condition of Chelo.

Outside Doctor Bagus's office, Johan is startled by the sound of a police car siren that stops right in the yard where Doctor Bagus' practice is. Three policemen got out of the car and approached Doctor Bagus's assistant.

"Excuse me, is this really Doctor Bagus's office?" asked one of the policemen.

"Yes, correct sir? Can I help?" replied the Assistant Doctor Bagus.

"According to the warrant from our supervisor, and based on the report from Chelo's parents, we were ordered to arrest Miss Kanita, for having kidnapped Chelo by force." explained one of the policemen.

Johan gasped from his seat, his chest felt tight when he heard all the explanations from one of the policemen.

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