Gong CE is stunned.

What's his master like?!

An Ruoxi suddenly asked, palace policy for a time did not know how to answer.

"You can see from my technique that my master is very similar to your master. What is your master like?"

An Ruoxi looks at the teenager on the other side innocently.

"You can't always listen to your one-sided words."

Gong CE's eyes are a little lax. He seems to be thinking about how to describe the master.

There are so many phrases in this world.

However, Gong CE couldn't find a suitable word to describe silver.

It's a person you can find your own meaning when you talk to her.

But even after being taught by silver for so many years, Gong CE found that she did not know much about her.

"My master..." Gong CE slowly opened his mouth, but when he said this, he gazed at an Ruoxi, but seemed to see another person through her.

The man

His master, male or female, is good or bad, he actually does not know how to judge.

There seems to be something to say.

However, in the end, they all swallow back.

The most mysterious hacker silver, whose identity has never been revealed, only stayed longer than usual when he was taught.

Originally, the inertia of silver will never stay in the same IP longer than it is found.

I taught him, but I didn't want to admit it.

Clearly is the darkest person, but I don't know why it makes people feel like light.

A rebellious child with a bad temper, who was clearly in despair, felt that the world was against him, but he met that man.

He did not teach him the truth of being a man, nor did he give him warm comfort.

On the contrary, what Gong CE got at that time was cold irony and cold blow.

It is for this reason that the bottom of my heart is not willing to accept defeat and compromise.

"He's not really a good man..."

For a long time, Gong CE's voice began to ring.

"But some people think she's good."

Those who are so desperate that they no longer believe in the world have been pulled out of the darkness by that hand.

Then, live with hope again.

Although there are not many such people, they exist.

Like him, they live in this world without knowing each other.

I've witnessed that man.

Gong CE has a bitter expression.

He seems to have forgotten the purpose of calling an Ruoxi here.

An Ruoxi gaze at Palace CE, he said not much, just a sentence.

But each word has a strong emotion, seems to express the missing of that person.

The child is really missing her.

An Ruoxi's expression can't help but feel a little trance, as if to see the years when he taught Gongce.

She always laughs and calls him - little M.

He always retorts angrily. He will grow up.

However, after rebirth, when he called his name again, he was more dazed, silent and fixed on himself.

Now it seems that every time Gong CE sees silver through himself.

An Ruoxi didn't expect that Gong CE would remember every word he said.

There are some words, even Gong CE said, an Ruoxi just remembered.

Little m

An Ruoxi opened her mouth and almost blurted out the name of Gong CE.

"I haven't seen anyone more powerful than Shifu. Unfortunately, I don't even know that he is a man or a woman." Gong CE hooked his lips, but behind the smile, it was sour: "I even thought that if I grow up in the future, I must find a way to track her, and I must know his news from my uncle."

However, he has grown up.

She disappeared.

At the beginning, all the thoughts in my heart have become delusions.

Even now, he has not seen her.

"Even men and women do not know, then your master is very mysterious." An Ruoxi pretended to be surprised and said, "generally you can do so much. You should not be young. In addition, she has taught you for several years."

Ann Ruoxi's hand was on the table and lit rhythmically.

At this moment, she completely separated from her, as if Gong CE didn't say it.

She's Anna.

I don't know silver.

I don't know Gong Jun.

I don't know Gong CE.

Those past lives, have nothing to do with her, are erased from her mind.

An Ruoxi such a reaction, is undoubtedly more sit her innocent.

"Since you said that your master didn't show up in recent years, when was the last time she was with you?"Gong CE wants to know whether the disappearance time of master an Ruoxi is close to that of his master.

"March 5th, three years ago." Ann Ruoxi said directly.

That should be the last time Yin contacted Gong CE.

Because after that, silver was caught, and the painful years began.

She didn't know how long she had been caught and tortured.

There, there is no day.

There is no night.

It's just torture.

An Ruoxi's words, but let palace CE's eyebrows all of a sudden wrinkle tight.

"March fifth?"

"So early?"

"Are you sure you remember correctly?"

Gong CE was directly surprised and asked three times.

"What do you mean?" An Ruoxi looks at Gong CE suspiciously.

Is there anyone else to contact Gong CE with his own identity?

If there is, the only one who can do this is Gong Jun, who is very familiar with both of them.

Otherwise, a mouth will show a flaw.

Ann Ruoxi kept her doubts on her face, and had her clue in her heart.

"My master disappeared in August. If they were the same person, how could they not contact you in March?" Gong CE said with some doubts:

"so she contacted you?" An Ruoxi blinked. This is something she didn't know: "it seems that master is better for you."

"Actually Gong CE uttered a pause, and his bitter smile at the corner of his mouth was even deeper: "he has never admitted that he is my master."

Therefore, it is extravagant to contact such things.

But there was a single line contact with him in August.

But now it is basically certain that the master of an Ruoxi should be silver.

It can be seen from the imitation of an Ruoxi.

In this world, no one else will use this way of operation.

"Then don't think about it. Anyway, you are not masters and apprentices. What do you care about so much?" An Ruoxi patted Gong CE on the shoulder. At that time, she was asked by that person to teach the child, but the time was not long.

The word "talent" is best reflected in Gong CE.

That child is the most talented person she has ever met.

It's not that I haven't thought about recruiting students.

However, an Ruoxi still remembers what her master said, and she must not be too intimate with people in the same circle.

So she made room for herself.

"So what? It's her business that she doesn't want to shout, but it's my business whether she shouts or not." Gong CE said stubbornly.

"It's up to you." Ann Ruoxi shrugged and did not speak.

"So, in fact, something happened to him." Gong CE took a deep breath and said his last guess.

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