Beichen night so direct admission, but let an Ruoxi don't know how to answer.

"How could that be possible?" Wang Bin is still questioning.

"So an Ruoxi, you are relying on the relationship with the night team, can let the team make an exception for you again and again!"

Like the handle of an Ruoxi, Wang Bin's eyes lit up.

The ferocity of the broken pot was more obvious.

"Even the people you won, are they deliberately releasing water because the night team said hello in advance?"

"An Ruoxi, it seems that even if you change a team, you can still only rely on the relationship. In the past, I relied on my father, but now my father is not here. I want to rely on men, right?"

Da, Da, Da, Da -

Da, Da, Da -

suddenly, a neat footstep sound completely covered up Wang Bin's voice.

A line of strong, well-trained guards in black suits suddenly appeared.

"Who are these people?"

"What happened?"


People were surprised.

"Young master, what can I do for you?" The leader came directly to the north star night.

Beichen night coldly looked at Wang Bin, slender index finger to his body a finger.

"Throw him out."

As soon as the voice fell, the four guards took direct action and carried Wang Bin to the first floor gate.


Ann Ruoxi suddenly stopped.

Beichen night raised his hand and the guard stopped.

Wang Bin was carried in the air, scared to struggle.

"Put me down!"

"You can't do this!"

Beichen night as if not heard, looked at an Ruoxi, asked her how with eyes.

"I'm going to solo with him!"

An Ruoxi's voice falls.

The scene was quiet.

Many people looked at the girl in the middle of the crowd with surprised eyes.

You know, now Beichen night has let people throw Wang Bin out, which is actually to remove Wang Bin from the team in disguise.

It's also a wake-up call for everyone on the scene.

This girl is different.

It's not just that she said differently about Beichen night.

She's not the same as anyone who wanted to get into the team.

Now said to Wang Bin solo an Ruoxi, in the eyes of all people, is not to brag, nor to attract people's eyeballs or something.

She has to prove herself.

It's also about keeping everyone shut up.

This feeling, very strong.

"Why?" The North Star Night asks lightly.

An Ruoxi hook lips, eyes in those around the face of one after scanning, back to the body of the north star night.

"Since some people are still unconvinced, this person and I solo are the best choice."

Beichen night raised his hand, and the guards released Wang Bin.

Wang Bin, who regained his freedom, gasped and turned his eyes from side to side. Then he said, "since you want solo, you have to bet on it."

"Of course." Ann Ruoxi nodded.

The competition without lottery is not good enough.

"If I win, you can quit the e-sports circle, OK?"

Wang Bin's words made many people frown.

That's a tough bet!

Generally, such a game, only to the team to stay as a bet, but Wang Bin directly let an Ruoxi out of the e-sports circle.

Such a bet is the most excessive one in the e-sports circle.

"And you?" An Ruoxi did not directly agree.

"If I lose, I'll leave without complaint, if you can beat me."


There was an uproar at the scene.

"How can Wang Bin have the face to say such a thing?"

"It's too much. If it hadn't been for anjuoxi, he would have been thrown out."

"Wang Bin, this is the taboo of all the e-sports people!"


Now, those who had supported Wang Bin couldn't look down.

Under the pressure of the masses, Wang Bin had to change his words.

Cloud also took advantage of this opportunity to stand out, said: "Wang Bin, since it is a bet, bet of course to be fair, I think to leave the team as a bet on it."

Receiving the cloud's eye sign, Wang Bin nodded and said, "no problem."

All the people present changed their eyes when they looked at Wang Bin.

Even if this time Wang Bin fluently won an Ruoxi, I'm afraid it is impossible to stay in the team.

What's more, whether he can win or not is really unknown.Wang Bin did not pay attention to people's eyes, looking at the clouds in the eyes full of gratitude.

The cloud nodded to him, but his heart was full of irony.

Wang Bin didn't know at all that the cloud had just come out, just to use up all the points he could use at last.

She is now under pressure to rescue Wang Bin, in the eyes of all people, is undoubtedly the character of a few more levels.

At the moment, the cloud in other people's eyes, is simply a kind-hearted fairy.

The clouds know that all people's eyes are on their own body now, and they slowly step back, if their eyes seem to float to the north star night.

But the other side is looking at an Ruoxi.

That kind of gentle eyes, is in the team two years, has never seen.

This is the first time, in that pair of eyes to see in addition to apathy mood.

The cloud bit his lip, but could only maintain the smile on his face.

At this time --

"the bet is too light, what should you do with the water?" Lin Zhan said scornfully.

After all, Wang Bin just said that the competitions won by an Ruoxi before were won by others in the face of Beichen night.

"Cough --" Wang Bin coughed several times, almost choked by his own saliva.

"How can I release water? I don't want face? " "If I lose, I will leave the team!" Wang Bin yelled

PA, PA --

everyone seemed to hear the slap in the face.

Wang Bin now's words, no doubt is to beat his own face.

Even a word, but also before those who compete with an Ruoxi were offended again.

A lot of people in the team have changed their faces.

Lin Zhan lip Cape hook, only a way: "that's good." I went back to an Ruoxi.

Wang Bin reflected later that he had been fooled by Lin Zhan. He looked around with some dodgy eyes and found that everyone's face was not good-looking, and his heart was flustered.

"If you want solo, hurry up. I will never let water out!"

An Ruoxi's eyes and Wang Bin's collision.

Mingming girl's body is only half of Wang Bin's.

However, the momentum on the body is no less than let, and even pressure on the other side of the feeling.

"That's the best. What do you want to compare?"

An Ruoxi directly gave the decision of the game to Wang Bin.

"Miracle!" Wang Bin said in a deep voice.

His breath suddenly became introverted, and he seemed to understand that he could not continue to speak more. After all, he said more than he did wrong.

"Good." Ann Ruoxi agreed without hesitation.

I just don't know whether this is Wang Bin's luck or misfortune.

Two people return to their own position, directly open the computer, connected to the game.

Nanwan villa to participate in the training of other people, have also surrounded.

Solo in the team, not every time, will make everyone interested.

But because the object is the king, the situation is different.

After all, since enroxi joined the team, every solo can bring them surprise and surprise.

There are more people behind an Ruoxi than Wang Bin.

But in fact, this situation will not let the participants feel more confident.

On the contrary, it is likely that because of the large number of people behind him, his thoughts are involved and his play is affected.

Although this is very clear, but still can not stop those people around the idea of anjuoxi. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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