Dong -

the thin figure fell to the ground directly.

After the knee hit the ground severely, the body rolled to the side for several times before stopping.

Even the students near the track could feel the pain when they heard the noise.

There were bursts of exclamations on the field.

Even class Z students want to rush to help but are blocked by the staff.


In summer, winter, and winter, I was sweating and curling up.

The pain in the knee and abdomen is like the torture of knife twisting and acupuncture.

She was soaked in sweat as if she had been pulled out of the water.

Summer, winter and winter, stand up!

Xia Dongdong recites to himself in his heart.

Taking a few deep breaths, she gritted her teeth and stood up trembling.

In the moment of standing up, she saw class Z standing not far away.

They all have concerns in their eyes.

"Summer, winter and winter, don't run any more!"

"Summer, winter and winter, it doesn't matter. Come back."

"Summer, winter and winter, give up!"

The students in class Z are shouting advice.

The girl's face at the moment is pale to almost transparent, it is difficult to imagine how such a body can continue to support.

Give up?

Xia Dongdong asks himself in his heart.

She looked at the end of the line and her eyes became loose.

At 800 meters, when the body rushes through the ribbon and the heart is filled, Xia Dongdong feels like a lost soul and returns to its original position.

That feeling, fullness and beauty.

Give up?

Xia Dongdong asked himself again.

This time, her eyes were no longer lax.

The corners of the lips rose slightly.

Her smile, gorgeous and beautiful.

In the eyes of glaze color, what twinkles is firmness.

At this moment, all the pain was suppressed by her, all ignored.

Get ready!

Summer, winter and winter made preparations.


When the girl rushed out like an arrow leaving the string, everyone's eyes lit up in a moment.

"Summer, winter and winter, is this the second outbreak?"

"Can a fall still replenish energy?"

"How could you do that?"

"This speed, this is playing with your life!"

"I didn't expect class Z to have such a master."


In the voice of the people, summer, winter and winter rushed forward desperately.

The wind is whistling in my ears.

Her hair, face, and body were all soaked with sweat, and her vision began to blur with the feeling of collapse.

However, she is still constantly forward.

The first place is hopeless.

Even if Xia Dongdong tries his best, he can't catch up with the front figure at this time.

The second place is far away from the first.

After she fell, there were many figures in front of her.

1100 meters, 1200 meters, 1300 meters

And the last two hundred meters.

The legs have already felt that they are not their own, but are moving forward mechanically.

Summer, winter and winter, the whole person swayed for a while and almost fell to the ground again.

She steadied herself quickly, lifted her breath and ran on.

Regardless of, regardless of.

There was a ferocity in the girl at the moment.

Do not admit defeat, do not admit defeat.

When she ran to the Z class rest area, she looked in the direction of the class.

Even if the line of sight is blurred, and even the images we see are double images, we can clearly feel our worries when we go to summer, winter and winter.

Smiling at everyone, summer, winter and winter head forward.

But she did not know how weak her smile was.

At this moment, she could not remember how many people she surpassed.

She didn't know how many meters she had.

The ears are buzzing. In addition to the strong wind, other sounds can not be heard clearly in summer, winter and winter.

All she knew was that she was coming to the end!


Class Z rest area.

Left an Ruoxi and Lin Zhan have come back.

Several girls quickly gathered around.

"Monitor, summer, winter and winter don't look very good."

"Yes, I think I'm going to faint."

"She had a stomachache just before she started. I don't know if it's because of this."

An Ruoxi looked at the past in the direction of summer, winter and winter, and instantly her eyes were tight.

"Not good!" She let out a low breath.

When they ran 800 meters, they noticed that there seemed to be some leg problems in summer, winter and winter, but now the problem seems to be more serious.The strength and reaction of the left and right feet are not in the same key at all.

And her body was slightly bent.

This kind of posture is not conducive to sprint.

Since summer, winter and winter run half horse and whole horse, in sports is also considered professional, she can not be unaware of this.

The only explanation is that there is something wrong with her body.

It's likely that the abdominal pain is getting worse.

"To the end." Ann Ruoxi turns around and rushes towards the end.

Lin Zhan's eyes were cold and quickly followed.

By the time they reach the finish line, the first and second places have already been born.

Now, everyone else seems to be racing for third place, speeding up.

Among them, a thin figure is particularly prominent.

Her speed is very fast, but her steps look strange. She seems to fall at any time because of her left foot stepping on her right foot.

Ann Ruoxi's brow tightly frowned, calculating the final distance.

Fifty meters, forty meters

Twenty meters, ten meters

When Xia Dongdong crossed the finish line, the referee announced that the third place was class Z of the year. At that moment, her body became soft and fell forward directly.

An Ruoxi speeds up and rushes through.

However, there is a figure faster than her.

It's Lin Zhan!

Two people came to Xia Dongdong's side one after another, and Lin Zhan helped Xia Dongdong up directly.

Her face was very pale.

"Summer, winter and winter! How are you doing? " An Ruoxi anxiously called, but the other side did not respond.

How could this happen?

An Ruoxi tried to pinch summer, winter and winter among the people.

However, she still did not respond.

Obviously, she had collapsed to the point of fainting.

An Ruoxi's eyebrows twist: "this is not right!"

Lin Zhan looked at an Ruoxi: "what do you mean?"

"If it's a leg problem, you can't run as fast as you can if you can't wake up." An Ruoxi's eyes shine.

They have just clearly seen that the speed of running in summer, winter and winter is very fast.

Although there is a problem with the pace, it should not hurt to faint directly.



An Ruoxi and Lin Zhan speak at the same time.

The two looked at each other and saw the chill in each other's eyes.

Before the students have said that summer, winter and winter before the start of the abdominal pain, now this situation is likely to be caused by stomachache.

At the moment, the judges and students at the end of the line all gathered around.

"What's going on?"

"Students, can I help you?"

"What is this for?"

"It's too exaggerated to be dizzy."


People around him began to talk.

The referee and teachers use walkie talkie to contact the medical staff in the field to prepare them to come.

Lin Zhan and an Ruoxi look at each other.

"I'll take her to the infirmary." Lin Zhan picked up Xia Dongdong and took the lead in speaking.

An Ruoxi looked at the weak Xia Dongdong in Lin Zhan's arms, and her eyes flashed: "I'm going to find the person in charge of the school sports meeting."

The two quickly reached a consensus.

Lin Zhan's direction to the infirmary.

Ann Ruoxi to the teaching building.

The opposite, but for the same thing.

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