"Gong Shixun is definitely not worthy to be a good husband and Ruoxi's father." Anya cried and said, "but he threatened me not to divorce him, but also threatened me with Ruoxi!"

After all, she said what she could say, what she couldn't say, or she didn't.

Grandmother there seems to be a long sigh of relief, the voice suddenly became powerful up: "what is to use Ruoxi to threaten you, last time Ruoxi neck wound did not say, if he dares to do something to Ruoxi, then wait and settle down for a war!"

The Gong family is really at war with an Jia, and is absolutely not equal to an Jia.

"You really don't worry so much. Even if he really doesn't care about settling down, don't forget that Ruoxi's child is lucky, but she has a bad fiance!"

Grandma is persuading Anya to be at ease. The Beichen family doesn't dare to fight against it.

Gong Shixun started relative to an Ruoxi, and he had to weigh his courage.

"If you look at my home, my child." Grandma seems to be extra satisfied with beichenye: "in fact, when you made this marriage, your father just wanted to find a support and guarantee for Ruoxi. I also inquired about beichenye, but it was not a good thing to inquire about at the beginning."

"What do you mean, is there something wrong with the child?" Anya's attention seems to shift to this side.

She was worried about whether her daughter would marry the wrong person.

To know that marrying the wrong person is the biggest pain for a woman.

"How can it be? If there is one, it can only be disgusted that people are sitting in wheelchairs." Grandma said with a sigh: "you talk about how the child's life is so bad, a good fiance is now a disability."

"As long as people are good to Ruoxi, other things can be solved." Anya asked again, "what was the mother worried about before?"

"Beichenye was said to have autism when he was a child. He hardly dealt with people, and he was not allowed to be close to him. If he was close, he would be irritable." The grandmother said what she had inquired about: "but I haven't heard much about it later. I was also afraid that the two children's personalities were incompatible. But it's good to look at them now. "

"Yes, it looks good." Anya also knows what identity the other party is, that identity, but she really put down her posture to an Ruoxi and even looked polite to the an family.

"Mm-hmm, now that you know that your daughter has a foothold, you should not do such a thing as a mother now!" Grandmother saw Anya calm down, began to teach said.

"Have you ever thought that it's all over if you leave, but what about your daughter? Even if your father and I want to take care of her, how many years can you take care of her?" My grandmother's words sounded very clear: "since ancient times, my sister-in-law is an enemy, and my sister-in-law is even more hostile. You see, we are still like this now. When you are not here, we are not, what should your daughter do?"

"Her father has such a reputation. Let's not say that she can't wash it clean. Then your mother will be dead because of suicide. Are you sending your daughter to the people of Beichen family to spoil it?" The grandmother said with a sneer: "you don't think that the North Star family can be more noble than the outside. First of all, it's a bloody thing to seize the throne in the imperial era. Now their family has retained wealth and power to the greatest extent. It seems to be a good thing, but the struggle is more severe than our family."

"What do you think about the legs of Beichen night? Up to now, he can live well, which shows that he has a wrist. He can take care of himself when he arrives. But what about your daughter? Those of Beichen's family who are close to each other have not eaten your daughter alive yet? "

"A mother can't just think about herself."

The old lady's words were meaningful, and the room became quiet.

"Yes, I know I was wrong this time." Anya's voice rang out for a long time, still with a lump in her throat: "Mom, do you know if today Ruoxi lies in front of my bed crying, my heart is almost broken."

"Gong Shixun made my heart die, but my daughter broke my heart. I won't leave her. No matter what, I won't leave her."

"I wish you knew that!" Grandma patted Anya on the shoulder: "you have to know that mother is never laid-off day, unless your own words, the child is not in, this is a lifelong career, can't ask for leave, not you want to quit on resignation!"

"No matter how hard it is, no matter how hard it is, if you think about the children, you can still get through everything!"


"Ruoxi, it's time to eat. Do you want to accompany grandma?" Grandma's call came from the bathroom.

An Ruoxi hasn't finished listening, but there are probably mother and daughter talking about what happened.

She quickly put away her mobile phone and headphones and walked out: "go!"

The hospital has a unified meal for patients. Breakfast is just because Anya wakes up after the meal time.

Now the accompanying staff can only go to the hospital restaurant to eat.

Ann Ruoxi and her grandmother walked out together."You don't flush when you go to the bathroom. That's a bad habit who taught you." My grandmother said suddenly.

"Well." An Ruoxi blinked and looked at Grandma's narrow eyes, and felt as if she knew everything.

"I saw the cell phone in your drawer." My grandmother said.

"Well, I actually An Ruoxi quickly explained.

"There's no need to explain. I know you want to know what happened to mom, but you've heard it. Now she won't say it." Grandma said and shook her head.

"Since she refuses to say so, let's not investigate. After all, nothing is more important than her desire to live well again. Anyway, it's nothing more than something related to Gong Shixun. "

Grandmother light analysis way.

Ann Ruoxi looked at her grandmother with awe. In fact, she didn't have much contact with her grandparents now, but what she said just now was absolutely intelligent.

Her grandmother has great wisdom.

It's like she knows everything at home, but she can't see through it all the time.

Otherwise, how can a family survive.

"If she doesn't want to say it, then slow down first. I think she wants to open up now. This is good." Grandma said and touched an Ruoxi's head: "you this little clever ghost, that cry is in charge of affairs!"

She is the daughter who knows her best. She is spoiled. Sometimes she is a glass heart, but she is a good mother.

Especially now, only such a daughter, certainly can't let go.

"I'm afraid she'll never think about it." Ann Ruoxi's small face is full of worry.

The hardest part is not knowing what happened.

I don't understand because I don't know.

Therefore, there is no way to solve.

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