Qi Shan still hesitated. Gan Tang had pushed him forward from behind.

Qi Shan deliberately walked very fast. He just wanted to throw the scourge home early. He made up his mind that he would not worry about her this summer vacation. As a result, the scourge asked her, "did you give me a reward when you said I was ahead of 50 in the final exam last time?"

Qi Shan remembers that she once said she wanted to go to the ocean park and be a teacher. It can deceive students. "Of course, it counts. Don't you want to go to the ocean park? Ask Shang Chengzhang to go with us in a few days."

"That's not the reward I want."

He asked, "what do you want?"

She suddenly stopped and looked at him cunningly. Qi Shan waited to see what demon e-son she would produce again.

"Say what you want to meet you."

Gan Tang chuckled, still a little shy, summoned up his courage and said, "I want to kiss you."

Qi Shan only felt that the blood in his body began to flow into his face, which was more powerful than the smell of wine just now. Fortunately, he didn't drink much, and he was still rational. He immediately sank his face, "don't fool around!"

Seeing that he really turned his face, Gan Tang stopped the car in time, "Hey, I'm kidding. Why are you so serious?"

Qi Shan didn't intend to follow her at all this time. He found a taxi and stuffed her into the car. He said to his master, "Qiushui villa, go quickly."

This guy didn't worry. He poked his head out of the car and shouted in the street, "Qi Shan, I like you! I like you very much!"

It attracted the attention of a crowd. Qi Shan clenched his teeth. He really wanted to kill her!

It is said that make-up classes will be made at the beginning of senior two. This is the last summer vacation in high school. Gan Tang has studied hard for so long and plans to play wantonly.

Grandma and her cousins called one after another and asked her to come to the United States for the summer vacation. She was reluctant to give up Qi Shan and refused to make up classes. Although grandma wanted her granddaughter, she was also very pleased to see that she was making progress now.

Lu Jiuling is busy with various classes, painting and piano. Gan Tang has nothing to do all day. She always looks for opportunities to make an appointment with Qi Shan, play ball and eat. She has looked for all the reasons. He says he has no time. Gan Tang thinks that his teacher has something to do. It is clear that he is deliberately hiding from her.

August 7 is Gan Tang's birthday. Gan Siming is on a business trip. Obviously, she has forgotten it. She spent it outside with her friends. She called Qi Shan and expected him to come. He said he refused. Gan Tang was a little depressed.

In chengzhangfa's circle of friends, she saw him with Tian Xiaomi. Tian Xiaomi was blowing candles with his birthday hat, and Qi Shan was looking at her with a smile.

Gan Tang felt empty and didn't sleep well all night.

Sangsang is still a flower addict. When he comes, he asks for all kinds of news about him, "when will you help me make an appointment with him?"

Gan Tang looked in the direction of Chi Kuan and thought, come on, if you two become, Chi Kuan can't kill me.

"Lu Jiuling is in love with LAN Xiaoxi. It's none of your business."

Sang Sang was a little sad. Gan Tang said, "Lu Jiuling has a white face. What's good? Our teacher is much more handsome than him."

Gan Tang shared his love for Qishan with her by the way. Sang Sang gave her 18 plans for chasing a man. Finally, he looked at Gan Tang's flat upper body and said, "this method is estimated to be useless to you." he reached out and touched her chest and asked, "are you still undeveloped?"

Gan Tang patted her hand, "you didn't develop. Your whole family didn't develop!"

Sang Sang smiled. "It's a good thing that you can still develop, but you can't grow taller. Really, if you grow taller, you'll grow a necked deer. No one can afford to marry you."

Gan Tang estimated the height of Qi Shan. She was secretly beautiful. Qi Shan was tall. No matter how long she was, she would be fine.

"But he doesn't pay much attention to me now. What should I do?"

"He's your teacher. Besides, you're only 16 years old. How can a little girl with incomplete development fall in love with you? Besides, you scared him as soon as you came up. Can people pay attention to you?"

Gan Tang thought and thought, "what should I do?"

"You should step by step. Don't always pester him. You should know how to make progress by retreating, silently do something he likes, and let him take the initiative to pay attention to you."

Gan Tang felt that this method was reliable, but he no longer looked for Qi Mountain in three or two days.

Sang Sang's band just participated in a draft competition. Seeing that Gan Tang was ok, she simply asked her to act as a temporary assistant for free. It was fun to play in the rehearsal song room at the scene of the competition. Going out early and returning late was even busier than her class.

Gan Siming was busy at work and didn't care much about her when she saw her on vacation. Until she came back from a business trip in the middle of the night and found that Gan Tang was not at home, she knew that she was mixed with those bastards again and was angry.

He told Lu Qi about this. Lu Ke's wronged tears were rippling. Gan Tang fought against her everywhere. How could he obey her discipline? Gan Siming felt that his wife was really difficult to do, and he loved Lu Ke, so he couldn't bear to be harsh again.

Gan Siming took the opportunity to ask Gan Tang, "your foundation is poor. It's just that you have nothing to do during the summer vacation. I'll find a teacher to make up for your lessons. That's what you said to your grandmother."

Gan Tang was stunned for a while, "OK."

Lu Jiuling couldn't help glancing. Sure enough, he heard Gan Tang solemnly say, "our teacher Qi's class is very good. He can do anything in Chinese and mathematics. Let him make up for me."

Lu Jiuling scolded her in her heart.

Gan Siming nodded, "you can also ask your teacher if he has time. As for the tuition fee, it's easy to say."

Gan Tang lowered his head and stuffed a mouthful of rice. It seemed that he inadvertently said, "our teacher doesn't give students make-up lessons. Otherwise, you can call in person, which seems more sincere."

Gan Siming is an old fox. He doesn't know the little 99 in Gan Tang's heart. He smiled, "well, I'll call myself, but you have to promise me to go less to Chi Kuan and study hard."

Gan Tang was happy and blossomed in his heart, but he pretended to be very calm. "That's natural. In fact, learning also has the fun of learning."

Gan Siming's lips bent and didn't expose her.

Gan Siming personally called Qishan. To his surprise, the other party refused. Gan Siming was a little unhappy. With his power, he couldn't hire a small middle school teacher, but from another point of view, he felt more relieved to hand over Gan Tang to him.

He told Gan Tang the news. Her face was full of disappointment. Gan Siming comforted: "it doesn't matter. You don't want to make up lessons. I've helped you find a good teacher."

Gan Tang couldn't steal the chicken and eat the rice. When he went upstairs, he could hear Gan Tang beating on the floor in slippers. It can be seen how angry he was. Gan Siming held back his laughter behind her.

Gan Tang specially looked at the circle of friends down the Qi Mountain. What's not free? It's clear that he was still taking travel photos in the circle of friends a while ago. I don't know how carefree he was.

The holiday days passed quickly, and in the twinkling of an eye, half of the holiday was over.

The next day, Qi Shan got up early in the morning and went to the cemetery. In fact, it was not a special day. He just wanted to accompany maisui while he had time.

She has been away for four or five years. The pain seems to have dissipated with time, but the longing is still so strong.

He sat for half a morning and talked for a long time. It began to rain. Then he was ready to leave.

The long steps under his feet extended to the door. Not far away, there was a gloomy dark cloud covering the hillside. It was empty and cold. He was a little sad. He paused and looked back at the direction of the ears of wheat. He couldn't help being stunned.

There was a girl standing at the top of the steps, covered with a wide sweater and two chopsticks like legs. She was thin and shapeless in the wind. Her short head was pressed behind her ears, revealing a white and delicate face on one side. Was that wheat ears?

The illusion disappeared in just a second. He naturally recognized the girl. It was Gan Tang, who was generally worried about raising children this semester. He was not superstitious, but now he felt that fate might be doomed by God, otherwise why could he always avoid her.

She seemed to stand a little tired and squat down again. She put her elbows on her legs and supported her chin. Half of his side face was still smiling. That person was her mother. Qi Shan suddenly felt that his heart suddenly hurt.

When it was raining, she didn't seem to want to go. She pulled up her sweater hat. Qi Shan couldn't bear to ignore it after all.

"Gan Tang."

There was a bunch of flowers and a bottle of wine on the ground. Gan Tang took his sleeve and wiped the photos in the tombstone. After listening to the voice, he turned his head and couldn't hide the surprise on his face. He subconsciously wanted to lean over and hold his arm. He suddenly remembered that he didn't like it and took it back. He just closed his mouth and looked at the flower crazy smile on his face, "Qi Shan."

Her face was not very good. She was pale and bloodless. She obviously didn't have a good rest. He was worried whether she would live the old days of fooling around in society again. "It's raining. Go home."

Gan Tang didn't answer. He pointed to the picture on the tombstone and said proudly, "this is my mother, beautiful."

The photos are old. Looking at their appearance, they are really a stunning beauty. Look at the date of the monument. It has been ten years. Today is the day of death. But why is there no one in the Gan family, only Gan Tang.

"Well, beautiful."

"That's right. My mother was a famous beauty when she was young." Gan Tang sighed again. "It's a pity that she didn't have a good life. She met people and married people like Gan Si."

Qi Shan didn't know how to comfort her. He put up with it and touched her head across his hat.

Gan Tang tilted his head and looked at him. "When she left, I was still very young. I didn't know what death was. When I grew up, I was used to not having her. I wouldn't be sad for a long time, but she slept here alone. I always have to come and have a look."

Qi Shan looked a little melancholy. She thought it was because of her. She deliberately raised her little face and said with a smile, "I have money and face. I don't know how many people envy me."

Qi Shan couldn't help laughing and sighing, "yes, I don't know how many people envy you."

She was a little curious, "who did you come to see?"


"What kind of friend."

"A very good friend."

She always talked to him with her head up. The rain wet her face. He pulled her up and said, "it's going to rain hard. Let's go."

Gan Tang nodded, took two steps and pulled him back. She lowered her head and gently pasted her face on the tombstone to speak. He vaguely heard his name.

"What did you tell mom?"

She looked mysterious. "I won't tell you."

They walked down the steps. The rain gradually became urgent and hit them. Gan Tang took his hand and ran forward. The corners of his mouth were bent and clearly laughing.

Qi Shan was helpless for the little girl who wanted to take advantage of him at this moment. When he arrived at the management office, both of them were wet. Fortunately, the weather was hot and not cold.

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