Everyone who cares about Feng Shen knows.

Feng Shen's nickname is "the strongest in the single", but N1 no one can perfectly cooperate with his operation, will produce too many limitations.

In particular, the members of N1 are constantly changing, and the cooperation with the sealing sink is getting worse and worse.

From the beginning of the national champion, to finally squeeze into the last 16.

People who know Feng Shen can't help feeling sorry for him.

If it is finally found that can cooperate with him, the transfer is not incomprehensible.

"I said Feng Shen was not that kind of person." In the eyes of some of the fans, there was a faint light.

"The king's operation is very show, she and Feng sink together, can certainly wipe out different sparks."

"Suddenly a little moved, and a little guilty, what to do?"


The fans are talking quietly.

The man sitting in front of the computer is like a mountain in the hearts of many people who like E-sports.

The title of captain of the national champion team was hung in front of the name Fengshen.

After that, although the e-sports was mixed into a pool of muddy water.

But Feng Shen never seems to have changed his enthusiasm for E-sports.

Even across the screen, everyone watching his battle can clearly feel it.

So after Feng Shen quit N1 and joined aw, so many fans will feel disappointed.

"Hum!" A man snorted coldly: "it's just a king. It's ungrateful to transfer like this. You know, sealing down is N1's

Several people around him also joined the discussion.

"Yes, and at this time, I don't know if he received the news early. Someone has to deal with N1, so he will change jobs."

"It's true that you say that, N1 is finished after sealing and sinking away."


It seems that this is really the case.

The fans who had already begun to believe in Feng Shen looked at the frown of these people.

At this time --

"don't you believe in your own vision?" A soft voice sounded softly.

Although the voice is not high, but it sounds so good that all people's attention is drawn to the past.

"Do you forget why you like sealing? Isn't it because of his persistence in E-sports and his luminous appearance when sitting in front of the computer? "

Talking girl, a head of chestnut hair tied into a high horse tail.

That pair of speaking eyes, at the moment flashing the worship and protection of idols.

"I don't know why you like him, but I like him now just because I saw his live broadcast for the first time and Feng Shen Ming was still expressionless when he sat down. But at the beginning of the game, the whole person would shine and like it till now!"

The girl said, her eyes in front of everyone's face one by one.

Finally, it fell on the men who had been trying to discredit Fengshen.

"I hope you don't forget your original intention, and I hope you can always support Fengshen. In fact..." The girl said, her face crossed with Shyness: "we should not be happy to see feng Shen today?"

The girl's voice is a little low, that shy look is even more cute.

"I cried for days when he announced his retirement."

More than a dozen boys present here have their eyes like peach hearts.

This also resonates with the fans on the scene.

"Yes, we should be happy to see idols again!"

"Feng Shen's age says it's still early to retire, but now every game is his best performance."

After all, age is relative to hand speed.

Hand speed will slow down with age.

So many E-sports players choose to retire once they are over 25.

Because I don't want my future career to be Waterloo.

"Damn it!" The man who has been trying to change public opinion uttered a low curse and walked quietly to other places.

At the moment when they got up, the girl who spoke quietly took out her mobile phone and photographed the figures of several people.


On the LCD screen right in the middle of the field.

All members of Yongguang team have landed.

The names of the five games are presented in large red font in the audience's sight.

Chaoge, Bingge, Aoqi, Youshuang.

When all the names of the five people appeared, the audience was in uproar.

"This kind of combination is too exaggerated. All of them are hand speed monsters."

"What else can we fight like this? Just surrender!""I thought Feng Shen and King were all there. This game is still a bit promising. I'm afraid it will be directly scum."


Chaoge and Bingge are at the top of the total service ranking, so many people know it.

And ah Qihe and Shuang are also known to all. They are called hand speed monsters in their service area. When they lead a team to fight boss, they basically win by lying down.

It's over before it starts.

And with Shuang, because they are twins, tacit understanding has been cultivated since the birth of their mother. It is completely the existence of 1 + 1 greater than 2.

Meeting such a team, there was almost no suspense.

"The crown is going to lose."

"Today's game, the crown team has to win all before they have a chance to participate in the next game. It's not going to happen."

"What a pity! This is the king's first time to play a game, and it is also the first time since Feng Shen changed his team. "

Almost everyone believed that the aw crown team would lose.

"What? It's the guy who's got a big mouth! "

"Although they are short of words, the operation is really good."

"No matter what this guy is playing with, he is always in a hurry. The new team seems to have a good look."


When the name "Tiantian all needs your love" appears on the LCD screen, many people who have fought against him are somewhat messy and gnashing their teeth.

When fighting against him, there were not a few people out of control because of the stimulation of his words.

In particular, this name is often hung in the world dialogue choking sound, which makes Lu Tian's game name hot.

There are also many girls who have been teased, and their faces are red.

"How handsome you are

"Oh, my God, I thought most of the beautiful voices were ugly. I didn't expect that..."

Some of the bolder ones even beat their chests and feet.

Under this, still have Lin Zhan's and palace CE's game name has not appeared.

Feng, Wang, Tian Tian all need your love

The name of the game that makes people surprised one after another makes everyone look forward to the identity of Gong CE and Lin Zhan.

They feel that the identity of these two people will certainly not be simple.

Deng -

Deng -

the sound of successful login of two accounts rings at the same time.


"My God! What do I see? "

"Is that God of war? See if there's a mistake, if there's a mistake! "

"Fight the world, my God, it's that guy!"

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