The first drop of blood was captured by an Ruoxi.

All the faces of the audience were unbelievable.

How on earth did this happen?

They didn't even see clearly that ah Qi, who had already dominated, had fallen down.

Several people on Yongguang's side, their faces sank at the same time.

As for the strength of ah Qi, no one knows better than them. Even if they lose, they will never be robbed of one third of the other's blood.

At the beginning, ah Qi was arranged to keep an eye on the king. Originally, he thought it was more than enough. Now it seems that several people on the opposite side are more difficult to deal with than they imagined.

Ice brother's eyes flickered slightly, but on the screen, he typed a line of words: "don't be careless."

Yongguang team's five faces become more dignified.

"Well done!" Gong CE whistled.

"Not bad." At the same time, the voice of Lin Zhan rang out.

He had always been silent, but he also knocked several thumbs in succession.

But Lu Tian, who is usually the most talkative, has no expression or discourse.

This situation is a little unusual, everyone can not help looking at the small map.

"Protect Lu Tian." Feng said in a deep voice.

"I will." The nearest Gong CE immediately responded.

However, as soon as he moved, he was entangled by one and two. The two attacked repeatedly. It seemed that he had been hiding for a long time, so he waited for Gong CE to start.

"I'm stuck on my side. Who of you will come over for a moment." Gong CE's voice is a little cold. His fingers and keyboard are flying fast. After several jumps out of the attack range, he uses a common attack to open the distance between the two sides and directly conceals them.

"I will." Ann Ruoxi said directly.

Although she is not the nearest, but now the only one who has not been entangled is her.

The development of tank type auxiliary prophase is particularly important.

If it doesn't develop, you can't block the damage for your teammates in the later stage, and you can't give enough supplies.

If we are in a group war, this is a special loss.

Lu Tian at the center of the topic did not speak.

He knew that from the moment the Chaoge appeared, Lu Tian was very clear that she had arranged to interfere with his development.

"Hi, see you again." Chaoge direct text to say hello.

Lu Tian's fingers froze.

That day, Chaoge's attack operation, which was almost like a storm, flashed through Lu Tian's mind.

Although very fast, but the feeling is also shocking.

Lu Tian's mind was a little lax and his position was slowed down.

"I'm not welcome." Seize the opportunity of Chaoge instant attack.

On the screen, it is almost impossible to see how the girl moves. Lu Tian is directly fixed in the original place, and half of the blood bars are lost.

Several common attacks quickly followed.

Only one third of Lu Tian's blood bars are left, but Lu Tian's body has not been released.

"Two seconds to go." The words of Chaoge appeared on the screen again.

It seems that she has already calculated everything.

What kind of attack should be used for what kind of game character, and how the opponent will lose blood and reaction after the attack.

Everything seems to be within the calculation range of Chaoge.

This is bound to be familiar with the game in the heart, in order to do.

Lu Tian's face was grim.

It can't be like this.

Their team has no chance of losing today.

Once it fails, it will be eliminated.

Because they don't have any points on their hands to turn them around.

He can't fall.

Lu Tian's eyes shine brightly.

After a purification dispels the fixed body mantra, a common attack delays the opponent's speed, and a big move is thrown directly to make the other party move more slowly.

The damage was aggravated after the attack of the third company.

Only one third of the blood is left on both sides.

Now, it's only up to the two sides who really took advantage of the good opportunity to put the other side down.

"Yes, it's improved." Chaoge has subtitled again, but it also gives pressure to the other party: "however, it's time to see you again."

Chaoge said, silver flash, common attack moves together, the speed is too fast to respond.

Even the host, who had been watching the war, couldn't help standing up.

"The duel between the two sides is really wonderful. It's the first one who can escape the attack of Chaoge and then counter attack. The crown team is not ordinary, but it's still a little inferior to the Chaoge."

The host couldn't help feeling sorry.

The fame of Chaoge is very popular in the e-sports circle.

Every time online, many people prefer not to play, but also to watch Chaoge operation.That fancy operation is so fast that people can't blink, the opponent directly falls to the ground.

There has always been a saying in the e-sports circle that the prey that is targeted by Chaoge must be blessed by God if it can run away.

Therefore, how low the probability is, how surprised the people on the scene.

However, in the eyes of all people, Lu Tian did not escape the fate of falling.

After all, the only thing he can do is to make a big attack.

Residual blood

Not yet

Everyone couldn't believe to look at the standing character in the center of the screen.

Red on the blood strip, only one is lost.

As long as Chaoge throws another common attack at this time, he will fall directly.

As everyone thought, Chaoge started to attack again, one serve, two serve and three serve, and all the remaining attacks were directly lost in the past.

All of a sudden, the screen is as beautiful as fireworks.

At this time, Lu Tian operation of the role of all of a sudden rushed to the song behind, evaded all attacks.

"Chao song, danger!" The fans of Chaoge couldn't help shouting.

But it was too late.

Lu Tian's dizzy moves, which have never been used, hit Chaoge directly.

The big move starts first, the small one catches up, and the common attack repeats

The audience was dazzled, overwhelmed, only to see Chaoge motionless, blood bar has been falling.

Lu Tian jumps back to attack and directly exits the counterattack range of Chaoge.

Residual blood Silk blood No blood

After the scene was quiet, there was a cry of disbelief.

Chaoge's game characters slowly fall in the eyes of all.

This moment.

In all people's eyes, Lu Tian, who is not far away, is like a star with stars and moon.

"Tim, Tim, love you forever!"

"Tim, Tim, miss you every day!"

The girls even volunteered to shout slogans for Lu Tian.

"Handsome." Ann Ruoxi came over and typed directly.

When she came, Lu Tian was trapped. When she wanted to solve the problem, Lu Tian had already jumped out directly.

Defeat the opponent with residual blood.

Lu Tian, who was once killed by Chaoge seconds, felt so miserable in his heart that he was so excited at the moment.

That kind of heat flow constantly upward feeling, as if he had been depressed and efforts for a long time, finally got released.

From being killed by seconds to now, he has thought about this picture countless times.

However, he has never really met each other.

Now, I don't know if it's fate's trick. Their first game is even on.

And this time, he can't lose.

There was no way for him to retreat. He had to fight back.

He was able to sit here because he wen prevented the accident for him.

So anyway, he has to win.

"Be careful!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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