The skin on the back of the hand seems to have been electrified.

An Ruoxi can't help but glare at the north star night, let him not make a mistake.

"Ruoxi, you are good at everything. When can you stop worrying about yourself?" Ann but shook his head: "well, I hang up, you must remember my words!"

Said, an Ruoxi mobile phone here only heard "Dudu Du" hanging up the phone voice.

"Here you are!" "In fact, if white an eye to his family."

"Your grandfather is also for you." Looking at the north corner of his eyes, it seems that he has not been wearing a deep breath

The girl's lips were as ruddy as jelly, and even in the night it seemed to be able to see the bright crimson color.

"You should have bullied me." An Ruoxi followed his words and said that he did not notice that the eyes of the youth around him became more and more deep.

"Is it?" Beichen night whispered, the radian of the lip angle deepened a little, the body inclined forward.

"If you think so, should I sit down on it?"

The fresh breath of youth is coming, and directly covers an Ruoxi.

The temperature around the body rises directly.

Does he mean to get rid of this bullying?

The arms of Beichen night support on both sides of an Ruoxi, just like a firm ring, imprisoning her.

They were so close that she could clearly see the warm color flowing in his eyes.

Once upon a time, these eyes were perfect in shape, with deep pupils, but without any emotion.

Although it is beautiful, it has no light.

But now, the flow of emotions, but as if through the eyes, bit by bit into the heart of an Ruoxi, the empty holes will be filled.

The heart suddenly had a feeling of swelling.

When an Ruoxi looks at Beichen night, he is also looking at her.

The girl has a pair of very attractive eyes.

Because I'm going to the party today, I painted a light make-up.

but just a bit more eye liner, but more summon spirits.

Especially now she is staring at him. The concentration inside makes mingzhan's eyes more bright. Even the perfect moonlight outside the window is not as bright as these eyes.

"Ruoxi..." He whispered her name in a low, hoarse voice full of charm.

Originally, I leaned over to tease her and let her not mind.

But now, the body instinctively wants to get closer and closer.

When the handsome face of Beichen night is magnified inch by inch in front of him.

That pair of long and narrow eyes as if can cast the spell of the body, let an Ruoxi can't move.

The heart beats rapidly and uncontrollably in the chest.

A moment, a moment

It's strong and powerful.

5 cm

3 cm

2 cm

The closer the distance, the higher the temperature, the faster the heart rate.

At the moment when their lips are about to touch, an Ruoxi slightly tilts her head and avoids it.

The tiny movement, but successfully opened the distance between the two, also let the North Star Night stop.

He gazed down at her with an inquisitive look in your eyes.

Under the dark pupil, all thoughts seem to have no escape.

An Ruoxi's hands on her side clenched a little, and her mouth was still with an air of indifference. She pressed her hand directly in front of the young man's chest and blocked out an arm's distance between them. She pursed her lips deliberately and haughtily: "I'm still angry."

Ann Ruoxi simply put the words to grandfather.

"You won't really because of what the old man just said..." Beichen night slightly shook his head and uttered a meal. He did not sit up straight, and his hand was still on the waist of an Ruoxi: "so do you mean not to kiss?"

Beichen night, let an Ruoxi feel that she seems to have become a little girl who makes trouble with her boyfriend.

This feeling has never been felt.

Even if she had been with that person before, she was a maverick and never had any girl's emotions.

At the thought of that person, an Ruoxi's eyes were a little cold, but soon she returned to the original appearance, the corner of her mouth was still hanging a smile curve, deliberately did not look at the North Star Night: "is intentional, so what?"

The girl's words are slightly provocative, but her black eyes seem to be permeated with enchanting fog, which makes people can't see the look of the bottom of their eyes.

This kind of an Ruoxi is a little strange.

The eyes of the youth sank, and the chest pushed forward by an Ruoxi's hands: "you're not good again..."

"It seems that --"

"I should deepen my punishment to make you remember deeply."

Beichen night's voice is not high, the low end sound is full of exciting magnetism, with his oppressive eyes, let an Ruoxi heart suddenly jump: "what?"When she was stunned for a while, chin was picked up by Beichen night and faced him directly.

Beichen night's eyes with thinking, as if really in serious consideration should be how to punish her.

"I'm not saying that when we're together, you can only look at me." The young man insisted.

Ann Ruoxi recalled that day, the north star night really said this to her.


An Ruoxi just wanted to speak, the finger of North Star Night points directly on her lip.

The fingertips lingered gently on it.

"So, what do you say to me

Ruo'an shivered.

Think of the last time different from the ordinary punishment, actually is to see her take a bath, then what will be this time?

Ann Ruoxi did not dare to think further.

Especially now the evil hand on the lips seems to be carrying electricity.

The feeling of crispy and numb on the lips has been spread to my heart.

Clearly now she is in the mood, how suddenly turned into he will punish her.

It seems that from the beginning, it was he who was in charge of the rhythm.

An Ruoxi thought slightly in her heart, and her mouth still kept smiling. She held the hand of Beichen night with her backhand: "to be honest, is the logic autism you said at the beginning was deceptive?"

Beichen night did not speak, but looked at an Ruoxi, motioned with her eyes, and then said.

"If it's not a lie, why don't you see it now?"

Will be domineering, jealous

The most important thing is, it's also special to tease

This is still in the case of logical autism, if not, it will open?

Beichen night did not speak, facial expression of him, people can not guess his ideas.

However, the words of anjuoxi made him realize that something seemed to be different.

But only when facing someone.

"And you?" Beichen night holds an Ruoxi's hand. At this time, her hand is even colder than his, just like there is no way to make her warm.

"Is your pain loss deceptive?"

The eyes of the youth are frightening and the words are light. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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