Ah Qi blocks an Ruoxi.

An Ruoxi dodges and retreats directly, quickly surpasses him and rushes to Gongce.

But in spite of this, Gong CE's blood also gradually from half blood, to residual blood, and finally into silk blood.

But then the announcement sounded, but let the whole field ignite instantly.

1、 Shuang, Chaoge, fell down one after another.

Finally, Gong CE's head is dark.

No one knows how this is done.

Only four people were entangled.

Among them, one, double, Chaoge, are constantly releasing tricks to Gongce.

But in the end, it was the three men who fell first.

In the end, how to do excellent operation, beautiful moving position and fierce consciousness can make one enemy three.

Chaoge's operation is so beautiful, but it's up to him to change the palace policy.

"That's great!"

"God of war, God of war, invincible!"

"The crown, the crown, is bound to win!"


One after another slogans, in the mouth of fans shout out.

This game.

The crown team directly harvested most of the fans.

Because it's not just their personal operation that's great.

Their tacit understanding is also surprising.

Everyone no longer thought they were just aw's temporary team.

But aw has been hidden until the end, only willing to take out the secret weapon.

Just when Gong CE picked three, Lin Zhan had pushed all the defensive towers off the road and disposed of all the lines of soldiers.

The economic and development distance between the two sides has been widened.

Even during their resurrection.

An Ruoxi also took the opportunity to clean up the other side's wild area again.

Under this, the discerning eye already knew that the victory or defeat had no suspense.

No matter how the other side operates, it is impossible to change the situation.

When the golden symbol of victory appeared on their side of anjuoxi, the field was full of joy.

Half of them were shouting with excitement.

Even a lot of people are excited to stand up directly, hands on the mouth shouting.

Only the fans of Yongguang team looked at each other and didn't know whether to follow the excitement and shout or keep silent.


It's a circle of technology.

Beauty is only a part of the bonus.

But the most important thing is personal technical operation.

Again handsome person, if the operation is bad, also won't welcome applause.

This time, the crown team's appearance, lets everybody almost all not optimistic.

Even aw fans, also for the glory of the team, look at their own love beans to cheer for the crown team.

but now they are completely turned pink and are happy to be able to choose to be a AW fan, awesome for their idol team.

“allWin! allWin! Win every battle! The crown detachment, the winning team

"Seal down!"

"Tim, Tim!"



"Fight the world!"

Everyone is excited to shout their favorite names.

The name of everyone in the crown team rings through the whole field.

The lift came down slowly.

Ten contestants left the computer and came out.

The five of Yongguang second team headed by Bing Ge, the expression on their faces at the moment can be said to be very complicated.

If at the beginning, they were in the mood of winning, but in the end, they already knew that they had lost the game from the beginning.

I thought this team was all rookies except the sinking.

So at that time, when ah Qi sank into the team in Lafeng and ignored several other people, brother Bing said something, but he didn't stop him.

They didn't really take these people seriously.

But behind, one by one after the vest burst out, they realized that this team is not simple.

But they have been training for a long time, which makes them confident. They didn't expect that they would lose so badly.

Compared with the loss of Yongguang team.

Led by Feng Shen and dressed in snow-white war robes, an Ruoxi in a line-up has a totally different momentum.

The lights of the stage hit them as if they were emanating from themselves.

The host stood in the middle of the two teams.

"First of all, we congratulate the crown team on winning this competition. The first game gave us such a wonderful opening. It must be more and more powerful later."

The host said and handed the microphone to Feng Shen."I believe you are not unfamiliar with our Fengshen, or even very familiar with it."

Feng Shen looks at the microphone and frowns slightly, vaguely feeling that the host's next words may not be so good.

"Then I would like to ask Feng Shen, what is the reason for you to leave the N1 that has been cultivating you, and then put into aw?"

The host's words, let the atmosphere of the scene suddenly become treacherous.

The problem is a bit acute.

But it is also the confusion of most people.

It can be seen from the reaction of the audience when Feng Shen appeared. It must be a hot topic.

So when the host is in the back, he has also received the arrangement of the program group.

In personal interviews, be sure to ask this question.

Feng Shen took a look at the host.

It's always time to come.

From stepping on the field, Feng Shen knows that this topic is inevitable.

I just didn't expect that the host would ask so directly.

Feng Shen was silent for a moment, and the host microphone standing beside him handed it forward, indicating Feng Shen's reply.

Lin Zhan frowned and took a step forward.

At this time, Feng Shen has already opened his mouth --

"on this issue, I think we have misunderstood something?"

Feng Shen said with a smile, as if the question itself was a joke.

The host was stunned for a moment.

Why does he feel that the seal with a smile at the moment is more terrible than the expressionless one.

The noise of the scene slowly stopped.

Everyone was curious to know what the so-called misunderstanding was.

"First of all, I joined aw after N1 announced my retirement."

"Secondly, I always thought that this question, after everybody saw our crown team's cooperation, did not need me to explain."

"Finally, I hope you can always support crown and aw!"

Thank you

The voice dropped.

The whole field broke out again with neat shouts.

“allWin! allWin! Win every battle! The crown detachment, the winning team

No need for aw fans to drive.

There is no need for other people to adjust and explain.

You don't even need the host to control the rhythm.

Everyone's mouth has issued a uniform slogan.

The sound resounded through the field.

Let everyone be gradually driven.

The spark of the crown team will ignite the whole grassland.

The host had a lot of sharp questions, but they were all called back.

But their task is more than that simple.

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