One sentence after another, the people who have just been present are very clear about these words of an Ruoxi, pointing the spearhead at Wang Bin.

With cloud's answer, at this moment, it has become a deadlock.

The cloud is more direct reaction to come over, an Ruoxi just all words, in fact, for the moment to do bedding.

Now, she is in a dilemma.

She just told Ann Ruoxi not to talk nonsense. She will be punished.

Now if it's not that serious, it's slapping yourself in the face.

If you don't turn the page, you should practice the punishment you just said and let Wang Bin be removed from the team.

Looking at the eyes of the eyes, I want to work out a strategy of safety.

"Wang Bin can't stop now."

"Now it depends on how the clouds pick up the king, or no one can help him."

"If Wang Bin is eliminated, our team will have no substitute, and the game will be much more dangerous."

People around him talked in a low voice.

Some watched the drama, some worried, but more still hope that Wang Bin can stay.

After all, the game is coming, even if it is a substitute, the team is also important.

Hearing these, Wang Bin looked at the cloud, and the cloud also turned around and nodded to him, making him more at ease.

"In fact, I think this thing is a little misunderstanding, we are all members of the team, so don't make a fuss about these little things." The cloud looked at an Ruoxi and said.

By doing so, she is trying to play down the matter.

It's no big deal to make people think it's not a big deal.

"Misunderstanding? If it is a misunderstanding that can be said like this, then why did the elder just correct me? " I'm going to use the cloud as a direct response.

If this matter can be as light as the cloud said.

The cloud's reaction will be exaggerated.

Cloud Leng for a moment, an Ruoxi than she imagined a lot more difficult.

I've always heard that an Ruoxi is a flower maniac and has no brain.

But now it seems that either the rumors are false, or an Ruoxi has been pretending before.

"The team should still focus on unity." The cloud pulled the corner of his mouth and showed a kind smile: "what's more, the game is about to start, the team can't change any more."

The clouds lowered their posture and looked as if they were showing weakness to an Ruoxi.

See the team goddess this appearance, many people's inner balance began to shake, Wang Bin is moved.

"Yes, why so aggressive."

"Just know it's a misunderstanding."

"Wang Bin apologized quickly and it was over. Let's all go."


Several second team's appearance, helps Wang Bin to speak.

All of a sudden, the situation seems to be reversed into an Ruoxi not to forgive people.

One of them didn't even give an Ruoxi a chance to continue to speak, and directly pulled Wang Bin to push him to an Ruoxi.

"I'm sorry." Wang Bin curled his lips and apologized reluctantly.

The sound was even smaller, like the sound of a mosquito, and could not be heard clearly.

Even the original upright stance collapsed, and it seemed that there was no sincerity of apology at all.

"Well, since you've apologized, let's go." The two men came out.

Several others followed suit to leave.

Lin Zhan snorted coldly, the face that board rises: "I still see such a new face for the first time, have no sincerity to apologize."

An Ruoxi didn't move, but coldly looked at Wang Bin and said, "since you are not willing to do it, I don't want to accept it anyway."

"What?" Wang Bin stopped and his eyes widened.

Originally tall body, now because of anger and straight up, with that ferocious expression, looks more fierce.

"What do you mean?" The face of the cloud also stiffened.

"If you want to apologize, you have to be sincere. If you don't, don't open your mouth." Lin Zhan has no tolerance for this girl, so he just said a word back.

An Ruoxi lightly glanced at Wang Bin and cloud, and said lightly: "you said to apologize. I have never said to ask him to apologize, and then this matter is even."

An Ruoxi said her eyes fell on the faces of the second team: "before entering aw, I have great expectations for this team, but you really make me marvel."

Clearly, this is a more "pure" team in the e-sports circle, but I didn't expect that the original members were so short-sighted.

As for right and wrong, it doesn't matter who should help and who can help.

Three teams.

So did the second team.

Then the first team will be worried.This is not clear about the matter, and it is likely that the whole team will be involved in the end.

The crowd looked at each other.

They have spoken for Wang Bin once.

But Wang Bin obviously did not cherish, such an apology, no matter who hears it, will be unhappy, so they will quickly pull Wang Bin to leave.

But now it seems that an Ruoxi won't let it go. If they help to talk, they will really drag themselves into the water.

After an Ruoxi finished, the scene was silent for a moment.

That kind of invisible pressure makes people even breathe unconsciously.

Several people who were ready to leave also stopped.

The clouds took a deep breath and forced themselves to calm down.

Wang Bin is the only one in the team who will support himself no matter what he says. Even doctor Zhao, who has always said that he likes himself, has also chosen to be silent at this time.

So if it's not a must, cloud definitely doesn't want Wang Bin to leave the team.

In addition, I help Wang Bin when no one dares to stand out, which is also to brush everyone's favor.

Her position in the team will be more stable.

And this matter is Wang Bin to start, she just stood in the team's perspective to help speak, how punishment will not be punished to their own head.

So in general, I just lowered my figure, and I still made money.

In a few seconds, the cloud has analyzed the pros and cons of the whole thing.

She sorted out her facial expression, smiling more cordially at an Ruoxi, and even went to try to hold her hand.

After being dodged by an Ruoxi, the cloud showed a slightly injured expression.

Also deliberately side face, so that people can see more clearly.

"Ruoxi, this matter will be discussed after the end of the game. Although Wang Bin is a substitute, his strength can not be underestimated. He has always been a good helper when necessary."

The cloud said, looking at the people: "everyone said it was not."

She tried to use the public's words to put pressure on an Ruoxi.

An Ruoxi's sarcastic smile has never fallen. At the moment, her eyes are even more mocking, and she directly preempts the opening: "strength is OK, but if you don't have good character, you will lose the chain at the critical moment, which is what you told me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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