Chi Kuan didn't care about Gan Tang and asked the driver to go to the hospital. The paparazzi kept chasing him. The assistant asked, "what should I do?" brother gang couldn't afford to wail, "it's all like this. What can I do? Let him go."

Before Chi Kuan got out of the car, he took off his hat and buttoned it up for her, covered half of his face and helped her into the emergency room.

She was still in the mood to tease, "I'll probably go to hot search tomorrow. I'm going to have an affair with you soon. I'm very excited to think about it."

Gan Tang had stomach disease. He didn't pay attention to his diet and had stomach spasm caused by long-term smoking. The doctor hung water and prescribed medicine for Gan Tang.

After a toss for nearly an hour, Gan Tang's pain became less. Chi Kuan stood at the head of her bed and observed her suspiciously for a while. "To be honest, you ate like this on purpose, so you have an excuse to find Qi Shan."

Gan Tang gave him a white look, "am I so stupid?"

The chair vibrated. Chi Kuan took out the mobile phone in her coat pocket and took a look, "Lord Qi Shan?"

He cut with disdain, waved Gan Tang's extended arm and picked it up by himself.

As he walked outside, Gan Tang hurried behind him, "call me."

Chi Kuan ignored her and went to the window. In the corner not far away, he was talking with his assistant.

He sneered and clapped.

He has always been disgusted with hype. He just wants to make music safely. His agent arranged him to shoot variety shows in TV dramas. In fact, he doesn't like it, but he is a newcomer now and has to compromise many things. The result of compromise makes him a little painful.

The other end of the phone gave a feed and asked him suspiciously, "who are you?"

"I'm a friend of Gan Tang. She's hanging up an emergency room in the hospital now."

The voice over there was a little urgent, "where is it? What's the matter?"

Chi Kuan glanced through the glass window and sat on the bed staring at his sweet Tang. He wondered how the goods had become so unpromising.

He deliberately answered the question, plus a warning and threat, "now I know how to worry. Your boyfriend doesn't take people seriously. I tell you, those who chase us Gan Tang can wait in a long line behind you. You don't have to go to the pole to find you. Don't know how good it is!"

Completely ignoring his threat, the other side roared, "I ask you what's wrong with her! In that hospital?"

Chi Kuan reported his address slowly and said Gan Tang was serious. The phone over there has hung up. He should have come here. He has a little conscience.

Chi Kuan stepped into the ward. The phone in his hand rang again. At first glance, it was Mrs. Gan's. he threw the phone to Gan Tang like a hot potato.

Gan Tang lied without changing his face. He said that old lady Gan gave a few instructions at a friend's house, but he really believed it.

"Tut Tut, your lying skills are perfect."

She turned back, "have the face to say that you lied to your parents."

He smiled, pulled a chair and sat down next to him. "Let me ask you something. How's Lu Jiuling?"

Chi kuanleng doesn't stare at him. Gan Tang thinks about Qin min again and feels guilty.

"Why do you care about him?"

"Just ask?"

"What happened to him?"

He sneered, "don't you know?"

"I haven't given up yet."

Chi Kuan straightened his legs, put his hands behind his head, and looked a little annoyed. "I've lost my heart, so I'm starting to make heaven and earth now. Lu Jiuling, a stepson, has a gloomy character, a heavy mind, and a cruel heart. I don't know what she sees in him."

"It's not that bad."

Chi Kuan was unhappy. "Which end are you? Turn your elbow out."

Chi Kuan and Lu Jiuling didn't deal with him when they were young. Now there is a Sang Sang in the middle. He hates him even more.

"Of course it's yours!"

Chi Kuan was impatient. "How is he? I've seen a big man since childhood. He's cruel and black. I don't know how many dumb bar losses I've had."

Gan Tang nodded a little guilty. When did she start? She couldn't share a bitter hatred with Chi Kuan about Lu Jiuling.

"By the way, there's something I want to remind you. Last time I saw your father's special assistant Fang Ling with Qin min."

Gan Tang's heart clattered, which meant that Gan Siming knew something? "What did they say?"

"I don't know. I heard from my mother that Fang Ling liked your mother when he was young." seeing that Gan Tang's face was a little ugly, he hurried, "your mother was the first beauty in city B when she was young. It's normal for many people to like it."

Fang Ling has been with Gan Siming for nearly 20 years. He has always been regarded as the most loyal person to Gan Siming. If he really gets involved with Qin min, it must be bad for GaN Siming. It doesn't need him to wake up. Gan Tang can also think of this powerful relationship.

No matter how rich Qin min is and how high his position in the entertainment industry is, he is far from Gan Siming. If he wants to move Gan's family through commercial means, it is undoubtedly impossible unless he starts from the inside.

Chi Kuan was a little worried and said, "Alas, I tell you these are treacheries. My family and your Gan family are bidding for a piece of land recently. Your family has not competed to no loss, but it is a matter of life and death for our chi family."

Gan Tang vaguely heard from Grandma once, "business competition is one thing, but Gan Chi's two family friends. If your family is really in trouble, my father won't refuse to ask Gan for help."

Chi Kuan hissed, "In the face of interests, what real friends are there? Look at those rich families competing for family property. Which is not close to their flesh and blood. It's hard to see how you tear it. You are so simple and ignorant. How can you carry Gan's huge body in the future, or does your father really plan to rely on Lu Jiuling to defend the country for you in the future? Seriously, Lu Jiuling's ambition and scheming. If he enters Gan's family, Gan's family will have no future What's the matter with you? "

Gan Tang was disgusted that others tied himself to Lu Qi's son. "How do you know I can't afford it! Besides, Lu Jiuling is an outsider, and I won't use him in the future."

Chi Kuan said with a long smile, "I guess your father wants you to marry Lu Jiuling. Lu Jiuling must know and acquiesce. Marrying you is tantamount to marrying Gan. He is not stupid. Your father will threaten you on this condition in the future, otherwise why doesn't he disclose his girlfriend."

Lu Jiuling has a girlfriend?

Just as Gan Tang was about to speak, he was intercepted by Chi Kuan, "I don't believe he likes you to kill me, but he has been tolerating you for more than ten years. He is ambitious and can tolerate. He is a thousand year bastard. It's terrible. I remember LAN Xiaoxi, the daughter of a director. Didn't she chase Lu Jiuling abroad? Lu Qi likes it very much and keeps making love. I'm afraid you know, so he didn't promise. They have been playing with each other all the time I don't know. I heard from Sang Sang that he was secretly dating a foreign girl. Sang Sang came across him on Christmas Eve. He pretended to be a guard in front of your father and crossed the Chencang secretly. I don't believe it if he didn't make an idea on you. You're always right. "

Never mind a man who is a slag man? Gan Tang remembered that he had put a little faith in the sofa and kissed him that evening. But Lu Jiuling had no trouble with her. He was looking for a girl who had been a strong company. "Lu Jiuling or Gan Si Ming, they thought what they thought was their business. I has the final say in my business."

She was natural and unrestrained. Qi Shan rolled his eyes. "Let me ask you, you can only choose one between GaN and Qi Shan. What do you choose?"

She smiled. "It's all mine, naturally."

He smiled and shook his head. "You can only choose one. Think about it."

Gan Tang was silent. She was not so elegant and refined. Property and status were equally important to her. It was something she didn't want to give up. But if one day she really had to face a dilemma, she thought she should choose Qishan.

Chi Kuan smiled and asked, "have you made up your mind?"

"If I really come to that day, I must choose Qishan, but I will never let myself face such a dilemma."

The door was pushed open silently. Gan Tang turned his head and Qi Shan appeared at the door. She smiled to herself. She had just come.

Qi Shan looked at his Chi Kuan in a daze and went straight to Gan Tang. Seeing that Gan Tang looked very good and talked very hi, he knew that the boy next to him exaggerated the facts.

He asked her softly, "what's wrong?"

"It's uncomfortable everywhere." she pointed to her heart. "It's even more uncomfortable here."

He looked up at the bottle, reached out and pinched her cheek, "stomach disease again, what are you eating?"

Gan Tang was still angry about his coldness and hiding from the ears of wheat today. He snorted, "eat hot pot, eat if you want. What's the matter?"

With her proud face, Qi Shan couldn't help laughing, "I'm very proud to eat a hot pot."

Chi Kuan coughed clearly behind him, "since someone is coming, i... i... go first."

Qi Shan looked back, "is the pool wide?"

Gan Tang nodded. She often mentioned it to him, but it was the first time he saw a real person. As expected, it was a big star dressed in mockery, a pair of narrow peach blossom eyes, a bit gloomy.

Qi Shan nodded faintly, "thank you today."

Chi Kuan pulled at the corners of his mouth and looked a little stiff. "Yes, we're young. I'll go first. Call me if you have something."

Qi Shan's vision also fell on Chi Kuan. Chi Kuan was very fierce on the phone just now. Unexpectedly, he was so silent.

He rubbed Gan Tang's hair. "Unexpectedly, Chi Kuan was quite shy."

"He's shy? Are you kidding? You've never seen him go crazy."

Gan Tang's attitude was not cold, but it was by no means intimate. Qi Shan held her face, kissed her with his head down and explained, "today is Grandma's 70th birthday. I wanted to make a fuss for her. As a result, good things and bad things were tossed into the hospital. I just got a call from your friend when I came out of the hospital. I was tossed about, right?"

Gan Tang's anger dissipated most of the time. "Didn't you really go with her?"

He gave a gentle hum, his right finger inserted into her long hair, and his finger belly was dry and warm. "I'll spend more time with you in the future, but there's one. Don't do it when you're angry."

Gan Tang said discontentedly, "I didn't do it. I'm really greedy. I'm not stupid. Why bother myself."

"I wish I wasn't stupid."

She threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly. "Qi Shan, I can't live without you. Don't leave me, will you?"

For a while, she didn't hear his answer. Her heart lifted up and looked up to see him laughing. Her heart was fixed, "if you don't answer, it's the default."

He said yes, bowed his head and kissed it gently.

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