It's him!

When people saw that young man, their eyes could not help but brighten up.

Mo Sheng.

If there is a person whose name is well known in the miracle, Mosheng must be one of them.

He is good-looking, good-natured, soft and cute, and has a good temper. No matter how difficult the technical problems are and how tricky they ask for advice, they always answer them patiently and never get angry.

The last Sheng is also the gold medal technology of miracle game.

Every time there is a problem in the system, as long as the end Sheng hands, it will be easily solved.

Miracle of this game, can get so many players love, end Sheng is also a great contribution.

Therefore, the end of Sheng now suddenly appeared on the big screen, naturally also caused a lot of sensation.

The audience below could not help but talk.

"How could the last Sheng suddenly appear?"

"Yeah, he looks serious now."

"He should have settled this matter today."

"Is he speaking for the king? After all, the evidence is from the night team..."

"Mosheng will not be bought."

"Can you buy him off? He loves miracles, but many people can't match him! "

"I said that the king is absolutely impossible to cheat. We can all see the king's operation all the way. When she took new people, she basically took one against five and didn't need any help at all!"

"Yes, the king is good at playing wild. Only when she helps others, when does she need others to help her?"

"It's really wonderful that someone finally came out and returned the king's innocence."


There was a lot of discussion below.

Several people on the stage, at the moment when they saw the appearance of the last Sheng, their looks changed.

Gong CE thought deeply.

The mushroom looks cold.

The night of Beichen is a strategist.

An Ruoxi pick eyebrows, looking at the face of the whole people are dispirited at the beginning of the Fei.

She seemed to wilt, and the whole spirit was drained.

Ann Ruoxi knows that the last trace of hope left in the heart of Chu Fei is also completely shattered.

Hand suddenly a tight, an Ruoxi side eyes, on the north star night deep eyes: "this matter to me."

At the moment, that pair of black eyes is like a deep ocean, people can't help but leave all things to him to do.

An Ruoxi drooped her eyes and looked at the distance between them. She took a step forward and stood beside him.

The two were on the same level.

An Ruoxi is still looking at the eyes of the north star night, clearly catching the gentle touch in his eyes.

She knew, and he understood what she meant.

The next second, an Ruoxi's hand was forced everything, was directly pulled to the north star night in front of.

Hair top a warm, North Star Night warm big palm on her hair top, rubbed her hair, directly came to a sudden touch head kill.

He put out his hand and gave her a sharp hook on the nose.

Then, that pair of dark eyes flashed a helpless, low sigh, just way: "you ah, when can learn to rely on me."

An Ruoxi lips a hook, to the North Star Night squeeze squeeze left eye, made a wink.

"Isn't it better? As long as you turn your head, I'll stand next to you. " An Ruoxi's tone is somewhat playful.

She has always known that Beichen night wants to protect her, not to let her see so much black, want her to be able to stand behind him undamaged and protected forever.

He has such confidence.

They have the same ability.

But an Ruoxi knows that only by standing beside him can two people walk more stably and for a long time.

"Yes, it's much easier to turn around than to look back." The North Star Night seldom jokingly accepted an Ruoxi's words.

But it also shows that he has already compromised.

An Ruoxi Leng for a moment, and then also smile.

Two people get along naturally and harmoniously. In the eyes of the audience, it is like a layer of pink bubbles rising.

In exchange for countless envious eyes.

It seems that they have been getting along with each other for a long time, without any Taiwan edition, which seems to be the case in ordinary days.

In this way, more people feel envious, can not help but give birth to blessing.

"Hello, fans who support the miracle."

On the big screen, Mo Sheng finally opened his mouth. His magnetic voice made him more charming.

"I believe everyone must be very curious. Why am I here today? You should all know what happened in the first solo of miracles."

Hearing this, everyone can't help holding their breath."In the previous two games, the teams of both sides had the situation of personal consciousness of man-machine. The first game was the team of Chu Fei, and the second was the team of King Wang. This situation happened. Here, I would like to say sorry to King ace Joe."

"Because of the system error, it took you so much effort to win the first game."

At the end of the Sheng's words, suddenly caused an uproar on the scene.

Everyone can't believe what their ears are hearing.

The meaning of Mo Sheng is that this matter is actually a system error.

Isn't it because someone cheated?

"I know that it was the king who cheated. There are many languages on the Internet who attack the king personally. Here, I want to clarify the fact that the king did not cheat. This is because the miracle system is in chaos, but now it has been completely solved."

"As for the winner of this competition, I believe everyone has already seen it for all. When someone helped Chu Fei, the king was able to win hard. In the second game, although the king was helped, at the last moment, those people also stopped because of the system repair. It is very rare that the king can choose to fight for victory when he is here. ”

"therefore, after discussion, the organizer decided to maintain the final result of this competition, and King ace Joe won the first solo competition since the miracle started!"

The tone of the last Sheng is slightly trembling with excitement.

And this excitement, also quickly to the surrounding rendering.

"The king is mighty!"

"The king is the best!"

Fans who support Ann Ruoxi embraced each other excitedly.

They have always believed that an Ruoxi will not cheat, and now Mo Sheng has come forward to solve this mystery completely.

Also officially returned to an Ruoxi a clean.

The whole stadium, all the fans who support her, are shouting her name.

The voices were uniform, as if they had been rehearsed countless times.

"Now, let's give the time to the host. The king and Chu Fei have won, but the God of war and mushroom are still in a one-to-one draw. I believe everyone, like me, is looking forward to their two official winners." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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