Gong CE and Lin Zhan stand face to face, neither of them is willing to retreat.

The first time I saw Gong CE, he was provoking.

It seems that all the people in the world are going to turn around him.

Now, he said such words to beichenye, which is where to put an Ruoxi.

Clearly, beichenye is an Ruoxi's fiance.

But Gong CE is provocative again and again.

You know, it's obvious that seeing Beichen night has not been too much, but today I sent an Ruoxi over with breakfast.

"Lin Zhan, you're fawning on Beichen night, so you're going out for him?" The injustice of Gong CE's chest surges again. It is these people who hold the night of the North Star to the sky.

"Gong CE, I think you have a fever today. Go back with me." Gong he said, pulling up Gongce ready to leave.

"Where am I going, I'm not sick!" Gong CE is not ready to leave.

"I'm not fawning on Beichen night." Lin Zhan shook his head, he looked at the night of the North Star: "he is my relative, shouldn't I come out for him?"

For him, the four words let an Ruoxi heart palpitation, look at the North Star Night worried.

From the first time I saw him, he was so lofty that he had not been challenged by authority.

But now, reality Miyazaki says he's lame.

Lin Zhan stood in front of him to protect him.

In fact, sometimes protection, for such a proud person, is also a kind of shame.

His face is cold now.

Obviously very angry, but his face was very calm.

It's like a prelude to a storm brewing.

Don't want to think about it, an Ruoxi directly lifted her feet and seized the wheelchair of Beichen night: "do you want me to help you teach him a lesson?"

Words said, she immediately felt inappropriate: "not to help you, but I also want to teach him."

"You all rush to help me. I don't think I can handle it?"

Magnetic cold sound line, light words.

No anger.

But it's even more chilling.

Whether it is an Ruoxi, or Lin Zhan, the body is a stiff.

"You think I can't even deal with such a waste?"

Beichen night to see the scene quiet, again open, but the face is still expressionless.

"Beichen night, compared with me, you are a waste!" Seeing him saying this, Gong CE couldn't help but retort: "those who can only sit in wheelchairs still have the face to talk about others!"

He had just finished this sentence when something hit his leg directly.

A numb knee followed by severe pain.

Gong CE is unsteady for a moment and kneels on the ground directly.

It's like worshiping the wheelchair of Beichen night.

When the object that attacked Gong CE fell on the ground, it was just a special metal bookmark.

The anger in an Ruoxi's heart is also burning at this time. She can't help but stare at the fallen palace CE, and this guy will continue to die!

He really thinks his life is too long. He dare to say the night of the North Star!

At this moment, she did not realize what was the reason for her constant anger.

"Beichen night, you use concealed weapons!"

Gong CE wants to stand up, but the angle of the metal bookmark hit just now happens to be on the soft hemp acupoint where his leg is bent. Now he can't stand up.

"Hidden weapon?" The North Star Night sneers, looks at the ground as if is kneeling to his palace policy: "you should be glad that I have no other sharp weapon in my hand."

Otherwise, his legs would be broken.

"What kind of skill are you?" Gong CE is still unconvinced.

"Do you know the essential difference between man and animal?" Beichen night looks at Gong CE from a commanding position, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Gong CE pursed his lips and didn't know what to say, but he knew it was not a good thing.

"What's the difference?"

An Ruoxi in the north star night behind with the corresponding voice.

"The essential difference between humans and animals is whether they can make and use tools." Beichen sits on the wheelchair at night, but it seems to be sitting on the throne, with the noble.

"Animals rely on their physical instincts to solve problems, while people use tools."

His narrow eyes with deep disdain, looking at the palace CE kneeling on the ground.

"That's the difference between you and me!"

An Ruoxi didn't say anything. In fact, although he knew that the leg injury of Beichen night was not true, he was said to be disabled and lame, but his anger continued to rise in his heart.

"Gong CE, not to mention, your pose looks good now." An Ruoxi said lightly.

She's making a statement now.

Between Beichen night and Gongce, she stands here without hesitation.

Gong CE in such a difficult situation, but his lips can not help but deep again, he looked at the night of the North Star, this slowly recovered from the ground.If there was any contempt for Beichen night just now, the bookmark just now gave him a hard blow.

Uncle once taught him not to look down on anyone.

Especially outside, women, children, and the disabled.

If these three kinds of people mix well outside, they must have some deep skills.

In front of the north star night, is to give him such a lesson.

However, the loser did not lose the battle, the smile of his mouth was filled with sarcasm: "difference?! Beichen night, what you are better than me is that you were born in Beichen house

Gong CE still looks unconvinced.

And he, born in the palace family, is still an illegitimate son.

"So what?" Beichen night shrugged, looked at Gong CE and said coldly, "I never think it's a shame to be born in Beichen's house!"

Gong CE's accusation is nothing but nonsense.

This is the most useless thing!

Birth is decided from the beginning, even if it is dissatisfaction, there is no way to decide.

Gong CE's legs finally regained consciousness. He raised his feet and went to the north star night again. He looked very angry: "I see what you have in your hand now!"

He now has nothing else in his mind, only the north star night to his humiliation, he wants to double back.

An Ruoxi looked at his ferocious appearance and raised his feet to stand in front of Beichen night.

Lin Zhan also came this way.

Beichen night is still calm, he looks at the Gong ce that rushes to him, and he doesn't know when he has a small gun in his hand.

The muzzle of the black hole is directly aimed at the position of Gong CE's eyebrows.

On the beautiful face, the corners of the lips gently hook, with a trace of carelessness.

"I still have this in my hand."

Gong CE's body suddenly stops. He stares at the night of the north star in disbelief.

Yes, he has a gun in his hand!

"You're holding weapons illegally!" It is normal for Gong CE to hold arms abroad, but it is not normal at home.

"I have to say, you really don't know!" Beichen night eyes with disdain: "I am a member of the national gun Association, this gun is a legally registered training gun."

"But if I shoot, guess if it's self-defense or I'm armed

The youth's noble and arrogant at this time is fully displayed.

The hand holding the gun has never moved. The action is firm and fierce, and the momentum is fierce.

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