Chi Kuan came in when the court was about to open. Now he cuts it very short, and the gloomy color of his eyes is thicker.

"Ah Kuan."

Accompanied by Guo Le, his family and the company's agent, he planted two rising stars at the same time. Brother gang was almost depressed. Qin min's attitude towards him made him feel that he was not far from the day when he collected his bedding and rolled out.

"Gan Tang is back. She has a good relationship with Qin min. let her tell Qin Min that you still have a chance to make a comeback."

Guo Le looked at him contemptuously. Chi Kuan ignored brother gang, but stopped and narrowed his eyes, showing unspeakable sadness.

Gan Tang hurried over. Chi Kuan opened his arms and hugged her tightly. "You're stupid to run back at this time."

The girl Chi Kuan likes is Sang Sang, but the only person he can rely on mentally is Gan Tang.

Gan Tang asked him dully, "do you blame me?"

"You should take responsibility for your mistakes. I feel relieved after having nightmares for so many years."

He and the Chi family are in a difficult situation. The trading of Chi's shares has been suspended. He is just trying to be optimistic.

Gan often felt uncomfortable, "no matter how difficult it will be in the future, I will accompany you."

Guo Le's eyes fell on Lu Jiuling behind her and was surprised at his appearance. Lu Jiuling didn't take Guo Le seriously at all. He just held his arm and looked at Chi Kuan and Gan Tang coldly all the way. His slightly selected eyebrows showed that he was not in a good mood.

"You play idol drama. Hurry in. The lawyer should wait."

Yang Miao was angry when he saw Gan Tang. "Ah Kuan, you're stupid. Today's Chi family is thanks to her and her boyfriend. You still think she's a friend. You don't know she was sold."

Her sharp voice attracted many people around.

Chi Kuan frowned. Chi you was afraid that Yang Miao would say anything humiliating in public. He quickly pulled Yang Miao in private, "Mom... Ah run didn't fly back to help Chi Kuan."

"She helps ah Kuan?" Yang Miao's voice is eight degrees higher. "Is Gan affected? Will she be sentenced? Not at all. Now which piece of land is Gan still staring at? What good friend is she?"

Chi's capital chain was broken, and Yang Miao went to ask Gan Siming himself to pull Chi's hand. His condition was to take the land.

There are only interests in the business field. There is no permanent friend. Moreover, Gan Siming and Chi he never have apparent peace. I don't know whether to say Yang Miao is naive or can't speak but his brain.

Gan Tang hates Yang Miao very much. Chi Kuan is sad now. She doesn't want to add blocking to him. She tolerates it. Li Du Li is too lazy to talk to Yang Miao.

Lu Jiuling suddenly came over and pulled her out of Chi Kuan's side. She wouldn't let her go. "Since they don't want you to prove, let's go home."

Yang Miao was stunned. She used to please Lu Qi and didn't forget to please Lu Jiuling, but Lu Jiuling never looked at her.

Seeing Lu Jiuling's cold look, I'm really worried that he left with Gan Tang in a rage. He was anxious to put forward the spectrum of his elders, "adults are talking. What do you say to a younger generation?"

"Don't take your generation to pressure me. She didn't kill her. Why should she let those people on the Internet attack and abuse? The top package wasn't leaked by Gan Tang. She was also a victim of the recording. You Chi family should have the ability to go to the Mai family and the Qi family. When she went abroad, she came back to testify at the risk of being besieged. You still stared at her face, didn't you?"

The people present were silent. Yang Miao snorted coldly and closed his mouth bitterly.

Before the lawsuit, the people in their own family quarreled first. Chi Kuan was embarrassed and even more disappointed with his parents.

Chi you came to comfort Gan Tang. "My mother just has a bad mouth. I apologize to you for her." he pushed Lu Jiuling again. He said angrily, "you're too powerful."

Lu Jiuling has a good relationship with Chi you. After a show of hands, he still followed them into the court.

"Lu Jiuling."

He turned his head sideways, Gan Tang blinked at him and quietly gave him a thumbs up.


This case has a great impact and controversy. No matter how powerful Ren Chi's family is, it has aroused public anger, and the court dare not have privacy.

Chi he, as the chief instigator of the top package case, sat in the dock. He was calm and calm. After all, he was the one who passed the big scene.

The Chi family and his son both acknowledged the accident and the top package incident. The dispute over the case was whether maisui died on the spot or maisui died due to the delay of rescue time caused by the top package case. The Mai family insisted on the latter.

The first to testify in court were the traffic police who handled the case that year and Qishan who also experienced a car accident.

Qi Shan was one of the victims and the most critical witness. He told Gan Tang about the doubtful point in time. Surprisingly, he did not point out this point in court at that time, and even deliberately ignored the guidance of the lawyer. Even Mai Mingcheng did not hold on to this point.

Qi Shan, standing on the witness stand, was dejected. The other party's lawyer was aggressive. The Qi family's parents in the audience were worried. They knew that Qi Shan was because of Gan Tang, the little girl he taught.

Guo Le and Gan Tang were eyewitnesses. They got out of the car for inspection, as well as the autopsy report and the investigation report at the scene of the accident. Finally, the Court confirmed that maisui died on the spot.

The court trial took a whole day, and the judgment results were given on the spot. Chi he was sentenced to two years, and the relevant participants in the case were also sentenced. Chi Kuan pleaded guilty with a good attitude. He was only 13 years old at the time of the accident and was not sentenced.

At the end of the trial, Chi Kuan was the first to walk out of the court and open his mouth to the public for the first time in the face of the influx of reporters,

"We obey the judgment results and will not appeal again. I have set a bad example for the public. I'm sorry to love and harm people and their families, and I'm sorry to trust my fans. The mistakes made in the past can't be recovered. I will try my best to compensate the victims and their families financially."

He bowed deeply to the camera and his eyes were red. "He also begged everyone to let go of my friends. It was me who hit the dead. It was me who proposed to drive out and play. It was all my fault. They were only 12 years old at that time. They were all family members holding children in the palm of their hands. They didn't understand anything, but they were unlucky to take my car."

The reporters did not let him go, holding up the microphone, "your father was only sentenced to two years. I heard that it was because you gave huge compensation to the victim's family. Is there such a thing?"

"Do you know about Chi's illegal land purchase?"


Reporters asked all kinds of tricky and embarrassing questions, and he calmly answered them one by one.

His eyes turned red when his eyes fell on the fans who came to support him in groups.

They kept shouting, "Chi Kuan, we will always support you!"

"Chi Kuan, come on, we love you."


Chi Kuan said, "now I officially inform you that I will withdraw from the entertainment industry indefinitely."

The square suddenly exploded, and the fans cried. Brother gang stared at him. It was obvious that Chi Kuan had not discussed with him in advance.

The fans spontaneously formed a human wall to escort Chi Kuan to the car. Gan Tang didn't go down. She stood on the top step and watched Chi Kuan's car drive away. Finally, she couldn't help crying.

A warm hand fell on her hair and rubbed it. "What are you crying about? Even if there is no such thing, Chi Kuan will quit the entertainment circle sooner or later. He is Chi's childe and will take over sooner or later."

Gan Tang said, "you don't understand. Chi Kuan didn't lose fame and wealth. What he lost was his paradise and dream."

Lu Jiuling's rare obedience said, "well, I don't understand, but he's a man this time. It's estimated that he can return a lot of powder."

Gan Tang's tears didn't stop. He couldn't see her cry. He simply stretched out his palm and wiped it on her face, and the tears pasted her face.

She kicked him angrily. Where could she care to cry? "Lu Jiuling, you're sick."

He said solemnly, "well, the medicine has stopped recently."

Gan Tang was sad and had no mood to quarrel with him. Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the figure reflected on the glass door, raised his feet and walked quickly down the steps.

Lu Jiuling opened her umbrella and ran after her. She shouted, "cross the river and tear down the bridge, right?"

Gan Tang didn't look back. He rushed forward quickly. Lu Jiuling seemed to be touched. He looked back. Qi Shan really stood in the corridor and watched Gan Tang leave.

Lu Jiuling nodded to Qishan, then turned to catch up with Gan Tang and stuffed his umbrella into Gan Tang's hand, "I'm tired, you hold on."

Gan Tang took it and walked forward angrily. Seeing that Lu Jiuling didn't catch up, she still stood in the rain and looked at her. She went back and moved her umbrella to him, "go!"

Lu Jiuling's cheerful voice came from the rain, "you little pig who crosses the river and breaks the bridge."

Qi Shan has been standing still. Gan Tang under the umbrella is just like Lu Jiuling. He is half a head short. The man's back is very sharp and the woman's figure is slim. They can't match each other.

And he and Gan Tang are not people in the same world after all. The sweet beauty between them is just a dream.

Gan Tang and Lu Jiuling didn't fly to Britain the next day, because Gan Siming knew they had returned home that day.

In the evening, they were recalled to Gan's house. Gan Siming had no time to scold Gan Tang. She first threw herself into Mrs. Gan's arms and cried loudly, as if she had been greatly wronged.

Gan Siming was angry with Lu Jiuling for the first time in his life. Lu Jiuling came out of his study dejected, and then Lu Qi called him to preach. Gan Tang escaped the disaster smoothly. Mrs. Gan comforted her and didn't allow Gan Siming to scold her. Lu Jiuling almost suspected that Gan Tang deliberately pulled Mrs. Gan as an amulet.

The video of Chi Kuan's interview was hot searched. Some people thought it was a crime committed when he was young. Moreover, he sincerely repented and defended his friends. Don't bite and don't let go. Others said that he was forced but not sincere. In short, he had mixed praise and praise.

The court found that maisui died on the spot, and there were fewer voices criticizing Gan Tang.

Ten days later, the Chi family did not appeal again. Chi he began to serve his sentence, and Yang Miao officially joined the Chi family.

The Chi family then disclosed to the news media the amount of compensation to the Mai family, a full two million, plus the compensation given before the top package, a total of three million, while Qi Shan, another victim, voluntarily gave up the compensation.

The voice on the Internet is no longer a one-sided attack on their side. Some people began to question that the Mai family is too greedy.

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