Dealova stared at Chelo's eyes, then stared at the Bara who was standing straight without any expression.

"Can't be dear, Auntie must go home, I'm sorry ... Chelo." said Deloava who actually couldn't bear to see Chelo sad face.

"Aunty don't go!! Said Chelo once again, then ran to hug Bara.

"Daddy !! don't let Aunt Nita go, I want Aunt Nita." said Chelo hugging Bara with a pleading hug.

Dealova glared at Chelo, this is beyond her control, why her heart is really attracted to a little boy named Chelo.

With a heavy heart Dealova again stepped her foot out to the hospital, but her steps stopped again when Bara said something.

"Come with us." said Bara in a deep voice.

Dealova turned around, stared at the serious burning eyes, then turned her gaze to the chelo who slumped down from the embers sling running towards her.

Dealova looked at Chelo, asking herself with her heart, why did her heart suddenly fall for Chelo? and Dealova was very surprised what happened to Chelo that could not be separated from her?" all questions still remain in Dealova's heart.

"Are we going to stand here forever?" asked Bara, looking displeased at the long wait.

"Chelo hurry up, Daddy has to go back to work." said Bara, extending his hand to Chelo..

Chelo accepted Bara's helping hand, but also did not let go of his grip on Dealova.

Bara took a deep breath at Chelo's unusual attitude.

like a happy little family, Dealova followed the embers that were holding Chelo to the car park.

Dealova a little confused where to sit, Dealova hesitated to open the rear car door, but immediately Bara's deep voice rebuked her.

"Sit up front with Chelo." said Bara without looking at Dealova.

Without refuting Bara's words, Dealova sat in the front with Chelo, when the car moved forward, Dealova's cellphone vibrated slowly.

A little hesitant, Dealova took her cellphone and saw Johan's name on her cellphone screen.

Not wanting to upset Johan, Dealova accepted the call.

"Hello Jo, what's wrong?" said Dealova in a low voice because there was Chelo in her lap.

"Love, where are you? says go for a moment, why haven't you come home until now? we have to meet Georgina this afternoon." said Johan starting with his possessiveness.

"I'm on the road, I don't know what time it is, Jo." Dealova replied, looking at Chelo who was staring at her.

"You don't go with other men, do you?" asked Johan suspiciously.

"No Jo, I'll tell you everything, it's already a long time." said Dealova immediately closed the call and turned off her cellphone.

"Aunty? who is Uncle Jo?" Chelo asked suddenly which made Dealova go awry.

"Oh, Uncle Jo? ... Uncle Jo is Aunt's brother." Dealova answered blindly.

"Uncle Jo must be very handsome, Aunt Nita is beautiful?" said Chelo innocently.

Dealova smiled without saying anything else.

Arriving in front of the enormous house, Bara's car stopped for a moment, then without anyone opening the gate, the door opened automatically.

Dealova glued with her mouth slightly open.

"Auntie, don't open your mouth ... there will be flies." Said Chelo who made Dealova's face flushed with embarrassment, while Bara smiled at Chelo's innocent words.

"Ahhhh!!! why should I be ashamed? I really thought." Dealova grumbled, who did not care what people said since she had no value in the eyes of people.

"Come on down." said Bara, breaking Dealova's daydream.

Dealova awkwardly got out of the car and stood in front of a very large and luxurious house, almost like a palace.

"Come on, Aunt Nita, we will play to my room." said Chelo happily.

The main door opened, appeared a woman who was more than half a century wearing a maid's work clothes.

"Young master." Called the woman patiently when Chelo handed her the bag.

"Aunt Narti, I'm hungry..I want to eat in the room." said Chelo, pulling Dealova's hand to come into his room.

Aunt Narti stood dumbfoundedly holding Chelo's bag.

"Why Aunt Narti? you are shocked to see good Chelo with that woman." said Bara looking at Chelo and Dealova who walked up the stairs to go to Chelo's room.

"Yes, Big Master, what's wrong with young master? usually always do not like people he just met." said Aunt Narti, who has been with Bara for decades, since Bara was a teenager.

"Aunt Narti, please watch over Nita ... even though she is nice to Chelo we have to be careful because we don't know her." said Bara in a deep voice.

"Yes, Sir." said Aunt Narti, nodding her head.

"Oh yes Aunt Narti, I have to go back to the office, please when Nita comes home, tell Mr. Saleh to take her home." Bara said then hurriedly got into his car.

Inside Chelo's room, Dealova looked around Chelo's room with a look of amazement. This is the first time Dealova has entered a large luxurious house with expensive items in it.

"Chelo, because it was getting late, auntie had to go home, dear." said Dealova with great affection.

"But Aunty, we haven't eaten yet? we also haven't played yet?" Said Chelo, who just felt Dealova by his side for a while.

"Tomorrow we can play?" said Dealova who did not want to have a problem with Johan.

"I don't want to, Auntie will come home later, we have to eat and play first and then Aunty can go home." said Chelo with a face flushed with anger.

Dealova felt a little strange about Chelo's attitude suddenly changing just because she had to go home.

"Does Chelo have temperamental traits?" Dealova asked silently.

"Young master." called Aunt Narti who suddenly was in the room.

"Aunt Narti, .. told Aunt Nita can't go home I don't want to be alone anymore." shouted Chelo hugging Aunt Narti who was still holding the tray of food for Chelo.

Dealova immediately stood up and took over the tray in Aunt Narti's hand.

"Young master, later Aunt Narti will tell Aunt Nita not to come home." said Aunt Narti very patiently.

"Tell me now, when Aunt Nita comes home ... I don't want to eat." shouted Chelo running to the bed and covering his head with the pillow.

Seeing this, Dealova was very sure that Chelo was feeling hurt.

Aunt Narti looked at Dealova with a pleading look to fulfill Chelo's request.

Without a sound, Dealova climbed onto the bed and approached Chelo, who was sleeping on her stomach with a pillow to cover his head.

"Chelo, if Chelo is nice, don't scream anymore, Auntie wants to accompany Chelo every day, but this afternoon Auntie has to go home." said Dealova in a soft voice.

"Is it true? Auntie will accompany Chelo every day? promise?" Chelo asked, looking at Dealova expectantly, holding out his little finger.

Dealova smiled and nodded, joining her pinky finger on Chelo's little finger.

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