An Ruoxi frowned.

Quietly stopped all the movements in his hands.

Those who can invade here must have done a lot of Kung Fu before. They must be masters in this respect.

And when I just broke in, I also spent a lot of effort.

Ann Ruoxi's slender ten fingers beat flexibly on the keyboard, hiding himself completely.

She's like a leopard lurking by its prey, watching every move of the visitor.

Each other's actions are very skillful, opening all kinds of files is like operating your own computer.

This is not the first time this man has invaded here.

Ann Ruoxi is very sure.

Moreover, the other side's technique, also some familiar.

The hands on the keyboard are slightly stiff, and the complex emotions suppressed in the bones are running around in the blood.

The more Ann Ruoxi looked, the more familiar she felt.

It's the man!

What does he want to do when he invades the headquarters of Beichen family?!

Is the recent events of Beichen night related to him?!

For a moment, many thoughts were skipping in an Ruoxi's mind.

Ann Ruoxi didn't have time to think about it. She curled her fingers for a moment, then quickly extended them, and her ten fingers were flying on the keyboard.

It was so fast that it was almost invisible.

Now that you have determined who the other party is, you can't let the other party continue to look.

Jump out.


An Ruoxi half way out, directly cut off the other side has not completed all the action.

Almost all the extracted data were withdrawn and destroyed, and only some small documents were taken away.

The other party's efforts just failed.

A few years.

Although the other side's technique has improved a lot, but some habits seem to have not changed.

An Ruoxi jumps directly to the other party's retreat block, continuously sets up obstacles, and begins to set out to locate the other party's position.

A map jumps out on the computer screen, and the position is constantly shifting and then shifting.

It seems that in order not to reveal their identity, the other side used multiple protection nets to protect themselves, and even some addresses are still abroad.

Various countries and regions, complex.

The corner of an Ruoxi's lips are not smiling.

Ten fingers in the keyboard to tap.

Da, Da, Da, Da -

the sound of hitting the keyboard is as dense as the drum beat before the war.

The light of the screen hit her face, and her eyes were brighter.

She kept breaking through and breaking through again and again.

The other party's position has shifted back to China, gradually becoming clearer.

On the other side.

An Ruoxi is not vague, still in the other party to set obstacles, so that the other side can not be successfully separated.

The only way to get away from it is to disconnect the network and turn off the computer.

But in this case, those documents that have been taken away but not yet saved will also be destroyed.

It's also because he doesn't want to lose the documents that he's so persistent in breaking through the barriers.

When the location of the red dot becomes more clear, an Ruoxi's eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

Haosheng court.

This place is famous in China.

Not only that.

All the people living in this position are political figures.

What does he mean by living here?

Suddenly -

the red dot disappeared.

The location is only located in Haoting Shengyuan, but not in the specific location.

An Ruoxi sits on the e-sports chair, looking at the computer screen completely calm down, and her fingers are beating rhythmically on the computer table.

This action seems to have become a little habit when she is thinking about things.

What is the man who chose to break through at this time?

What's more, the address he chose also means his next move?


On the other side.

Haoting Shengyuan.

Large areas of villas are brightly lit.

In the center, next to the fountain, there is a building with a strong European style, but it is unique.

Only the bedroom had dim light.

The closed curtains and dim lights make the owner of the building look more mysterious.

Inside the building.

Master bedroom.

Gong Jun's body is still wearing the evening dress for the evening party.

His cheek was a little red, and he seemed to have drunk a lot.

But that pair of dark eyes, but transparent and sharp.

He was staring at the black computer in front of him, his eyes were clear and sharp.Just now that person intercepted his technique, let him feel familiar at the same time, but strange.

That familiarity is so strong.

So strong that Gong Jun almost thought that the man was resurrected.

If it was not the last way to block the other party and the people's Congress, it would seem to be a lot more astringent, and Gong Jun would not be sure that the other party was not the person.


It's really a matter of this kind.

Gong Jun pulled his tie, untied three buttons, and revealed his strong chest.

Although not that person.

But in the circle of China, there are still people whose skills can match him. There seems to be no such existence among the people known by Gongjun.

Who is this man?!

Is it a new computer technician from Beichen family?

He had not encountered such a strong opponent when he invaded, although it was difficult to break through.

A time ago.

When looking at the information of Gong Shixun company, there were also individuals who had invaded Gong family.

That man and this person, the technique is a little similar.

But at that time, the other party reacted too quickly, so that Gong Jun could not find out the location, and he lost the trace completely.

Later, it was more careful not to appear.

Will they be the same person?!

Just as Gong Jun was still thinking about these things, his cell phone suddenly rang.

See the strange number of the call display, Gong Jun eyebrows a little frown to pick up.

"Hello." The palace is very quiet.

"Hello, Mr. Gong. Mr. miyazan said he wanted to see you. Ask when you can pass by if you have time." The other side's voice was respectful.

The arc of the palace's steep lips was scorned.

"He wants to see me?" He sneered, "but I don't want to see him."

Miyazan is now in detention for trial.

At this time, I want to see him, I just want to ask for help.

Gong Jun was indifferent and hung up the phone directly.

Soon, there was another call.

Gong CE did not answer.

It is not good for him to stand up the palace Shixun at this time.

But the other side is like a heart, always beating, as if the palace is not connected, he will continue to fight.

The scorn of the palace's lips is more intense.

"Mr. Gong, please listen to me!" Gong Jun one after another, the other side said anxiously.

"OK." Gong Jun said softly, the tone was a little cold and thin.

"Mr. Gong Shixun said, as long as you will see him and help him, he will give you what you want! He said that you must hear that. "

The eyes of Gong Jun rose to a mockery.

"OK, I'll find time to go." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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