Silence reigned after Masterson's attack, silently waiting to hear how I would respond. My eyes never strayed from Lena, although another, smarter part of me screamed to pay attention to the actual threat.

She clutched Masterson's arm. Her red dress clung to every curve of her body, leaving little to the imagination. A slit ran up the outside length of her gown, revealing a flash of the legs that had been wrapped around me just a week ago. The sight sent a jolt of desire through me. I wanted to lick every inch of those legs.

I jerked my gaze away from Lena, before everyone in Spring noticed just how much I was attracted to her. I'd been wondering where she had disappeared to this last week, but apparently I should have been careful what I wished for, because I'd just found her.

In the worst place in the fucking world.

Why the fuck was she with that asshole? I could think of no reason—no good one, anyway. I sighed, wracking my mind to remember whatever stupid question he had asked. The last thing I needed was for him to see me rattled.

"I assure you, my father is well aware of this project's current status—and that I have his full blessing. I know that Henry Grant built most of your homes and businesses, but the plan has always been for me to take over for him one day. And that day is today. Again, I urge you all to come visit the site if you have any further questions, and have a wonderful rest of the evening."

I hopped off the stage, downing the rest of my champagne in one go. I tried not to let my anger show as I made my way through the crowd, nodding toward various individuals. A few stopped me with their own private questions as I made a beeline for the bar, where Gavin stared at me in consternation.

But I never made it to my friend, because John Masterson just hadn't done enough to ruin my evening. He suddenly appeared before me, blocking my way to the bar. Lena was still attached to his arm like some sort of sexy barnacle. I glared at her, but she stared at the ground. Coward.

My eyes flicked back to Masterson, trying to hide my loathing. The man was already examining me, a smug expression on his irritating face, no doubt ridiculously pleased he'd managed to call into question Grant Construction's ability to successfully complete the build.

My father, Henry Grant, and John Masterson had lived in Spring their whole lives, and from the cradle, they'd been rivals. First in learning how to walk, then in high school football, and then, after college, for the crown of Spring's most eligible bachelor—a dubious title that neither of them had won, in my opinion. Both of their marriages had failed, my father's after my mother died of cancer and he married the devil, and Masterson's because of, well, whatever had caused his wife to leave him. That remained a mystery.

Now they both wanted to be Spring's most respected and well-loved businessmen. It was all very tiresome. Ever since I'd taken over Grant Construction, I'd had to field these little battles between the two of them. I wished they'd leave me out of it.

Today was apparently not going to be one of those days.

"Can I help you with something, John? I believe I already answered your questions. So glad you asked in front of everyone, by the way."

"Oh, Travis, dear boy. You know I would never let you miss an opportunity to show the town how quickly you can think on your feet. But I must say I am quite worried about your ability to finish this project. I've put in a million of my company's money, just as you and your father have. Surely you don't expect me to let you waste my money?"

A small gasp distracted both of us. Lena was staring at us open-mouthed, her eyes flicking back and forth between Masterson and me. I shoved aside the thought of just how much I'd like to flick my tongue inside that delicious mouth.

But Masterson had noticed my distraction, and his smug smile widened. "Forgive my terrible manners. Allow me to introduce the lovely Lena Douglas. She has been staying in one of my properties as we get to know each other better."

He might as well have punched me in the gut. My eyes collided with Lena's, who paled considerably. No way would I have believed the two of them had ever met, let alone had a relationship. But then I saw her face, how her eyes widened in horror. Fury coursed through me as I realized that it was no coincidence she had made my life a living hell—Masterson would have seen to that as a nice little added bonus. No wonder she had so many parties. And their familiarity couldn't imply anything other than some sort of physical relationship.

She was fucking the guy, no question about it. If she wanted to sleep with a man easily more than twice her age, that was her business. But a woman involved with someone else shouldn't have wrapped her legs around my waist and sucked my face like her life fucking depended on it.

I turned away from her, my mouth twisting in disgust and disappointment as I wished for the millionth time that I had never had the misfortune of meeting Lena Douglas.

"Is that so? Well, with a dress like that, I could see why you would keep her around. If you'll excuse me." I stalked straight toward them, forcing them to break apart as I made directly for Gavin, who had watched the whole scene in shock. I didn't glance back, needing no further reminder that the woman I'd been fantasizing about was involved with another man.

Gavin wordlessly pushed a glass of bourbon into my hands when I finally reached him. He watched me drain it in silence. I'd never seen him quite so disturbed.

I placed my glass down quietly on the bar, already regretting the drink. I needed to keep my head clear. "Are they gone?"

Gavin glanced casually over my shoulder. "Yes, but she's still staring at you."

My fingers tightened around the glass, but I gave no other outward sign of my anger. "Yeah, I bet she is."

"What the hell is going on with you two?"

I sighed, staring at my friend while I contemplated exactly how much to tell him. I was so tied up in knots, maybe Gavin could make sense of it. How much worse could it get? So I spilled everything, telling him about our little fiesta on Lena's kitchen counter.


"It was fucking hot, Gav. I have no idea what came over me. I've been thinking about it all week. I can't get her taste out of my fucking head."

Gavin's eyes widened. He glanced behind me again, no doubt looking at her, and then swallowed. "Yeah ... I could see how that would get out of hand."

I glared at him. He threw his hands up in surrender. "Travis. I've fucking got eyes. Sue me. So ... what are you going to do about it?"

I placed my hands on the bar counter to prevent myself from running my hands through my hair like some sort of insane person. At this rate, in a few minutes, I'd be ripping off my bow tie and stripping down to my undershirt. Then Masterson would really have a reason to boot me from the project.

I glared at my empty glass. "What am I going to do? Not a goddamn thing, because she's fucking Masterson."

Gavin flinched as if I'd actually punched him. "What? That can't possibly be true."

"The bastard literally just told me. And she didn't say a fucking word to contradict him. What do you think that little conversation was about?"

Gavin glanced at the couple again. This time, his shock settled into an expression more like disillusionment. I suddenly remembered that Gavin had already been following her on Instagram before he learned I was her neighbor. It must suck to realize someone you followed like that was actually a really shitty person.

"Well," he said. "I wouldn't have expected that."

"No fucking shit."

"And it's shitty that she used you like that."


"Uh, well. It's not like it seems like that would be a very ... passionate relationship. I suppose a woman that much younger might have to resort to fulfilling her needs elsewhere."

I cringed at that mental picture. "I really don't think that's what happened. I kissed her. She'd been in the middle of bitching me out when it happened; it couldn't have been premeditated on her part."

"Well, even so. If she's involved with someone else, even if it's that dick Masterson, she shouldn't be kissing you back. That was poorly done of her."

"I just can't believe I even—"


"Nothing." I snapped my mouth shut. What had almost slipped out of my mouth had been something scarily like I can't believe I even liked her. I did not like Lena Douglas; she'd been a hot kisser and I wanted to fuck her. That was it. My sleep deprivation was clearly still addling my brain.

"Well, I guess that's that, then. Hopefully, you'll still get some sleep, though."

"Yeah. Christ, is this fucking thing over yet? I could go home now and actually get some rest. She can't throw a party if she's here."

"Uh, I wouldn't count on it."


Gavin nodded toward the exit. "It looks like she's leaving herself."

My eyes snapped toward the door, where Lena had indeed just disappeared. Alone. I pushed my glass toward the bartender and then nodded at Gavin.

"I'll see you later."

"I don't think—"

I waved him off and made for the door. Lena and I needed to have a little chat.

Lena was standing by the front entrance when I finally found her. I paused, kind of expecting her to have already left. She almost seemed like she was waiting for something. A strange air of melancholy surrounded her. I pushed away the thought. I would not feel sorry for this manipulative woman.


The instant her name escaped my lips, her face snapped up, paling more than it already had. A flicker of sadness flashed in her eyes before she set her chin in a determined line and straightened, crossing her arms over her chest as she waited for me to approach her.

"Travis. Fancy meeting you here. I thought you worked in construction."

My eyes narrowed. She really was that shallow. Clearly the only reason she was involved with Masterson was because of the man's money, and yet she had the gall to talk down to me, as if construction was some shitty job beneath her? Fuck that.

"You are the shallowest bitch I've ever met. I can't believe I ever had my tongue down your throat. That sure as shit won't be a repeat performance."

She shook with fury. Well, good. Now she knew what the humiliation felt like. "You don't know a fucking thing about me."

"I know enough to know you used me. I'm beginning to notice a pattern here."

She jerked back as if I had slapped her. "What are you even talking about?"

I leaned in, getting right in her face so there would be absolutely no doubt she heard what I was about to say. "Tell me, were you aware you were involved with that man when you wrapped your legs around me and kissed me like it was your fucking job?" Lena glanced away, staring at the ground, but she didn't deny it.

"That's what I thought. I know enough about you to know that I'll be damned if I ever let you use me like that again. I'm not some plaything you can keep around for whenever you get tired of Masterson."

"It wasn't like that!"

"Well, it sure as shit looks like it. You know what? I don't care anymore. Stay the hell away from me. And for fuck's sake, keep the racket down in your goddamn house."

Without waiting for her to respond, I left the gala, ignoring the awful feeling clenching my stomach as I drove home. I tore my tux off in my blissfully quiet house, letting it fall to my bedroom floor as I collapsed into my bed and swiftly drifted off into a deep sleep.

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