Lin Zhan leaves the classroom. This is a physics class. Ann Ruoxi hates physics most.

These courses are for abuse, and she hasn't developed her brain capacity.

Heard half, suddenly the director into their Z class: "an Ruoxi, you come out."

An Ruoxi stood up in a daze and went out with him: "is there something wrong with the director?"

"You go to the headmaster's office." Said the director, as if he were just a messenger.

An Ruoxi went directly to the headmaster's room, but when she knocked on the door, a woman's voice came from the door: "come in!"

Isn't their headmaster a man?!

Ann Ruoxi walked into the headmaster's room. The principal was not there. When she opened the door, she saw a woman sitting on the sofa.

It seems to be some years old, but the maintenance is very good. After medical and aesthetic maintenance, the skin is plump, just like the appearance of 20 years old.

She was wearing a tailored Beige suit, and an Ruoxi recognized that brand, and the price was high.

A big wave of chestnut long curly hair, the corners of the eyes thin and shallow lines left traces of years.

But this woman has a very good temperament and will not let people notice her age at the first sight when they see her.

When an Ruoxi is looking at her, she is also looking at an Ruoxi.

"Are you an Ruoxi? The future daughter-in-law of the Beichen family? " When the woman spoke, her chin swayed slightly, the contempt that did not put anyone in her eyes, and deducted all the points on her body to a negative number.

This makes anjuoxi's first instinct after seeing her that she doesn't like this woman very much.

"I am the aunt of Beichen night, the bright moon of Beichen." When the woman saw that she did not speak, she immediately began to introduce herself. Even when she was introduced, she had the taste of being superior.

The surname "Beichen" gave her a little more momentum, and she spoke more confidently.

North Star?


"Hello." An Ruoxi is not arrogant not inferior ground cries a way.

Not because of the identity of the other side to pull up the relationship, on the contrary, her attitude is somewhat alienated.

She had never heard of their relatives in Beichen night, occasionally mentioned them, and never met them.

Since the north star night did not say so, why does this person come to her?

She didn't like her aunt at Beichen night.

Beichen night didn't say that the accident was planned by his father and aunt at the beginning?!

So, this is an aunt from where.

Who are the girls in Beichen night?

Beichen night that kind of condescending impression, from his bones with the noble gas, precious incomparable.

And the woman in front of her is obviously carrying a posture.

The question is what does Beichen Mingyue want to do with her?

What's the use of carrying such a shelf in front of her.

"I'm here today to talk to you about one thing. That's all you have to do with the Gong family." The North Star bright moon direct command way, her manner is like a superior person who commands from above.


What happened to her and the Gong family?

Ann Ruoxi blinks. Is there a hole in this person's brain?

If she says a word, she will stop with the palace family?

Who does she think she is.

"Why don't you talk?" Beichen Mingyue thought that as long as she would be able to handle this matter, but did not expect an Ruoxi did not speak.

"I don't know what to say." Ann Ruoxi replied directly.

What she wants her to say.

"Don't you listen to me?" The North Star bright moon's expression suddenly some displeasure.

"Can anyone stand in front of me and say that he has anything to do with the Beichen family? Let me listen. I don't think I can hear it." An Ruoxi light smile, the eye light is also permeated with carelessness, seems to have not seen the person in front of you in the eyes.

"No wonder the palace family said you are not easy to handle, it seems that it is really a thorn in the hand!" Beichen Mingyue couldn't help sneering, but she didn't eat it when she played it in front of her.

Ann Ruoxi knew that the people of the palace family were also fierce. How could they think that she would definitely buy the account of Beichen Mingyue?

Who do they think is behind the situation of the palace? Of course, it's Beichen night.

Do you want a Beichen person to bow her head?!

"An Ruoxi, you don't think I'm a fake. I'm looking for you in your headmaster's office. Do you think others can do this?" North Star bright moon says coldly.

"Well, you are the aunt of the real night." An Ruoxi or a face calm, at this moment, she does not mind the name of the North Star Night closer: "is the palace people looking for you? Let me let go of Gong Shixun? Is there anything else? "

An Ruoxi's question makes Beichen Mingyue frown slightly, and is not happy with an Ruoxi's attitude: "I just remind you, don't forget your identity. You don't only have a home behind you, but also the Beichen family. The Beichen family is not comparable to An'an family. Don't let your foolishness involve the Beichen family."Her words changed as she spoke.

It's like being engaged to the Beichen family is the charity given to an Ruoxi by the Beichen family.

Also under the banner of Beichen family, let an Ruoxi and the palace family make up?

An Ruoxi stood there, lips slightly hook, eye bottom hidden ridicule, the North Star Night of this aunt is really wise.

"I tell you, what is domestic violence? What do you think is good for you?" The North Star bright moon eyebrow a vertical: "do you know this kind of statement can give others what guess, do you still want to and small night together?! If you're smart, you should go back and persuade your family to put this matter to rest. What a press conference is, it's a dead man! "

In her opinion, this is a laughing stock of the upper class.

"I'm sorry, I can't promise you that." Ann Ruoxi didn't even use honorific words to the aunt of Beichen night, because she felt that the other party was not worth it.

"No?! Why don't you agree? " Beichen Mingyue doesn't understand what the girl is thinking in her mind. In fact, the palace family found her and said that she didn't think it was a big event.

She thought that the little girl was not easy to frighten, but she didn't expect that an Ruoxi was so hard to get into.

"Why not? Maybe the needle didn't stab you. You can't feel it, so you don't know what kind of pain it is." Thinking of Anya collapse to suicide, an Ruoxi felt that the punishment for Gong Shixun was too light.

It's just that the defendant is in custody now. He hasn't been in prison yet, hasn't he?!

"What's your attitude? Is that the way you've been brought up by settling down?" Beichen Mingyue's voice raised a few points, she didn't like this kind of disobedient younger generation: "I am the aunt of Beichen night, even now I come to talk to you personally is to give you face, you a younger generation even don't listen to the elder's words, do you understand what is respect and politeness?"


the first change Good night, my dear friends, when I see you Gu Liang, I want to see an Ruoxi and Gong Jun's match. It's fast , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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