One move in one form.

One in and one out.

Attack and defense.

All the measures, let every audience watch with fear.

Gradually, the blood volume of both sides is constantly decreasing.

From half blood to remnant blood and then to silk blood.

Both sides are dodging and circling, looking for the most favorable position to attack.

Let the other party fall at the same time, do not let the other party attack themselves.

This time is to see whose speed is fast enough and whose avoidance is timely enough.

All the spectators watching the battle held their breath and squeezed their hands nervously.

In their view, this is a battle between two top players in the middle to defend their authority.

For Feng Shen and captain Qingcheng, this is also a very important contest.

As long as you win, you can give your team a powerful boost.

As long as Feng Shen wins, he keeps his reputation of the strongest single.

As long as the captain of Qingcheng wins, he wins his idol and replaces Feng Shen as the strongest winner.

Everyone's breathing becomes very light and slow.

It seems to be worried that as long as the breath is heavy, it will change the expected results.

This stalemate situation, let everyone's heart more nervous, like tens of thousands of ants constantly gnawing on it.

Finally -

the seal moved.

But instead of moving forward.

This action, let Qingcheng captain's eyes squint, smilingly operating the mouse to chase the past.

You've changed identities directly, avoiding the drama I'm chasing.

Feng Shen's retreat seems to be a direct shift from advantage to disadvantage.

As long as the leader of Qingcheng runs fast and pursues again, Fengshen will fall to the ground directly.

In fact, Captain Qingcheng did.

With his understanding of Feng Shen, Feng Shen could not return to attack when he retreated.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Feng Shen has always controlled the dominant power in his own hands and does not reveal his back to others.

Other people may not see it, but for the captain of Qingcheng who knows Feng Shen and himself, he can't understand better.

The corners of his lips kept smiling all the time.

That kind of self-confidence that won the game, let him ignore the coming danger.



Two movements, at the same time.

At the moment when the captain of Qingcheng attacked, it seemed that the winning or losing of this middle route battle had become a fixed number.

Even the fans of Qingcheng team cheered up.

"Qingcheng, Qingcheng, win every battle!"

"Qingcheng, Qingcheng, win every battle!"

Uniform slogans, as if victory had been on their side.

Even other fans who are not members of the Qingcheng team feel that the victory in the middle road belongs to the Qingcheng team. If the crown team wants to win, it can only rely on the other two lines.

Feng Shen's game characters have strong attack power in the early stage, but they are weak in the later stage.

Once down, the resurrection of this period of time, enough to let the other party's development distance.

When the time comes again, Feng Shen will be even less of an opponent.

We can see that the arrangement of the crown team should be to seal and sink and stick to the Middle Road, and other people will break through from the other two ways.

It's just that now, people from both sides of the road have begun to be overwhelmed.

The momentum, which had been rapid, began to slow down.

The economic gap between the two sides has been narrowed even at the beginning.

Qingcheng team's mid-term development has been up, in the attack has been better than the crown team.


Second kill!

Lin Zhan and Lu Tian, who were on the way, both fell down.

The Qingcheng troops cut off a side tower.

And their Resurrection time is still walking slowly.

The second side tower on the road is about to lose its defense.

The two sides are also deadlocked in the situation of going down the road.

An Ruoxi and Gong CE cooperate perfectly, but the two people of the other side are tacit understanding, which makes people unable to start.

This time, the goddess of victory seems to have faintly stood on the side of the Qingcheng team.

The next second --

the announcement that Captain Qingcheng was knocked down by Fengshen appeared on the big screen.


"Is there a mistake?"

"There's something wrong with the system."

"How could that be possible?"

The whole scene was full of unbelievable voices.

Even Chunxia and Qiu Dong stood up from their chairs in surprise.

"What's going on?" Spring and summer look confused.

Seeing that Feng Shen and captain Qingcheng were almost settled, she went to see the development of the other two routes and the situation of the war.But I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, the situation would be directly reversed.

Qiu Dong seemed to find his voice after a long time, and began to explain for the surprised audience.

"Feng Shen managed to evade the attack and return the attack with the help of the opponent's sprint. How fast can he do this?"

"It's said that Feng Shen is the oldest player in this group, so his hand speed must also be the slowest. Now it seems that hand speed is not really changed by age."

Feng Shen returned to the city and rushed to the original position.

Qingcheng captain looks at the computer screen in front of him, the game role that falls on the ground, the whole person is stupefied.

How could this be possible?!

Just that moment, just feel a strong pressure from the screen rushed to their own.

Feng Shen managed to evade the moment he pressed the sprint attack, and then returned to attack.

In the state of sprint, he can definitely avoid the attack of seal sinking.

However, he calculated the direction of his run, and the attack directly fell on the direction he ran past.

He ran into a sealed attack on his own.

Such an outcome is hard for the captain of Qingcheng to accept.

Even if the character is resurrected, it doesn't respond.

"Captain, what's the matter with you?"



The other players pulled the headphones back.

"Give me a strong attack in the middle!" Qingcheng captain said viciously.

Where you fall down, you'll hit the other party severely!

At the moment when the captain of Qingcheng rushed to the Middle Road, the others made several moves in succession. They forced an Ruoxi back and rushed to the middle road at the same time.

The five characters are constantly approaching Fengshen.

The audience, who saw this scene, couldn't believe it.

Is this the rhythm of siege and siege?

Fengshen is recognized as the strongest single in China's E-sports circle.

Under the siege of five men, he used his own strength to block all attacks, which was at his peak.

Now, can he create such a legend again?!

The audience was excited, hoping to see that scene again.

"What's the matter? Where are the people? " Asked enroxi curiously.

They can't see the enemy moving on each other's map.

It can only be seen when they come to their field, or when both sides fight.

Now, all five people on the map have disappeared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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