"Go to hell with you!"

An Ruoxi's words directly angered Gong Shixun, and he couldn't help exerting force again.

"Let go

Anya rushes up again.

"Let go of her!"

At this time, the cold three words suddenly came, listening to full of anger and can not be disobeyed.

Before the words fall, Gong Shixun has been hit hard and fell to the ground.

With an Ruoxi, she almost fell with her.

But at the moment when she was about to fall to pieces, someone took her in with a cross arm.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough!"

An Ruoxi ignored the response, which was a series of fierce coughs.

Just now, she was really strangled and strangled.

The visitor patted the girl's back, and her eyes coldly looked at Gong Shixun, who fell on the ground and cried with pain: "Gong Shixun, you will pay for what you have done today!"

"North, North Star..." Anya still looks surprised so far. How could he come.

And -

How did he Unexpectedly Stand up?!

Gong Shixun just fell on a pile of broken porcelain pieces.

An Ruoxi some hypoxia brain heard mother's words, this just surprised to look up.

It's him

North star night.

Here he is!

When the teenager stood upright, he was tall and straight, nearly one head higher than her.

It is not as cool as before, the breath of Beichen night is a little disordered, and the beautiful face frowns slightly, which seems to be a mixture of surprise and anger.

He had always been noble and cold, but his forehead was sweating and his hair was a little messy.

Obviously, I'm in a hurry.

An Ruoxi looks at him and the fallen Gong Shixun.

It was obvious that the punch was powerful enough to make Gong Shixun such a tall physique fall to the ground.

"Did you take a taxi?"

The girl asked lightly, her eyes suddenly startled.

The wheelchair that is still spinning at the door is the wheelchair that Beichen night always uses.

He seemed to see the situation at the door and rushed directly from the wheelchair.


Come on!

Beat Gong Shixun?!

Ann Ruoxi suddenly realized what had just happened.

Beichen night also noticed her eyes. The boy's face was cold and heavy and nodded.

She has asked him countless times how his legs are, but the north star night has never responded positively.

Now, no more questions.

She already knew his leg was OK.

He can walk and hit people.

"I didn't mean to hide it." Beichen night whispered in her ear.

"That's intentional." An Ruoxi also whispered.

Anya looks at them two this pair of appearance, originally the red eyes dense cloud a layer of fog.

It doesn't matter whether she is happy or not.

As long as the daughter is happy.

Beichen night, looks very nervous daughter.

Their engagement was to give an Ruoxi a guarantee.

But now it seems that it is the best choice.

At this time, Gong Shixun bared his teeth and finally stood up from the ground: "master Beichen, what do you mean?"

Just now, he was beaten by Beichen night.

"What do you mean, were you going to murder my fiancee?" Beichen night coldly glanced at Gong Shixun, and then, his fingers gently stroked the girl's neck.

Never fear of the youth, the fingers even a little tremor, as if dare not really touch the girl's skin.

He was afraid to hurt her.

An Ruoxi's white neck had just been tightly strangled by the collar of a trace, red with purple.

What's more, there are overlapping red and swollen fingerprints, which look shocking.

I can't imagine what would happen if I came a little late just now.

Gong Shixun was stunned, and then he remembered that an Ruoxi was not only Anya's daughter, but also his stepdaughter, or the fiance of the young master of Beichen family, who even the old man did not dare to offend.

"Less night, where is the patient?"

"Is that the lady?"


At this time, a group of people rushed in from outside. They were the doctors in charge of the first aid.

They came straight for anjosi.

"You bandage my mother first." An Ruoxi pointed to Anya first.

Seeing that there were more people in the empty hall, she suddenly forced to open the night of the north star.


The cold and stern face of Beichen night has a trace of crack, worried that the girl is angry for the matter previously deceived.

An Ruoxi but quickly ran to the door to the North Star Night wheelchair to push over, directly pushed to the youth in front of."Here it is

Her meaning is quite clear.

Put him back in his wheelchair.

Beichen night God color a song, posture high cold back to his wheelchair, coldly glanced at Gong Shixun: "remember what can say, what can't say!"

It's a secret that his legs are safe.

It shouldn't have been known.

This time, it was an accident.

Ann Ruoxi and Anya don't leak secrets.

And the rescuers he brought were his own.

Gong Shixun always knew the choice. When he saw Beichen sitting back in his wheelchair at night, he put up his painful expression on his face: "just now, I didn't see anything."

The servants of the palace family don't know where they are now.

There was so much noise here, but no one came.

"Well, I'll clean it up and show it to my daughter." Anya this side was bandaged, immediately said to the emergency personnel.

"Mom, I'm fine." Ann Ruoxi shakes her head, her those are bruises and red purple, as long as wait will be eliminated.

It's not in the way.

"Nothing?" Beichen night not from cold hum, eyes fall on the neck of an Ruoxi.

It's like this. It's nothing.

"This is not what matters now." An Ruoxi said to go directly back to the spiral stairs, he has just placed the mobile phone back.

Gong Shixun's behavior has been photographed for a long time.

Beichen night eyes slightly shrink, eyes light with obvious displeasure, but after all, the lips are still tightly pursed and do not make a sound.

"There's nothing more on my side. If you wait for me, I'll go and clean up my things." Anya said, directly endure the pain to go upstairs.

"What do you pack up, what do you pack up?" Gong Shixun was dissatisfied with the geology and asked Anya, but the other side ignored it directly.

"You bandage me up, too." Gong Shixun helpless, can only say to the emergency personnel.

No one paid attention.

The paramedics went straight up to prepare for an inspection.

"Wait, take a picture of me first!" An Ruoxi quickly gave her mobile phone to beichenye, and asked beichenye to take photos of her before those people dealt with the bruises.

With the mobile phone in hand, the expression of Beichen night is frozen directly.

"Remember, a close-up of the whole body." Ann Ruoxi asked.

Whole body?

Close up?

The boy grabs the finger of mobile phone suddenly force.

An unprecedented strange emotion rises in the chest, as if called anger.

The scene I saw before is still rolling in my head. When I came to the palace, I saw a scene that was completely unexpected and caught off guard.

At that time, the girl was like a dying swan, which was choked on the neck and was on the verge of death.

At that moment, it seemed that all the reason that had been running automatically seemed to be on strike.

Therefore, they will make the most instinctive reaction,

to stop all that.

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