On Saturday, the sun rarely appeared, and finally dried up the moisture shrouded in the air for many days.

She slept in the morning. Lu Jiuling didn't come all day. She called and told her to eat by herself at noon. She really didn't want to do it, so she went to a nearby Chinese restaurant.

Gan Tang is used to the food cooked by Lu Jiuling. He is also used to the taste of Chinese restaurants nearby. He ate some instant noodles at noon,

After reading for a while in the afternoon, Lu Yun and Wenzhou sister knocked at the door.

They looked at the door for a while and whispered to her, "is your brother there?"

Gan Tang felt a little funny and said, "he doesn't live here."

They just pushed the door in, "doesn't he come to cook for you every day? He's a cold man outside. He's grounded here. With such a good brother, what's your life?"

Gan Tang smiled, "my grandmother calculated it for me and said my fire life, the fire of the fire."

Wenzhou sister "poof" a vocal, "in the evening we have a fellowship, we charter a small bar in the urban area and go together."

The advantage of this kind of friendship activity is that it can not only meet new friends, but also the best way of speed dating between men and women.

Gan Tang is a lively person and sometimes participates in it. However, just for fun, she went there several times and found that she could meet Lu Jiuling back and forth. He stared there like a spy all night. It was too disappointing. She didn't want to go again for many times.

Knowing that Lu Jiuling would appear after she went, whenever there was a fellowship activity, they were willing to pull her. In order to avoid this trouble, Gan Tang declined as much as possible.

"I have to take shallot to the pet hospital to get a vaccine today. I have to see a friend in the evening, so I won't go."

Seeing Gan Tang's firm attitude, Wenzhou sister's face showed a disappointed look, "then I won't go either."

After a few minutes, Wenzhou girl knocked on the door again and handed her a beautiful carton.

"What? This is."

Wenzhou sister smiled awkwardly, "give it to your brother for me."

Looking at my sister's face, Gan Tang is a little tangled. Should I tell her the truth so that she won't be trapped.

But when the words came to my mouth, I didn't mean to say them.

In the box is a white sweater. It starts to send warmth before the big winter.

The sister said she knitted it by herself. It is said that her family has opened a imitation weaving factory. In addition to fortune telling, even if it is well done by hand, it is also a matter of heart. She took it carefully and prepared Lu Jiuling to come and give it to him. As for how to deal with the gift, it is Lu Jiuling's business.

Sure that they had stopped, Gan Tang began to pack up toy cat food for xiaoconghua.

She has been bored in her apartment all day and is preparing to take it to the nearby river for a walk. No one in their circle has a cat. Little scallion doesn't even have a playmate. She is getting fat all day except sleeping.

The road where she went was not far. She took a bus three stops at the corner. After getting off the bus, she walked up a section along the river. A group of stray cats poked their heads out of the bushes.

She came to feed more times, and they knew her, stood in a row and looked up at it.

Gan Tang's heart is about to be sprouted by a group of kittens. She puts down the little scallions and takes out cat food from her backpack to feed them.

The shallot flower was particularly counselled. Except that the fox pretended to be a tiger and screamed a few times, she didn't loosen it at her feet.

"Look at your advice, does Lu Jiuling know?" although she raised the shallot, he recognized Lu Jiuling as the owner.

In a word, she is responsible for shoveling excrement, and Lu Jiuling is only responsible for teasing.

The cat food was gone for a while. She sprinkled some cat food on the cats, but she just didn't give shallots.

Xiaoconghua looked at the competition of the same kind and shouted at Gan Tang. He didn't dare to come forward to compete. Gan Tang ignored it.

"Lu Jiuling is very powerful. How can you be so promising?"

Many art galleries and museums nearby are full of a strong artistic atmosphere. The buildings are not high, but they are quite unique. Her eyes are attracted by one of the gray buildings. The minimalist arch design in front of the corridor. I don't know what structural design is adopted to introduce the sun into the dome. The long corridor looks light and transparent, just reflecting the water surface.

Qi Shan's initial wish was to become an architect. She thought he would like it if he were here.

I don't know what activities are over there. There are many people, but they are orderly and not crowded.

Suddenly, she saw Lu Jiuling. Although she was far away, she found him at a glance in the crowd. Gan Tang sometimes despised Lu Jiuling's facial paralysis in her heart, but it didn't prevent her from appreciating his beautiful side, such as... Strong and hard chest.

He stands among a group of foreigners. He is tall and formal. He is wearing a suit and tie. The buttons on the cuffs are tight and meticulous. His strong long legs are tightly wrapped by black suit pants and narrow waist, but his shoulders are not very wide. With his indifferent face, he has an inexplicable beauty, sexy and provocative calm, The word abstinence flashed through Gan Tang's mind, and Lu Jiuling gave the most perfect interpretation of these two words.

However, on the surface and in the bones, Lu Jiuling always coveted her body, human face and animal heart, which ran counter to the word abstinence.

Surrounded by a group of blonde foreigners, Gan Tang only knew one of them, an old man in his fifties. He was a professor of his college and a famous international financial expert. According to foreign students, the old man liked Lu Jiuling very much and took him everywhere.

They seemed to be leaving. Finally, a big breasted woman with black hair and blue eyes walked. She smiled and gave Lu Jiuling a hug. As soon as Lu Jiuling loosened, she suddenly remembered her toes and kissed him on the face.

Sleeping trough, there's a kiss goodbye.

The woman stepped back with a smile and waved to him again.

Lu Jiuling stood on the steps for a while, like a little melancholy. He put his hands into his trouser pockets and suddenly raised his eyes to look in her direction.

Gan Tang subconsciously didn't open his face. He found himself peeking. Isn't it too shameful? I have good eyesight. Lu Jiuling is short-sighted. I can't see myself.

Gan Tang's fluke didn't last long. After a while, he heard the familiar footsteps. She put her hand on her forehead. He smiled and approached her unkindly.

Lu Jiuling was in a good mood. She stopped beside her, rubbed her hand on her head, and reached out to rub the little scallion in her arms. Gan Tang turned his eyes. She would always get the same treatment as this ugly and cute cat here.

He asked, "isn't there a party today? Why didn't you go?"

"You don't like me to go?"

He squinted at her for a while and nodded with satisfaction. "Sometimes you are very attractive when you are pleasant."

What is this? Am I a kitten or a puppy.

He sat down next to her, pulled off his tie and unbuttoned the collar. If she remembered correctly, she gave him this tie. She asked for something from him and bought the most expensive one in the mall to please him.

His collar showed a section of delicate skin, white and tender. Gan Tang touched the pain in his shoulder socket. It would hurt if she took a bite from him, but she only dared to think about it, because Lu Jiuling's virtue would definitely bite back, and she would suffer more.

He found her looking at her, naturally put his arm around her waist, put his jaw on her shoulder and asked her, "come to pick me up or follow me?"

His voice seemed to contain a smile. Gan Tang said in his heart, pick you up, big head ghost. I want to know that you are here and have fun with Lu Yun long ago.

She pointed to the little scallion that wanted to squeeze into his arms, "take it out and find a playmate."

Lu Jiuling let go of her, lifted up the shallots and looked at a group of stray cats. "These cats are left unattended. Don't let them contact these stray cats. If they are sick, they will be in trouble."

It makes sense for Gan Tang to think about it. Shallots are very delicate.

"Then let's buy another one to save him loneliness."

His slender fingers scratched gently on the back of shallot. Shallot narrowed her eyes comfortably, "No."

"Why not?"

"The trouble of cats and dogs is dead, and they love to lose their hair. You can't do anything. In the end, you didn't let me keep them."

"Don't you love small animals very much."

He hummed softly, "who says I like small animals."

Gan Tang: "am I blind?"

The corners of his lips bent, his slender fingers suddenly held her, put them between his fingers, and clenched them, "because it's like you, because I think it's like you, I raise him. Because I think it's like you, I'm good to it."

This love word is sweet and can kill the dead, but it has no lethality if it is put on Gan Tang who is not soaked in oil and salt.

She picked up the shallot and quietly turned off the topic, "my skin is white and beautiful. It looks like this ugly cat."

Lu Jiuling's slightly chilly eyes fell on her face. She just pretended not to see it and bowed her head to comfort the little scallion. However, the little scallion ignored her and jumped on Lu Jiuling again.

Lu Jiuling lay upside down on the grass, bent her legs, closed her eyes and stopped talking.

The sunlight is projected on the mirror like water surface. There are many lovers sitting on the green ground, whispering, hugging and kissing.

There was a painter who set up an easel by the river. Not far away, a wandering singer sang a low and graceful opera. She was sleepy in the sun and lay side by side with Lu Jiuling.

The singer's thick voice hit her heart like a string of beads. If she remembered correctly, it should be Wagner's Opera Tristan and Isolde. The love that can't get blessing in the secular world is finally complete in the blissful world. They finally died together, broke the shackles of the body, and finally got together.

She listened with rapture, her thoughts immersed in such a sad picture.

Lu Jiuling suddenly turned around, put his hand around her and took her to his arms. His fingertips were wet with her tears. He frowned and asked her, "are you crying?"

Gan Tang stretched out his hand and wiped it on his face. It's not true. He cried.

Lu Jiuling put her in her arms and put her big hand on the back of her head. He said, "Gan Tang, our love, if you want it to become a tragedy, it will be a tragedy. If you want it to become a comedy, it will be a comedy."

Gan Tang's heart was shocked. He also knew, but Lu Jiuling, we still have love there. My love is dead.

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