It's not a day or two for class 20 to be arrogant.

The contradiction between class Z and class 20 has also accumulated for a long time.

The biggest difference between class 20 and class Z is that there are more boys and less girls in class 20.

But class Z has more girls than boys.

This point is often used by class 20 to make fun of class Z.

Now, it's the left, because it's the right.

So the boys in class 20 and the girls in class Z stand side by side.

"Don't tell the truth here. The tigers in class Z will eat you."

Class 20 standing in front of a boy strange tune said.

When he finished, class 20 burst into laughter.

Compared with other classes, some students have a strong family background, but class 20 is mostly the type of nouveau riche.

Because the family conditions are good, they were sent to the noble school, hoping to meet more people in the upper class and help the family develop.

Class one is the most famous class in the whole grade.

Therefore, class 20 spared no effort to please class one.

But for the Z class that falls out of class arrangement, class 20 is not polite.


An Ruoxi heard the address and raised her eyebrows.

"I didn't expect that the people in class 20 look up to the girls in class Z so much." An Ruoxi light open mouth, the smile of the corner of the lips shows a touch of ridicule.

However, her words made people in class 20 laugh directly.

"What? I'm afraid Ann Ruoxi is not stupid. "

"It's the funniest joke I've heard lately."

"It's me. It's the first time that I've heard others say that Tigress turns out to be a commendatory word."

Class 20's sarcasm hit me one by one.

The girls in class Z are also looking at each other. I don't know why an Ruoxi has such a view.

But they didn't interrupt an Ruoxi, because they already had an instinctive sense of trust.

"What else do you have to do besides talk?"

"After all, it's just a group of followers. What are they doing here?"

The girls came out to help.

"It's also a skill to be able to talk and hold your thighs, isn't it?"

"Everyone sees that your class is taking a detour. If you have the ability, you can try one."

The faces of class 20 are still elated.

An Ruoxi's smile is colder.

To this extent, it is invincible.

It seems that the people in class Z are not afraid of class 20.

But the cheek is not their thick, just repeatedly fell behind.

"What is a tiger? It's second only to the king of beasts. It's a species that almost all animals fear."

An Ruoxi's voice is not high or low, but everyone can hear clearly.

"A female tiger may be nothing, a class of female tigers, that can be wonderful, this is not you admit that you a group of men, even we girls are not comparable?"

The scene was quiet for a few seconds.

Class Z is because I admire the girl's glib.

Class 20 can't find any words to fight back.

Because there is no loophole in what she said.

But class 20 never reasoned with anyone.

"Tough life doesn't need to be explained, so you just admit that you are a class of tigress."

"It's the first time I've seen so many cheeky people."

"An Ruoxi, I heard that you were beaten silly by Chen but they didn't believe it before. Now it seems true."

The people of class 20 began to besiege an Ruoxi.

"I used to be crazy about flowers, but I haven't seen you recently. It turns out to be stupid."

"Ha ha ha ha, it's almost laughable."

Even the girls from class 20 joined in.

The head teacher of class 20 is also in the team. Seeing this scene, he turns his head directly.

In a flash, an Ruoxi became the target of public criticism.

Class Z looked at the situation and couldn't help it anymore.

"What do you mean?"

"Our monitor doesn't need to be crazy about anyone now!"

"Do you know who our monitor's fiance is? One by one with no eyes! "

A girl was so angry that she even wanted to move out of the identity of Beichen night.

The people in class 20 found the sarcasm even more.

"Who, speak up and let us know."

"I feel so powerful. How could she run after other boys' buttocks before?""If you want to frighten people, you have to find a better reason. What kind of fiance can you find with such a rag like her?"

The man who spoke in class 20 sneered at the girl's words and didn't believe it at all.

A nostrils to the sky, is showing disdain.

In particular, the sound of junk, these three words are full of strong irony and disdain, as if often said so.

The sound of inspiration came from all around.

We should know that Beichen night is the affair of an Ruoxi's fiance. In fact, most of the schools have already known about it. Therefore, an Ruoxi liked Ye Chengxin as a sophomore.

In class 20, which is a class at the end of the crane, most of the students playing truant in the class account for the majority of the class. Therefore, the speaker may not know what happened that day.

An Ruoxi mingzhan's eyes are as cold as ice at the moment, and the smile on the corner of his lips makes people shiver.

"You The girl is angry and wants to say the identity of Beichen night.

An Ruoxi gently coughed, gave the girl a look, let her not say.

She likes to come by herself.

The girl pursed her lips, which made her back reluctantly.

This situation was seen by the people in class 20.

But they don't think it is anjuoxi's low-key, but they think that this is because the identity of her fiance is not enough to scare them.

"Oh, isn't it great? Say it

"Yes, why not? Is it bragging in front of the students

"An Ruoxi, how can you live more and more back? Before Gong min'er was able to cover you, but now the palace is down, who can you rely on?"

In everyone's opinion, an Ruoxi is relying on the relationship between the palace family to enter here.

An Ruoxi's eyes swept over the faces of all the people in class 20.

The momentum on the body is an instant spread.

"Who is the name of the junk?" An Ruoxi was suddenly unable to defend himself.

A girl in the opposite side directly replied, "of course, I called you, or who..."

The girl said that only later did she react, and suddenly stopped speaking, but it was too late.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The students in class Z all laughed.

Although it is the old routine, but looking at those people instantly changed face, or very refreshing.

"Zhou Zhijing, you are not..."

"Sure enough, she's the dumbest girl in the class. After years of old routine, she can still get hit!"

"Yes, it's a shame!"

The people of class 20 spoke in disgust. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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