Say still like these three words, that means that I like them before.

An Ruoxi directly gave Lin Zhengyu a white eye: "you are insulting my intelligence quotient."

Like Ye Chengxin, how blind are you?!

"Besides, there is no such thing as who I like!"

When an Ruoxi said this, the voice line was particularly cold, and the light of her eyes was extremely cold. It looked like the same as Beichen night.

"Don't speak so well!" At this moment, Lin Zhengyu found that the girl's heart, which looked like her mouth was always on the rise, might have been built by ten thousand years of solid ice and could not easily melt.

"Beichen night, I have something to say to you!" An Ruoxi eyes flash, seems to have made a decision.

"Say it." Beichen night light response.

"I have something to tell you alone." An Ruoxi stood in front of the north star night and said.

finished, as like as two peas, she looked at Lin Zheng Yu, and Lin Zhengyu told the headmaster that they had left.

"Well, then I'll go to the auditorium!" Lin Zhengyu looks at Beichen night bitterly, but his eyes are as cold as ever. It seems that there is no significance in this.

Seeing Lin Zhengyu leave, an Ruoxi said again: "Beichen night, I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Don't understand what?" Beichen night quietly looking at her, looks expensive and cold.

"So you want our engagement to continue?" Ann Ruoxi asked tentatively.

"I just think it's OK to keep the status quo." Beichen night light said, the high-grade custom-made clothes fit perfectly, but also lining his frightening noble spirit.

"Then I think it's necessary to tell you something." Ann Ruoxi pondered for a while and then said, "I'm not a very good fiancee candidate. I have pain loss."

She thought the other party would at least express a little surprise.

However, Beichen night seems to hear an ordinary greeting, even the eyes are not any waves.

Calm as water.


It should be as silent as ice.

"Do you know about pain loss? It's a rare genetic defect that prevents people from feeling pain An Ruoxi thought he didn't know what it meant, so she explained: "don't think it's a good thing, because the inability to feel pain means that the risk factor is several times higher than others."

Injury will hurt, this is a kind of early warning, loss of this warning, even if the body suffered any injury, are very numb and can not sense in time.

Beichen night is still indifferent.

"It's a genetic defect." An Ruoxi stressed again.

"It seems that Ann's secrecy is well done." The North Star Night finally responds, said is the wind horse cow does not relate to the matter.

"I can't help it. I can't let outsiders know." An Ruoxi lip angle slants up, lazy smile explained: "you know, I have been called a monster."

Her words are like a joke, but with a light mockery.

In fact, it is not an Ruoxi who has this disease.

It's her.

She used to be.

So, in the end, even if they are locked up in a dark prison, they are subjected to torture that normal people can't bear.

Those people still don't get what they want.

Because she doesn't feel the pain.

Even if you pretend to be in pain, in fact, it won't hurt at all.

This is something that even the person who hurt her doesn't know.

It was the first time that she felt the strong emotion and pain in anjuoxi.

Feel the breath of being alive.

It's no longer a monster that doesn't even hurt.

Finally, the expression of the youth like an iceberg seems to have a trace of change, the eye light also showed a sneer light: "that's really clever."

An Ruoxi was stunned.

What does he mean by this? What's the meaning of Zhenqiao?

"Ever heard of logical autism?" Young eyes are long and narrow, such as ink line depiction, but the eyes are like the frozen obsidian, cold and light.

Ann Ruoxi shook her head.

She knows the word logic, and she knows autism, but logical autism doesn't.

"It's a rare disease, and it's hard to find out. It's a mental illness. You're not the only one called a monster."

North Star Night says coldly.

Ann Ruoxi blinked. No, she said that, in fact, she wanted to say that she was not suitable for his fiancee position: "so, you mean we are half a dozen?"

A pain loss syndrome.

A logical autism.

They've been called little monsters. Why is this so strange.

"You won't hurt. I don't have emotional perception. This engagement is suitable for us." Beichen night to the back of the chair, legs overlapping, looks like a high emperor, under the edict.Not to discuss, but to conclude.

No emotional perception?!

Ann Ruoxi looked at the north star night. Before he saw him, he only felt that cold breath was strong, just like ice sculpture.

Now look, it's true.

From the first sight to the rostrum, from the rostrum to the present, whether it is the school or her affairs, or even the engagement of the two people, there is no way to stir up a ripple of Beichen night.

Without confirmation of Beichen night, an Ruoxi takes out her mobile phone and directly starts logical autism in front of Baidu in front of Beichen night.

Indeed, google entry has such a name, as the north star night said, this is a rare disease, and it is difficult to be found.

An Ruoxi carefully looked at the entry to explain: the patients with this disease, on the surface, can not see any tendency of autism, they can communicate with the people around them without any problem, and everything is OK.

But in fact, it is their logical thinking rather than hormone secretion that controls their actions and emotions.

In other words, their brains think they should cry, they will cry, they should laugh, they will start to laugh, everything seems to be acting, not instinctive. In fact, everything in the outside world doesn't matter to them. They look at it with indifferent eyes, and then cover themselves with a layer of camouflage logic shell, so that others can't find their own special.

After reading, she looked at the night of the north star.

If it's true, it doesn't look different from normal people. Just like before, she is also hiding the side of pain loss, so that her behavior and ordinary people are the same.

"What a coincidence Ann Ruoxi nodded.

"Then, what is the reason not to continue the engagement?" Looking at the sunshine, it's like a cold night in Chengchen.

Their origin does not allow them to marry on their own.

Even if they have the ability to break the engagement.

However, it is not necessary.

Because of this disease, they won't have the feeling that they will be together at all costs.

Two cold-blooded animals that just don't need camouflage. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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