Mushroom fans said with concern.

Gong CE's fans are very excited.

They cheered for the excellent operation of their idol.

"God of war, God of war, invincible!"

"God of war, God of war, will win forever!"

Everyone can feel the excitement of the fans at the moment.

The mushroom has only silk blood left.

Just then.

He moved.

For the assist of sprint, press the two skills to slow down Gong CE's action, and then dazzle him with big moves. In the moment of Gong CE's dizziness, the time for heaven and man to fight comes.

To continue fighting, if Gong CE regains consciousness, the mushroom is likely to be directly killed.

But now only one-third of the blood left in Gongce, no matter who, is a strong temptation.

What are you going to do?!

This moment.

The whole game was extremely depressing.

Fans on both sides are in fear.

But the next second, mushroom quickly rushed back to his tower, using the ability to return to the city.

As we all know, mushroom's action represents no longer loving war.

This is the most stable operation.

But it's not like mushrooms.

Gong CE looks at the mushroom to leave the action, eyebrows a Yang.

Although he has not played with mushroom, he hopes that one day he can know himself and know the other when he plays against mushroom because both of them are famous foreign single player.

Before that, he had studied how to play mushrooms.

But that's not how mushrooms play.

What the hell does he want to do?!

At this time --

"let's go

"My God, how wonderful it is

"It's a perfect match."


The audience at the scene all looked to the road.

Only the mage operated by Locke and the assistance of Chaosong operation cooperated closely.

An iron hook stretched out, and Lin Zhan was directly hooked over.

Chaosong's assistance immediately follows, the attack power multiplies.

Locke moves first, a skill to keep up with, Ping a consecutive.

Lu Tian has no way to save people.

"Let's go!" Lin Zhan reminds in the earphone.

He kept pressing the flashing button with his fingers, hoping to escape as soon as his opponent's vertigo skill was over.

"I'll give you blood!" Lu Tian Shen Sheng said that he was also looking for opportunities.

Lin Zhan pursed his lips, but said in a deep voice, "go, there's no chance!"

The blood bar is constantly reduced, and Locke's operation is still like rain.

He knew that he would lose Lin.

Then you can't let Lu Tian pay any more.

Lu Tian bit his teeth and turned to go.

However, Chaoge directly rushed to him and blocked his way.

"It's not so easy to go."

Two auxiliary games, rely on the move.

The first drop of blood!

The sound of the system went off.

Lin Zhan's character slowly falls to the ground.

Lu Tian quickly bypasses Chaoge and wants to leave.

A purple and black hook came out.


Avoid success.

Lu Tian wants to leave.

Chaoge, however, blocked him in front of him again.

She seemed to have already calculated his place.

"Since losing to you, I have studied it specially." Chaoge playfully said, but it can make people feel the murderous spirit hidden in the tone.

This sentence is not as simple as saying hello.

She was declaring that she had come to defeat him.

Lu Tian is blocked.

Locke's hook follows.

After successfully hooking Lu Tian, Chaoge quickly helped to keep up.

Lock's big move issued, all of a sudden dropped Lu Tian half blood.

Blood bar is still constantly reducing, the speed is so fast that people dare not blink.

Second strike!



"Beautiful! Even kill

"It's a great match. How much training has been done at the bottom to achieve this?"

Fans were amazed with disbelief.

Aw crown team members, fingers can not help but slightly frozen.

When an Ruoxi rushes past, the opponent has already returned to the city to replenish blood.

Lin Zhan and Lu Tian's characters are still lying on the ground, unable to move.Now, the opponent's economy is ahead.

Their development is also in the lead.

With one blood taken, they can only recover the situation by winning Bruce Lee within 10 minutes of the opening game.

Now, it's eight minutes to start.

In other words, an Ruoxi has only two minutes to snatch Bruce Lee.

Not only that.

I'm afraid the opponent is also coveting this.

An Ruoxi quietly comes to Bruce Lee's position.

The opponent has already been waiting.

There was a sense of danger in the air.

An Ruoxi squints slightly, but starts attacking Bruce Lee as if nothing happened.

I'm afraid the opponent is waiting for her to come here, and then reap the head after she almost won Bruce Lee.

Ann Ruoxi hooked her lips.

She had never been robbed of her prey from under her hand.

Beautiful walk, so that the girl's operation of the game role looks more light as a swallow.

When Bruce Lee roars, she quickly escapes and continues to attack.

"Gong CE, I'll take Xiao Long. You come to block the opponent's fighting field. It's in the direction of nine o'clock behind me."

"Got it!"

Say and answer.

After putting down the action of pushing the tower in his hand, Gong CE rushes directly to the direction of Xiaolong, and when he is approaching, he goes around the position behind the enemy.

Bruce Lee's blood bars are constantly decreasing.

One half.

One third.

Residual blood.

Silk blood.

Right now!

An Ruoxi lips slightly raised.

Quickly press Ping a for a few times, then press another skill.

Successfully won Bruce Lee.

Team experience and economy doubled.

"Is there any mistake?" Chu Fei angrily looks at her character to be dizzy in place, originally held back for a long time of skills are useless.

She specially stayed here to watch her team's economy keep climbing and know that her opponent will come here to get Bruce Lee.

Otherwise, they will not be able to continue playing.

But I didn't expect that her opponent found her crouching here in advance, and could know her ambush position so accurately.

It's very frustrating.

"It's not over yet." Gong CE's voice suddenly comes out from the earphone.

See an Ruoxi and palace CE directly to the beginning of the Fei encircle.

Chu Fei's dizziness has been lifted, a flash ready to leave.

But her action, but early by palace CE see through.

He managed to intercept her.

A two skills slowed her pace, and all the people saw was a figure rushing out of the grass, like a purple black mist that wrapped Chu Fei's role in the game.


The whole process, just a few seconds.

Chu Fei is surprised to see the role of the game that he holds, full of disbelief.

What happened?!

She hasn't started to show her speed yet, so it's gone?!

Chu Fei's eyes suddenly become cold.

At that moment, she seemed to be upgrading in an instant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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