Gong CE looks around.

On his computer screen, he is still breaking the password interface.


The red fork appears again.

The reminder of the wrong password seems to be a mockery of his technology for many years.

So bright red color, as if can dye red everything.

Gong CE's eyes narrowed slightly, and a touch of danger crossed it.

Speed up your hands.

Dada, dada, dada

The hand speed, which is too fast to be seen clearly, is like a ghost hand that can't be caught.

It was as if a few buttons were dropped in a moment.

Lu Tian, Lin Zhan and Feng Chen all looked at the exaggerated sound. When they saw Gong CE's hand speed, they were surprised.

Is that fast speed really what normal people can do?

But if he can't, Gong CE demonstrates it in front of them.

Even if the champion of international competition, hand speed is not so fast to such a terrible degree.

"The speed It's terrible! "


"It seems that there are a lot of talented people here. We should wait until we find out more about Gong CE's specialty."

"Yes, as handsome as he is, he has a lot to use." Lu Tian even wants to transfer his job to Gong CE.

Lin Zhan hooked his lips and patted Lu Tian on the shoulder with his hand: "this matter, no one is competent except you, so you don't have to try to get rid of it."


The three men discussed in a low voice.

Feng Shen looks at Gong CE's hand speed, and his drooping eyes seem to have light flashing constantly.

If it is such a hand speed, it will not be as simple as guarding the road.

Gong CE can do anything.

Every branch can be tried by him.

Gong CE doesn't know what people think here. He looks at the screen in front of him.

If he chooses to attack hard, he must break all the procedures of the other party before. Because it is set by Gong Jun, the difficulty coefficient is very high.

Gong CE's forehead is sweating, and his super fast hand speed makes his physical strength drain faster.

But these are not the scope of Gong CE's worries.

What worries him most is that even if he tries his best to finish it, he still fails.

After all, Gong CE has learned how powerful Gong Jun is in this respect.

Biting his teeth, even though his hands have a strong sense of powerlessness, Gong CE still keeps his hands on the keyboard and keeps beating.

And a little bit more.

It's just a little more persistence and it's done.

In Gong CE's eyes, that wipe firmly more bright, twinkle.

Finally -


A clear voice rang out.

The interface goes directly to the background.

Gong CE quickly releases all permissions.

Let the permission that can't comment be released first.

Then release other permissions.

Lu Tian saw this, directly and quickly opened the comment mode, and quickly gathered other people to comment and the above picture.

After finishing everything, a sense of emptiness quickly surges up, and Gong CE's strength seems to have disappeared.

At this time, Lu Tianfa came to a link.

Gong CE frowned.

It's all about Anya's fabricated evidence.

Every picture is very real and there is no flaw in it.

Every sentence is well founded and there is no way to refute it.

The other side's tactics are very powerful.

If it wasn't for years of contact with computers, you wouldn't have seen anything wrong.

And it's obviously a team at work, and the speed with which the evidence is updated is amazing.

It seems that Gong Jun is a tough hand.

Not only because of their own interests, but also in the statement to Gong CE, and against him, there is no benefit!

Gong CE took a deep breath, and the feeling of powerlessness became stronger and stronger.

For Gong CE, this is not just a contest.

At the same time, it also cut off the friendship between Gong Jun and him.

Gong Jun is the first person in his family to smile and express kindness to him, and his most respected uncle.

Gong CE never thought that they would come to this step one day.

Draw a knife at each other.

The hand on the keyboard wants to be knocked down, but Gong CE finds it very difficult.

The slight tremor could not be seen if it wasn't for a close look.

However, Gong CE obviously felt that his heart was struggling.

The balance in his heart, like his hand, vibrated constantly.Everything in the past can't be put down.

Gong Jun is determined this point, will ignore directly set such a barrier.

If Gong CE destroys this post, or continues to help Anya.

Then the relationship will be over.

On the contrary, their relationship can continue.


A reminder sounded.

A private message came straight through.

Even Gong CE doesn't need to go. This private letter has been opened automatically.

It's time to choose.

Gong CE's pupils shrank.

This private letter is not just a reminder to Gong ce that he needs to make a choice.

At the same time, he is also telling him that all his operations are under the control of Gong Jun.

What he has just done has no influence on Gong Jun.

But now in this post, if he chooses to help Anya, what will Gong Jun do next?


Another message came out.

You can't resist.

Even if only a few words, but Gong Jun can still feel Gong Jun's determination.

This is not a provocation.

But he told Gong CE plainly that he could not do it and could not resist.

Gong CE's face turned pale.

Staring at the four words "unable to resist" in front of him.

Is it really impossible to resist?

Can he only watch Anya be destroyed in the storm of interests?


Gong CE quickly taps on the keyboard and responds to Gong Jun's private message.

There are two explanations for this sentence.

One is that Gong CE apologizes for the previous events, expressing his apology for Gong Jun.

The other is that Gong CE couldn't listen to Gong Jun's words and chose different directions from him.

From then on, the two people went against each other.

The former is what Gong Jun wants to see.

However, the moment when Gong CE's fingers kept flying on the keyboard began.

Everything is doomed.

Break, break, break again.

One comment after another was destroyed.

All the evidence that is still growing is refuted at this moment.

Gong CE's hand is incredibly fast.

The feeling of powerlessness was completely ignored.

The light from his eyes was fierce.

In the second that Gong CE hits the keyboard, the game between him and Gong Jun begins.

At this moment, the closest person becomes the enemy.

Two people are not polite, fighting each other in the network world.

At the beginning, Gong CE showed some mercy.

But Gong Jun didn't give in half. Every time he made a move, the system on Gong CE's side was going to be paralyzed.

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